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Gwadar - A Jewel in the Crown

Gwadar Port cargo handling kicks off

Sunday, March 16, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Following decades of perseverance, Gwadar Port finally making history by beginning its cargo handling from Saturday.

Experts said that besides Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, Central Asian countries Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan Russian states would also be using this port, which would be fetching Pakistan huge revenue in terms of foreign exchange, local media reported.

Gwadar Port would be deeper than all other ports in the Gulf, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and others located in this sea belt and huge cargo ships up to 0.25 million tonnes could anchor at Gwadar.

One phase of the port has already been completed, which include three berths and one ramp 600-meter long capable of accommodating several ships at a time.

In the other phase, 10 more berths would be constructed. Besides, the construction on road links with Central Asia was underway. 892-kilometer long motorway would be connecting Gwadar with Turbat, Awaran, Khuzdar and Naudero, which would also help pave the way for road communication with China.

Besides, a network of roads is being laid to connect Gwadar with Iran and Afghanistan.

Experts said that Gwadar city in future would turn into an international hub of industrial and commercial activity, which would not only play a key role in the economic development of Balochistan, but also the entire country.

Gwadar Port cargo handling kicks off
Golden Palms Residential Estate - Gwadar

Golden Palms Residential Estate is one of the most prominent projects recently launched in Gwadar � the new port city of Pakistan. It is situated at the Western end of the city overlooking the Gwadar West Bay. This prestigious residential development, spanning 1000 acres along the pristine waters of the Gwadar beach, promises an exclusive lifestyle with its breathtaking vistas and wealth of quality amenities i.e. hotel, shopping plaza, community centers, sports facilities, urban parks and piazzas and ancillary facilities including a water desalination plant.
Meinhardt are the Principal Consultants - providing master planning, architecture, infrastructure engineering, and project / construction management services. Infrastructure planning and design include earthworks, roads, bridges, culverts, under/over-passes, water supply, sewerage, drainage, electrical and telecommunication networks.

By B. Raman

In my earlier article titled "GWADAR: BALOCHS BLAST DEAL WITH SINGAPORE COMPANY", I had mentioned as follows: " The China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC), which is constructing the two phases of the Gwadar port, has also been given the contract for the construction of a new airport at Gwadar in about 18 months at a cost of $40-50 million. Curiously, whereas the other commercial airports of Pakistan are run by the Civil Aviation Department, the Gwadar airport is proposed to be run by the army and the Air Force. According to Baloch sources, the Pakistani authorities have agreed to allow the Chinese Air Force to use this airport in an emergency. "

2. The following details of this project have since become available from an article titled "Militarisation of Balochistan" written by columnist Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur in the "Post" of February 1, 2007:

-The Chinese will be building the airport 26 km away to the north-east of the existing airport towards Pasni.

-Disregarding the normal procedure, a sum of Rs.1.05 billion for the acquisition of 6,500 acres of land has been released to the Military Estate Officer in Quetta instead of to the Civil Aviation Authority. The land for the airport has already been acquired by the Military Land and Cantonments Department. The JFK airport in New York, one of the largest in the world, covers an area of only 4,930 acres. The land on which the proposed new Gwadar airport will be located is much more than the land on which the JFK airport is located and twice the size of the land on which London's Heathrow airport is located (2,965 acres). In Heathrow, one plane lands or takes off every 46 seconds. Such heavy commercial traffic is never visualied in any airport of Pakistan even in the medium and long terms. Such a huge airport near Gwadar would, therefore, have other objectives. It will serve as a mammoth airbase.

-The total native population of Gwadar is 160,000. The construction of the airport and the deep-sea port will require many times more people. Sixty thousand people are employed to construct the fifth terminal of the Heathrow airport on 260 acres of land. The number of people required for the construction of the second phase of the Gwadar port and the new airport would be twice the native population of Gwadar.

-The military authorities had initially envisaged inducting 2.5 million people (non-Balochs) from the other parts of Pakistan into Balochistan to work in the various projects. The present estimate of the requirement of non-Balochs from other provinces has gone up to five million. This massive influx will deprive the Balochs of their rights. The Government's promise that the non-Balochs settled in Balochistan will not have the right to vote in the local elections to the provincial or federal assembly is an eyewash.

-These projects are serving the two-fold objective of militarising the province and relegating the local population to a minority status.

-The Federal Government has not only been indiscriminately militarising the province, but is also nuclearising it by establishing three nuclear testing sites and six missile testing ranges, without bothering to consult the local Government and people.

