Desecration of human bodies is forbidden by Islam, and yet the talibozos do it. I find many supporters, closet if not open, of such heinous acts in this very forum. They have been to known to behead alive and kicking human beings. And yet, when one British Gorkha soldier does it to a dead bozo, for want of a better alternative, people go up in arms, crying about the 'crassiness' and cruelty of the episode?
O yaar please don't tell me about this stuff. I see it day in and day out thus my reaction. I am quite frankly sick and tired of mutilation of bodies. My reaction was on the hyping of such a deed as something that is an amazing feat of arms. Its not! Its desecration of the dead no matter who does it. We curse the Taliban on our end for doing the same to our troops and people, yet when I see folks gloating about doing the same to another Talib fighter, I wonder about the right in all of this.
Blain2, I do respect your views on many topics, even agreeing on many of them. However, I dont agree with your view in this context.
A soldier knows whom to respect. And he/she sees to it that it is done rightly. No soldier shows any respect to those bozos, including those of PA says a lot, doesnt it?
Not all soldiers know this Gubby. This sort of stuff has gone on all along and should be condemned as and when it comes up. As a Muslim, I am ashamed when someone representing my religion cuts off the heads of men with hands bonded, or those who are injured or dead. As such I say what I say about this incident with the same conviction.
If you want to tell the world that you stand up for something better, then lets not try to justify such acts. When you take the humanity out of the other side to vilify them, then forget about resolving anything. Lets not lose our humanity in all of this.
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