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Gwadar - A Jewel in the Crown

The people of Balochistan must be treated fairly, they should be given jobs that the Gwadar harbor will generate. I would like to see more infrastructure built in Gwadar, like clinics, schools, hospitals, home projects, and libraries....

We must Improve the standard of life there.

QUETTA, Dec 6: Minister of State for Production and Industries Hayatullah Durrani has said that small industrial zones will be set up in Gwadar and Bostan area of the Pishin district to create employment opportunities.

Talking to reporters at the press club on Saturday, he said unemployment and poverty were affecting people in Balochistan and other parts of the country and private investment could play a vital role in stabilising the economy. He said the government would launch a programme in the two industrial zones shortly. He asked the local Baloch and Pakhtun businessmen to invest in Gwadar and Bostan areas to encourage private investment.

Referring to the Indian charges that Pakistan was involved in the Mumbai terrorist attacks, Mr Durrani said Pakistan was fighting this menace with all its resources and, therefore, it cannot simply tolerate terrorism in any country.

In reply to a question regarding recent violence in Karachi, he said cooperation and mutual understanding between different political groups could help thwart the motives of criminals. He said the reconciliatory policy of President Asif Ali Zardari was aimed to bring together all political forces to curb violence in Karachi and other parts of the country.

Mr Durrani dispelled the impression that Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was powerless and President Zardari took all important decision. He said the prime minister enjoyed all powers he had under the Constitution. However, he added, Mr Gilani consulted Mr Zardari on political issues in capacity as the co-chairman of the PPP.

KARACHI (December 12 2008): To ensure safe and speedy handling of around 0.35 million metric tonnes of urea, which is due at Gwadar Port sometime by the end of this month, the government is taking crane operators from Karachi to the newly-built port on a salary more than double.

According to sources at least 16 crane operators, at present working at Karachi Port, would leave for the deep-sea port in Gwadar, most probably on December 12 (Friday). It may be pertinent to mention here that according to independent sources initially at least four vessels carrying around 0.124 million MT of fertiliser would anchor at Gwadar Port on 13th, 20th, 22nd and 24th of December. Port of Singapore Authority (PSA), concessionaire and operator of the port, has, however, said the scheduled ships were not likely to arrive before the month's end, as Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) was yet to nominate the shipping agent.

The sources said that the winch operators, who are drawing Rs 40,000 monthly salary would be paid a salary of Rs 90,000 by the stevedores for their specialised services at the Balochistan based Gwadar Port, which is far away from their homes with, comparatively, a less friendly working environment.

The proposed salary package would mark a huge increase of Rs 50,000 or 125 percent that the sources said would somehow affect cost of production for the imported agriculture commodity in an upward direction and would ultimately hit hard the poor farmer and the consumer.

Half of the winch operators would work in the day shift and the other half in the night shift to ensure a fast-paced unloading of the imported cargo which, they said, would help the crises-hit country save millions of dollars in terms of dispatch earning.

A spokesman of the ministry of ports and shipping, however, expressed his ignorance about any such development.

Meanwhile, the sources said Baloch locals, who have long been critical of the past successive governments for, as they claim, denying fundamental rights, like employment, gas royalty etc to poor people of the least developed south-western province, had shown strong reservations over outsourcing of the jobs to Karachiites. They said the people of Gwadar wanted the government to extend training facilities to the locals instead of getting the job done by the skilled labour from outside.
Gwadar Port fully operational, six ships to dock this month: NA told

ISLAMABAD, Dec 17 (APP): Minister for Ports and Shipping Nabeel Gabol told the National Assembly on Wednesday that the Gwadar Port was fully functional and six ships carrying urea would dock at the port this month.
Responding to a question by Sheikh Salahuddin during the Question Hour he said that an amount of Rs 400 million allocated for Gwadar Deep Water Port Project, Phase‑I including deepening of channel from PSDP 2007‑08 had been released to Gwadar Port Authority.

To a question he said that major works of the project had been completed and the sanctioned amount was utilized during the financial year 2007‑08. Remaining minor works were likely to be completed by June 2009.

Responding to another question by Abdul Qadir Patel, he said that no compensation had been paid to the fishermen for the losses suffered by them after grounding of Tasman Spirit in July 2003 as the matter was sub judice.

Answering a question from Belum Hasnain, Minister for Environment Hameedullh Jan Afridi told the House his ministry had taken several steps to control air pollution in the country.

