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HAARP Conspiracy Poll

What, exactly, is HAARP?

  • HAARP is a scientific project with defense implications related to communication or GPS

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • HAARP can control the weather, and can be used to create terrible storms that kill or flood

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • HAARP can move tectonic plates and cause devastating earthquakes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HAARP can control weather AND cause earthquakes, volcanos, and other dangerous phenomenon

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters


Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
People might remember my "9/11 Conspiracy" poll which I made available to only Pakistani folk in Pakistan. Kind of limiting. This one is wide open, for everybody.

I am fascinated by the conspiracy phenomenon, the tendency of people to genuinely believe outlandish theories, often based upon slick YouTube mini-documentaries which seem very authoritative, but which are actually always full of giant holes and loaded with bogus data... which is why they are on YouTube and not the BBC.

My latest exploration of this will be HAARP: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

HAARP Home Page

HAARP on Wikipedia

I ask PLEASE that people answer honestly. This is not a thread to debate HAARP. Again, I ask that people try and restrict comments to the conspiracy theory dynamics rather than HAARP itself.

Thanks! :woot:
us also believed the chemical weapons of iraq conspiracy, why no polls on that for americans??? how many believe in such conspiracy even today????

as u r a big conspiracy theory fan, please go ahead

btw you are not the only member just to post bullshitt and then run away, in the other thread about islamic economic system, you posted about jizya but u didnt bothered to reply back aft the answer
@ fida Jan - I have Muslim friends. I respect Islam. I addressed the thread and posted that I believe a Capitalist system with proper oversight is the best economic model. If you think I did not address properly any objections to Jizya, post them there. I don't "run away." And I also don't curse. When you grow up, you'll find you don't need to curse to make a point.

chemical weapons of iraq conspiracy,

I am not familiar with this one. If you refer to DU, then it, like Agent Orange, is not made as a chemical weapon, it is used for its kinetic penetration ability. We *do* know how to make VX, GB, Sarin, and other chemical compounds that are infinitely more lethal than DU or Agent Orange.

I don't troll. I'm not posting these polls to inflame. I am genuinely curious. The U.S. has its own "conspiracy corps" that believes in everything from Elvis to Bigfoot. What is important is the proportion of believers. It necessarily shapes the approach to a debate. Please, feel free to post any poll you want w/regards to U.S. issues. Note that this poll is open to all, and there are Americans who believe HAARP is an evil weapon.

i think u r familiar with the nature of the people here

Understood... I want to see the possible extent of the conspiracy.
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