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'Gujarat Contemplating Defence Manufacturing Policy'

Mass Murderer of 3000 + innocent Indian Citizens will never be allowed to become the PM of India.

I guess you feel the same way about that dictator Mushy, since he invited the Amercians and the result being thousands of Pakistani soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians dead!
ah so you are the sickular one too?? hmmm.. disappointed me.. that's why you were protecting maino mata in the P75I thread, hmmm.. it seems the general public seldom learns it's lesson... :) anyways, just like prism said, vote th gandhi dynasty and see India sink faster, Modi is the last hope...

Who in their right mind would stick up for that Indian blood sucking vampire Sonia or whatever her real name is?

Its a shame... some of you idiots call him a murderer when the courts have ruled otherwise. He is innocent. Modi has the vision and capability to bring India into the 21 st century properly. The only CM to actually tackle the issue of defence.....and here he goes.....this guy not only surprises me, He impresses me 110% of the time.

This statement is coming from a Christian. So to all those who love to bring up his secular credentails, well go suck on it.

Guys I'm not saying I am a Congress supporter or anything,issues like this are not black and white but in this case I just can't overlook what this man has done (of course courts have proven him not liable but that's because most of the evidence is long gone) and it makes me sick in this modren day India such ****s are allowed to hold any office in India. Yes this man has performed an economic miracle in Gujrat but does that absolve him of other crimes? Is the opputunity cost of devlopment innoncents' blood?? Same goes for the 1984 MASS murderes (Congress members) who have never been bought to book, now these are MINUTE elemants in the parties but the fact remains they still are members of the parties and thus represent the parties. Now India has coma along way and on the whole there is religous harmony in India but I feel alot of pain would go away is some semblance of justice was handed out to the victims of these atrocities.

I agree, maybe my comment:


was a little rash but it is truly a blot on India that such men are hailed as heroes and other things overlooked. Even if he had NOTHING to do with it (which I'd say was HIGHLY unlikely) he as CM had a duty to ALL his citizens (India, afterall is a SECULAR nation) and should have ensured a full and transparent investigation LONG ago that actually produced results (if he was completely innocent wouldn't this be the first thing he would do/want to do?).
my only wish is to see modi as a pm one day and than he will rise India to new heights.
my only wish is to see modi as a pm one day and than he will rise India to new heights.

New heights of Barbarism and Slaughter of Innocent Muslims, I guess, so he could replicate the slaughter of Indian Muslims at Federal level just like his record in State of Gujrat.

The only reason this Mass Murderer of 3000+ innocent Indian Citizens is interested in producing more weapons is because he cannot have enough weapons to kill more Muslims.
Sorry courts have ruled otherwise. Speak facts or Ill report you for making false statements.

Courts can WHITEWASH this Genocidal Maniac's Crimes but the World knows better, Genius.

You cannot fool the World with court antics....
New heights of Barbarism and Slaughter of Innocent Muslims, I guess, so he could replicate the slaughter of Indian Muslims at Federal level just like his record in State of Gujrat.

The only reason this Mass Murderer of 3000+ innocent Indian Citizens is interested in producing more weapons is because he cannot have enough weapons to kill more Muslims.

I read it in news that during training of Ajmal Kasab they used to show him Gujarat riots clips, Babri Mosque demolition and Modi's photo on daily basis for their systematic brain wash.

You're not going through the same process are you? :P jokes

And by the way some facts about 2002 Gujarat riots and Modi.

- Riots started after Muslim mobs burnt 57 Hindu pilgrims alive (because they went to visit ram janmabhoomi not a long after babri demolition)
- 1500 TOTAL civilians died. (Not 3000 Muslims as you claim)
- Out those 1500 only 1000 were Muslims, 500 Hindus died as well (Give me an example of a country where this can happen to majority of 90%?)
- All the cases against Modi are fueled by Congress's fear of him.
- They don't give justice to 1984 mobs. Mass murderer Jagdish Tytler (he actually is) is still pretty active in Congress party.
- Hypothetically speaking even if Modi was involved in the riots (he wasn't but let's just say) there is not a SINGLE case against him for murder.
- The case against him is for inaction to prevent riots. Which is nothing but Congress propaganda.
lol pakistanis jumping up and down with fear,If modi becomes pm it will be nightmare senario for all India haters,he do not belive in talks he only believes in action.
I dont think modi alone can make the difference .. If bjp comes to the power than he should be given an important ministry in govt due to his performance
but the seat of prime minister has long deserted him because of his image ..blame media or politics but thats true
seems china is favouring modi over gandhi -nehru congress. coz most of time china got problem due to nehru-gandhi dynasty's ego over 50 yrs right from nehru onwards.

China favours Modi more because his economic model for Gujarat is very similar to our own economic model.

Gujarat has been growing at 10%+, compared to the whole of India which is only growing at 6.1%.

Politics is fickle, and changes all the time. Economic performance is what counts in the end.
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