He said the powers to implement Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 had delegated to provincial EPAs for effective monitoring of air pollution.

Four environmental tribunals under section 20 of the of the act had been notified for trying cases of violation through emission caused by the factories, the Minister said.

He told the House that customs duty on import of anti‑pollution equipment had been completely abolished. The EPAs were monitoring the major air polluting industries on regular basis. These industries included sugar,cement,iron and steel sector.

To a question from Nafisa Shah, Hameedullah Jan Afridi said that Pakistan was one of the 12 countries where snow leopards were found and there estimated population here was 200 to 300.

To a question from Rana Mehmoodul Hassan he said that his ministry does not allocate special funds for National Tree Planting Campaign. Rather the provincial forest departments utilized their respective allocated budgets to implement the Spring and Monsoon Tree Plantation campaigns.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Gwadar Port fully operational, six ships to dock this month: NA told
Gwadar Port to become functional on 21st

QUETTA, Dec 18: Gwadar Port will become functional on Dec 21 with the arrival of a large ship carrying fertiliser.

Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani will attend the inauguration ceremony at the port.

Balochistan Chief Minister Aslam Raisani told Dawn on Thursday that the port would become fully functional and more cargo ships would anchor at the port next month.

He said the port was important for economic activities and also had significance for national defence.

“Starting economic activities formally at Gwadar Port was my mission and it is a moment of great pleasure for me that the port is going to become functional,” Mr Raisani said.

He said President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani had extended complete cooperation in this regard.

The chief minister said that the port would bring about an economic revolution in Balochistan by creating job opportunities for local people and help the province to stand on its own feet economically in a short time.

“We want to develop Gwadar Port on the pattern of Singapore port where a large number of ships is unloaded.”

In reply to a question about security in the province,

Mr Raisani said that the law and order situation in Balochistan was better than in other provinces and his government would provide complete security to entrepreneurs who wanted to invest in various sectors in Gwadar and other parts of the province.

He said that the government was striving to increase investments in the province.

The chief minister said that all issues related to Balochistan would be settled soon.

Gwadar Port to become functional on 21st -DAWN - Top Stories; December 19, 2008
Not sure ... please correct me.. the information so far i collected through this forum and from internet.. how this port differ from Karachi??? Is it a realy mother deep sea port. Those kind of port suppose to be way more expensive than what is used in Gwadar...
Not sure ... please correct me.. the information so far i collected through this forum and from internet.. how this port differ from Karachi??? Is it a realy mother deep sea port. Those kind of port suppose to be way more expensive than what is used in Gwadar...

Like mothership can not anchor in any of the indian or pakistani or bangladeshi port.. only feeder vessel comes from singapore and srilanka...
Like mothership can not anchor in any of the indian or pakistani or bangladeshi port.. only feeder vessel comes from singapore and srilanka...
I think motherships cannot anchor in any of the Indian ports.
Like mothership can not anchor in any of the indian or pakistani or bangladeshi port.. only feeder vessel comes from singapore and srilanka...

yes you 50% right because only bangladesh fit in this catagry not india pakistan.who you mixed BD with india pakistan.if gwader port in BD this was one of the best port of world .man please stop these jokeing see your al posts you looks like you just not agree not agree :blah::blah::blah:
yes you 50% right because only bangladesh fit in this catagry not india pakistan.who you mixed BD with india pakistan.if gwader port in BD this was one of the best port of world .man please stop these jokeing see your al posts you looks like you just not agree not agree :blah::blah::blah:

No offense... I was trying to have a discussion on that.. and that was a question whether mothership could anchor in that port or not?... Just take a look the answer made by another Indian friend right before you... But also I may like you to go and see a mothership by yourself first.. Then you wont find this question hilarious.. They are really huge.... They cant come close to shore... Experts from Japan had to work for two years.. to find a location for that kind of port.. and finally they selected an island for that.. and proposed brideges and tunnel over and under the sea.. :cheesy:

I did not get your point on not agree not agree thing... Ofcourse I am just another who has his own way of explaining things... But you should find me to agree on a lot of issues on a lot of topics...

And yes Bangladesh have ports.. but no deep sea port.. they had that on the paper.. and it will be year 2050 to get that fully completed.. That port will be solely used for mothership and be used for regional linkage for feeder ships...
The development of Gwadar Deep Sea Port as per approved PC-I and Master Plan is to be undertaken in two phases.