-New cantonments are planned at Kohlu, Khuzdar and Dera Bugti, although there are already four major cantonments and 56 mini cantonments along with about 600 check-posts. The Pakistan Air Force already has six bases and the Navy three.

3. In their statements on the subjugation of the Balochs, the Baloch nationalist leaders have drawn attention to the following additional factors, which are responsible for the increasing anger of the Balochs:

-Natural gas was discovered in Balochistan in 1953 and 1954-55. Seventy per cent of Pakistan's gas supply comes from Balochistan and 45 per cent of the gas supply from the Sui gas fields in the Dera Bugti area. The Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) produces 720 to 750 million cubic feet of gas per day from its 80 plus wells. The gas reserves discovered were estimated at 9,625 trillion cubic feet. Balochistan produces natural gas worth Rs.85 billion annually, but gets a mere Rs. seven billion as royalty from the Federal Government. The royalty is based on well-head value and not the market value whereas the Government of Punjab is paid royalty for the gas produced in its territory at market value.

-The gas produced from Balochistan is high-heat as compared to the gas produced in the Panj Pir area of Punjab. Whreeas the Balochs are paid a royalty of a meagre Rs.47 per cubic foot for their superior quality gas, the Punjabis are paid Rs.222 per cubic foot for their gas of inferior quality. Even this meagre royalty is not being paid regularly. The Federation owes Balochistan a sum of Rs. one trillion on account of royalty since 1953. Whereas the Government has no difficulty in finding funds for the armed forces, it says it does not have funds to clear the past dues to the Baloch people, who are afraid that these dues may ultimately be written off.

-The Sui gas is the single largest source of energy supply for industries, power generation, agriculture, commerce and domestic use all over Pakistan. It is also used for the manufacture of fertilisers and chemicals. While all the cities, towns and many of the villages in Pakistan enjoy the benefit of the gas produced in Balochistan, only the military cantonments, four of the 28 districts and 250 of the 28,000 villages of Balochistan enjoy the benefit.

-Next to gas, Balochistan has the largest reserve of coal in Pakistan. All the mining and refining contracts have been awarded to Punjabi companies. Ninety per cent of the coal mine workers are from Punjab.

-China is participating with the Punjabis in the plundering of the natural resources of Balochistan. Chinese firms have been given the contracts for the exploitation of the coal reserves in Sandik. The Chinese firms transmit 50 per cent of their profits to China, give 48 per cent to the Federal Government and give only two per cent to the Balochs towards royalty.

-The Ormara naval base in Balochistan employs 10,000 civilians of whom only 40 are locals. The remaining are from Punjab, many of them Punjabi ex-servicemen.

-When Balochistan agreed to join Pakistan at the time of its independence in 1947, the Pakistan Government agreed to pass a law laying down that only Balochs would be recruited to Government jobs in the provincial administration. This law has since been quitely annulled. However, the law fixing a quota for Baloch recruits in the Federal Government is still on the statute book, but only non-Balochs---mainly Punjabis---re-settled in Balochistan are recruited against this Federal quota. Of the 72 senior posts in the Balochistan Government, only eight are occupied by Balochs. The remaining are occupied by non-Balochs---mostly Punjabis. The Frontier Constabulary (FC) units deployed in Balochistan for maintaining internal security have a total strength of about 35,000. Not one of them is a Baloch. The FC makes recruitment only in the other provinces and from amongst the Punjabi settlers in Balochistan.

-In addition to the FC, 44,000 Pakistan Army troops are deployed in Balochistan---thus making a total of 79,000 members of the security forces deployed in Balochistan to suppress the Balochs---- almost the same number as Gen. Pervez Musharraf claims to have deployed in the Federally-administered Tribal Areas (FATA) against Al Qaeda and the Neo Taliban. In Balochistan, there is one member of the Federal Security forces for every 36 civilian, which is much, much higher than the corresponding ratio in NATO-occupied Afghanistan and the US-occupied Iraq. Last year, the US reportedly objected to the Pakistan Army diverting some of the helicopter gunships given by it for use against Al Qaeda and the Neo Taliban in the FATA to Balochistan for use against the Baloch nationalists. Following this, the Pakistan Army has received some helicopters from China for use in Balochistan.

-Unless royalty is paid to the Balochs for every foot of their territory through which the proposed gas pipeline from Iran to India via Pakistan will pass, the Baloch nationalists are determined to see that this pipeline does not become a reality. The Balochs allege that in the deal signed by a Singapore company with the military-dominated Federal Government for the management of the Gwadar port there is a secret clause under which the Singapore company has agreed not to recruit any Baloch, who is not approved by the Federal Government after security vetting. They have reiterated their determination to oppose the working of the Singapore company in every way they can.

