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Guess who's coming to Red Flag? If you said the Russians, you're right...

The DEW Line

It has been confirmed by USAF...
The DEW Line is a blog too!
. . . .
just google the exercises between india and USA.

u wont believe the results

Yeah I did a while ago, However I am more interested on how the Russian Air Force Sukhois will fair. I have tremendous respect for the Su-27 Family and believe in it as a capable platform, however the same can not be said about the Mikoyan.
. .
Both US and Russians would benefit from knowing each others capability.

both will tone down their tactics and maneuvers.. sussing out each other's techniques and feeding on tactical data.
just like the French do, Americans mock them for staying back and cagey and just devouring the exercise data.

Well, that isn't official. Nowhere on the official Red Flag website has it said anything about Russian participation. This news has been taken from some lame blog written by a Russian and reproduced word-for-word in tens of other blogs sites on the net which unfortunately has been lapped up by the OP making it out as sensational news!!

Unless there's an official announcement of the countries participating, on the official web site, I'll take this news as a pinch of salt.


this is the same technque where complelling "evidence" against Pakistan is built up..

a think tank sends some emails to his mates with his "assumptions" and "accusations"
those emails are "leaked" into a blog
the blog is quoted by a website
that web site is quoted by another website
that website gets quoted by an obscure news site
eventually a main stream media quotes the "breaking news"
and the justification is made.. well "everyone" is saying it so it has to be right.

if you have time and patience to look up the content and the source. you find the key words.. assumptions, maybe, believe, reliable sources, blog, expert
both will tone down their tactics and maneuvers.. sussing out each other's techniques and feeding on tactical data.
just like the French do, Americans mock them for staying back and cagey and just devouring the exercise data.

This is what I know will happen. Both parties' pilots will be told to behave like retards against each other to deny the other side intel and data. So I really would not put the results of this exercise as the score mark between the two.

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