Phase-I comprises of:

3 Multipurpose Berths
Length of Berths 602m
4.5 Km long Approach Channel Dredged to 11.5m-12.5m.
Turning Basin 450m dia.
One 100m Service Berth.
Related port infrastructure and port handling equipment & Pilot Boat, Tugs, Survey Vessel etc.

The port is equipped with the essential port handling equipment and other infrastructure required for smooth operations of a modern port. The Port will handle Bulk Carriers of upto 30,000 DWT and Container Vessels of 25,000 DWT. Phase-I was completed by March 2005.

Phase – II

This Phase of the Project is planned to be built on BOO/BOT basis at an estimated cost US$. 600 Million and is nearing completion. It will comprise of 9 additional berths as per following details:

4 Container Berths.
1 Bulk Cargo Terminal (to handle 100,000 DWT ships).
1 Grain Terminal.
1 Ro-Ro Terminal.
2 Oil Terminals to handle 200,000 DWT ships.

Phase II of the project involves construction of more berths on BOT basis including two container berths, one bulk cargo terminal, one grain terminal with capacity handling vessels up to 100,000 DWT, one roll on/ roll off terminal, two oil piers for vessels up to 200,000 DWT and future expansion of two container berths. On completion of the project, Gwadar Deep-sea port would be on of the world's most strategically located port in this part of the world.

On successful completion of Phase-I, it is anticipated that the private sector would come forward to invest in the second phase of the Project. It is envisaged that the complete development of such a Mega project will take 8-10 years depending on the active participation of the private sector.

Hope this answers your question. :coffee:
The development of Gwadar Deep Sea Port as per approved PC-I and Master Plan is to be undertaken in two phases.

Phase-I comprises of:

3 Multipurpose Berths
Length of Berths 602m
4.5 Km long Approach Channel Dredged to 11.5m-12.5m.
Turning Basin 450m dia.
One 100m Service Berth.
Related port infrastructure and port handling equipment & Pilot Boat, Tugs, Survey Vessel etc.

The port is equipped with the essential port handling equipment and other infrastructure required for smooth operations of a modern port. The Port will handle Bulk Carriers of upto 30,000 DWT and Container Vessels of 25,000 DWT. Phase-I was completed by March 2005.

Phase – II

This Phase of the Project is planned to be built on BOO/BOT basis at an estimated cost US$. 600 Million and is nearing completion. It will comprise of 9 additional berths as per following details:

4 Container Berths.
1 Bulk Cargo Terminal (to handle 100,000 DWT ships).
1 Grain Terminal.
1 Ro-Ro Terminal.
2 Oil Terminals to handle 200,000 DWT ships.

Phase II of the project involves construction of more berths on BOT basis including two container berths, one bulk cargo terminal, one grain terminal with capacity handling vessels up to 100,000 DWT, one roll on/ roll off terminal, two oil piers for vessels up to 200,000 DWT and future expansion of two container berths. On completion of the project, Gwadar Deep-sea port would be on of the world's most strategically located port in this part of the world.

On successful completion of Phase-I, it is anticipated that the private sector would come forward to invest in the second phase of the Project. It is envisaged that the complete development of such a Mega project will take 8-10 years depending on the active participation of the private sector.

Hope this answers your question. :coffee:

Hmm, then it wont be a alternate to the singapore port!!! But still its a great port... Hail Pakistan for this great project...
do anyone know if the construction work on phase 2 has started or are we still waitin for some foreign investment. apparently phase 2 was to be constructed rit next to phase 1 (im not sure) but i have seen any construction work being carried out in the recent pictures.
Gwadar Port: Govt. to review deal with Singaporean company

Updated at: 0137 PST, Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gwadar Port: Govt. to review deal with Singaporean company GWADAR: Minister of State for Port and Shipping Nabeel Gabol said Saturday that government is reviewing the contract inked with the Singaporean company in the context of Balochistan province.

Addressing a press conference in Gwadar he said that the deal could be canceled if it does not favour Balochistan as he termed Gwadar Port being the property of the people of Balochistan and vowed to make such decisions that are in the interest of Balochistan.

CM Balochistan on the occasion promised to make the Gwadar Port operational soon.
Gwadar | Anchoring progress

The Lauritzen Bulker vessel anchors at the Gwadar Port on Saturday. The vessel was carrying a cargo of 30,000 tonnes of urea. The port formally resumes operations today (Sunday). Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani will attend the ceremony. online​
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