4. According to the Reuters news agency, gas supply to parts of Quetta was disrupted for over 12 hours on February 10, 2007, after suspected militants blew up a major gas pipeline. The 16-inch diameter pipeline was ruptured in the Kili Kambarani locality on the outskirts of Quetta. The explosion caused a huge fire which forced the suspension of the main centre supplying gas to the city. Residents of the provincial capital had to make do without gas in extremely cold weather. The police and the Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) authorities reached the spot soon after the explosion. The repair works started immediately. However, the supply of gas was restored only to some parts of the city through alternative arrangements. Supply to the remaining parts of Quetta was still suspended.

Chinese to Construct Civil-Military Airport at Gwadar
Glory to Gwadar?

Maqbool Malik

ISLAMABAD - The call of first-ever merchant ship Panamax class bulk carrier ‘POS Glory’ at deep-sea Gwadar Port in mysterious circumstances last month has raised many eyebrows.
Background discussions with shipping industry sources by TheNation have revealed likelihood of a deliberate attempt to bring POS Glory, 75,000DWT to cover up some major unlawful activity relating to country’s so-called first deep-sea port.
According to the sources, POS Glory was in fact too large a ship that could take berth at the port because of constraints relating to permissible draught to sail through the port’s navigation channel.
As a result the ship that sailed from Canada to discharge 72,000 tons of wheat at Gwadar was forced to anchor miles away in the sea and was made able to discharge remaining wheat only after offloading up to 9,000 tons by another merchant ship m.v. Hyderabad of national flag carrier, National Shipping Corporation of Pakistan (PNSC).
This, sources maintained, had led to increase in the cost of shipping the commodity at the user end.
Sources argued that call of POS Glory would not have caused such an embarrassing situation had the Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) maintained the planned 14.5-meter depth, whereas the existing depth of the channel and three operational multipurpose berths was stated to be 12.5 meters by the time the POS Glory reached the outer anchorage of the port.
Sources blamed the GPA to be largely responsible for the mess created by the arrival of such a large ship, and apprehended that the port authority was caught in the middle because of its failure to maintain the required depth.
They also blamed the port manager and operator Singapore-based firm PSA and its Pakistani associates that have been favoured by the former government by awarding unprecedented 40 years tax free concession in February 2007 and could have advised the GPA not to allow call to POS Glory in the given situation.
Since the award last year, the PSA has neither made any worth mentioning investment nor it has installed any cargo handling equipment as per the agreement. Sources said the company had recently undertaken installation of container handling cranes.
Sources further pointed out that the PSA had no operational activity in the entire Middle East region after it abandoned the Aden port few years ago but had secured the Gwadar Port concession although there were two other potential investors including the Hong Kong-based Hutchison Ports Holdings and Dubai-based DP World.

The Nation
Breaking the jinx of Gwadar port

ARTICLE (April 15 2008): Gwadar Port Project is beset by a 'comedy' of errors (or is it a "tragedy of errors")? A press report says, "Gwadar Port finally made history by beginning its cargo handling from March 15, 2008."

Once it is fully operational, and all its facilities and infra-structure in place(in complete working order after due testing and trial runs), Gwadar has the potential to be a much more lucrative port than Karachi or Port Qassim, for several reasons:

1) Its geographical and strategic location at the mouth of Strait of Hormuz, and as a deep water open sea port, an advantage not enjoyed by Dubai, Khark Island or Kish (in the Gulf) for instance. There may be competition with Chahbahar port in Iran, but certain political and economic constraints of Iran tend to negate the prospects of Chahbahar in comparison with Gwadar. As a gateway to the landlocked states in Central Asia, and China, Gwadar has no peer.

The advantages of Dubai as a free port, and a tax-free regime, can be overcome by declaring Gwadar also, as a free port for entrepot trade.

2) Climate: Though Gwadar is terribly hot during summer, it does not suffer from the "boiler-room" humidity of the ports in the Gulf, so comparatively, it is a more salubrious place for its inhabitants. Of course, Dubai is far more developed as a really cosmopolitan city and international trade centre, with a fairly long history of trade relations. It is more so because of oil, and the ostentatious display of immense wealth, which Pakistan will take years to emulate. Probably this factor can also work into Gwadar's favour as a much cheaper place and a better locale for cost of doing business, as well as a much better educated and sophisticated human resource powerhouse.

3) It is true that Pakistan is no match for UAE or Iran or other Gulf States in terms of financial strength. However, the backing it receives from China, and the in-built advantage of direct access to nd from Central Asian States (and through them by overland routes to Russia and Europe on one hand, and Korea and Japan on the other), offers to Pakistan a unique opportunity to cash in on its fortunate geo-strategic locale. In years to come, particularly when Balochistan is fully developed and its natural resources harnessed to the optimum, there are good chances, in the not too distant future, to achieve a degree of prosperity rivalling the oil producers.

4) It is obvious that development of Gwadar as a thriving port, depends on adequate and modern infra-structure in its hinterland, and it is assumed that the authorities are alive to the dire necessity of immediate attention to this aspect.

5) The emerging new oil and gas centres around the Caspian seek outlets for their products and Gwadar offers a two-way outlet to markets East and West, North and South, unhampered by the conflicts in much of the region.

6) Initially some dissuasion is to be expected from the existing port facilities in the region, who would naturally be miffed at emergence of a strong contender, but that will gradually subside when they realise the potential of expanding their own business through these new facilities.

7) One big constraint is financing the project with all its paraphernalia and infra-structure, but the future revenue generation potential of the new port will soon recoup the initial outlay, and much more besides.

8) The boon to employment opportunities and social uplift it will bring about will solve the age-old problems faced by the so-far most neglected province of Pakistan, although it has the largest landmass among all the provinces. The fillip to industries, mining, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, trade and commerce in Balochistan will have a domino-effect on other regions as well, all for the better.

9) The cumulative effect of all the above and other factors too numerous to mention will be the gateway for a prosperous and powerful Pakistan, God willing.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
when will gwadar be fully connected to central asia and china in terms of infrastructure?
and how much revenue will it bring in per annum?
Originally Posted by muse View Post
Maybe instead of playing victim of USA, Pakistan should decide that it will end the possibility of vulnerablty on it's Western border by destroying all tribal militias, destroying the radical Islamist terrorist networks operating from there.

Would that not be better than destroying ourselves by blaming all sides except those who are actually the root of all this problem?
Its very easy to sit here and say destroy all tribal militias, without actually giving it a thought about the consequences of it. Consider this if Texas was baluchistan and US pakistan, would the US have had done the same thing, no they would have never even think of doing so. US doesnt give a two centt crap about who lives or die in baluchistan, to them they are all the same. It is us who need to identify who are innocent pakistanies just like you and me and who are radical groubs. And then again we need to identify who we can sit and talk with and who we cannot.The ones that only know the way of the gun yes indeed give them their way but remember military action is not always the best solution. Remember what happened in east pakistan.
People of baluchistan have been deprived of their rights, we are the ones that forced them their young generation to look otherwise because the state could not provide them with education, proper food, clothing and most importantly jobs. We need to except this responsibility and the sooner we do the better it would be for pakistan.
This is exactly what the US opposes too, they just want pakistan to remain busy in this so called WOT, so that a war like situation is kept alive in baluchistan, an area that is rich in minerals and resources not to forget the importance of gawdar which the US is strongly against too and the iran pakistan gas pipeline. There are countless US objectives in this area not just WOT. WOT is just an excuse to keep the US presence in the area and for holding a strong grip on countires like pakistan.
You can do all you want, US will still come up with something to blame you. Sometimes by not doing enough on WOT and others by the fear of nuclear fall out in the hands of terrorists. How many demands will you comply too and for how long?

The above is from Icecold,

Any comments?
Japan to invest in Gwadar, Karachi port

KARACHI: Japanese investors are keen to establish an Automobile City with an investment of $50 million at Karachi or Gwadar Port. The statement came form a delegation of Japanese investors during a meeting with Information Minister Sindh, Shazia Marri, at her office here on Monday.
The delegation led by Irfan Ahmed also said that Japanese businessmen were keen to invest in IT and energy sectors in Pakistan.
The information minister, during the meeting, said that the government would encourage foreign investments in automobile, information technology and energy sectors and give special incentives to foreign investors.
She said the incumbent government is striving to eliminate poverty and unemployment from the country. The government will not only encourage foreign investment but also give incentives to them, she added. Marri pointed out that the Pakistan was facing financial crises and the government sought huge investment to tackle the situation, adding the government was ready to give more incentives to investors.-

Japan to invest in Gwadar, Karachi port - News
Gwadar Port concession questioned

By Parvaiz Ishfaq Rana

KARACHI, May 13: Port and shipping experts have drawn the attention of the Competition Commission of Pakistan towards the monopolistic status of the Port of Singapore Authority International (PSAI), which has been given the 40-year concession to run the Gwadar Port.

The experts have challenged that under the Competition Commission Ordinance, 2007 no single party or company could be given monopolistic control of an entity. However, the Gwadar Port had been handed over by the government early last year to PSAI on 40-year concession.

It is stated that the PSAI had not only been given total control of marine services, and cargo handling but also the possession of the economic zone of the port.

This is in total violation of the CCP regulations and should be rectified at the earliest. It is no wonder, these experts said, why the PSAI having monopolistic control of the port is not inviting shipping lines even after passing of 16 months.

Gwadar Port sources told Dawn that at present, only two refurbished 22-year old gantry cranes had been installed and one pilot boat of much lesser power of 10-knot and tug boat with Bollard pull 24 ton are at the port.

Experts believe that the port needs a pilot boat with 16-knot speed and tug boat with Bollard pull 60 ton to handle large vessels at the deep sea port.

The PSAI has so far not unfolded its business plan or set its port operational targets and the role of the Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) and the ministry of ports and shipping in this regard is also questionable, the experts said.

In their opinion a major flaw in the signing of concession by allowing a single party to have a monopolistic control over all operations of the port, is the main hurdle in smooth functioning of the port.

A senior expert in port and shipping said if the PSAI could invest up to $60 million in construction of a new container terminal at Kandla, India, then why it was reluctant to spend a single penny in Gwadar Port.

Gwadar Port concession questioned -DAWN - Business; May 14, 2008
say hello to privatization, globalisation, and free trade. conceding everything for "40 years" had to one of the most stupidest things I've seen. no port has any agreement that long, the max is usually 20 years.

I smell a foreign hand in this matter, what does everyone think? I was always wondering why the PSA has never done anything in Gwadar?

you only have to look at the pictures of development, you'll see the same orange cranes that you saw two years ago. the only thing i see that's good for gwadar is to nationalize it and put it under private profit-oriented control.
Gwadar Port concession questioned

:pakistan:By Parvaiz Ishfaq Rana

KARACHI, May 13:
It is stated that the PSAI had not only been given total control of marine services, and cargo handling but also the possession of the economic zone of the port.

Experts believe that the port needs a pilot boat with 16-knot speed and tug boat with Bollard pull 60 ton to handle large vessels at the deep sea port.

A senior expert in port and shipping said if the PSAI could invest up to $60 million in construction of a new container terminal at Kandla, India, then why it was reluctant to spend a single penny in Gwadar Port.

Gwadar Port concession questioned -DAWN - Business; May 14, 2008

Do the first lines mean that the profit and what is shipped out of the port are all upto Singapore. I hope its not, not for 40-years.
So we make a very big deep sea port and don't have enough boat and crane power. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Gwadar Pictures from March 2008
(Found on Skyscrapercity)


Zaver Pearl Continental Hotel

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Zaver Pearl Continental Hotel Gwadar, a Five Star Hotel situated on a cliff (Koh-e-Batil), overlooking the port, city and surrounded by azure Arabian waters. The hotel is equipped with all those features which are mark of the Hashoo Group. Brief summary of those features are as under:

Guest Rooms Facilities:

* 120 air conditioned guest rooms including suites, with balconies, located on four floors.
* Provided with most modern facilities, including multi channel TV, fridge, safe and 24 hours room service.
* Hi-TecH communication system including high speed internet connectivity.


* 24 hours coffee shop with seating capacity for 160 guests.
* Specialty restaurant with seating capacity for 95 guests and 3 private dining rooms each accommodating 10 guests.
* 500 seats capacity Banquet Hall (can be sub-divided into two) with pre function space for 250 guests, availability of audio visual and provision of separate entrance.
* Open air Bar-B-Q court
* Business center with three secretarial offices and two meeting rooms, fully equipped with modern communication and audio visual equipments, dinning room / bar facility for 55 guests.
* Male and female swimming pools with fully equipped health club.
* Shopping arcade.
* Meditation court.
* Two high speed scenic elevators.
* Spacious main lobby and ground floor.
* Full laundry and dry cleaning services.
* International standard fire safety and emergency systems.
* Adequate car parking.
* Beautifully landscaped surroundings with water bodies.



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‘Gwadar port can’t be operational before 2011’

KARACHI: Gwadar port cannot be made operational before 2011 as it lacks required infrastructure, communication network and utilities, Minister for Ports and Shipping Qamaruzzaman Kaira said on Tuesday.

“I am shocked to learn that the port has no proper road linkages. No rail network. Even electricity is not there,” he told reporters after inaugurating an overpass on MA Jinnah Road.

He said many cases of embezzlement, corruption and misuse of authority were reported in the Gwadar port, and other allied projects.

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