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Growing Chinese navy no cause for fear


Jun 27, 2008
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Growing Chinese navy no cause for fear
08:59, April 27, 2010

As strategic equilibrium is shifting in west Pacific Ocean, even the slightest change can be rough for one side to take.

A regular military drill by Chinese naval ships in international waters early this month caused a fuss in Japan.

The Japanese media was full of hot air over the incident and tried to attach blame to China's seemingly assertive behavior. Admitting the drill took place in international open water, the Japanese media still claimed it raised concern in Japan "since it did not happen before."

A stronger navy is a result of China's growing economic strength and ongoing modernization of its military power. It is a strategic requirement of a big power, which must defend its interests to the best of its ability.

As China is assuming more responsibilities in East Asia, there will be more frequent military exercises in international waters. Beefing up China's naval forces is also necessary given the US is shifting considerable strategic defensive strength in the west Pacific.

Naturally, the transformation of the Chinese navy will bring changes to the strategic pattern in East Asia and the west Pacific Ocean that has lasted for the last five decades. But the trans-formation is positive.
China does not hold an intention to challenge the US in the central Pacific or engage in a military clash with Japan in close waters, though it is willing to protect its core interests at any cost.

The west Pacific region is critical to world peace and stability; ensuring both requires the involvement of all major countries in the area. Neither side has a monopoly over the future of the west Pacific.

Both the US and Japan, along with many other world powers, have aggressively expanded their maritime capabilities, but they need to adjust their viewpoint when considering China's moves. The time when dominant powers enjoyed unshared "spheres of influence" around the world is over.

The purpose of China's growing navy is to provide offshore defense and to protect trade routes and Chinese citizens around the globe. It is difficult to imagine China would rely on a maritime strategic system built by the US after World War II to protect its global interests today.

A growing Chinese navy is a symbol of China's peaceful rise.

Many countries have acknowledged that a rising China does not pose a threat to the world.
If they truly mean it, they should be able to understand a growing Chinese navy.

Source: Global Times
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I LOLed reading this line:

...a maritime strategic system built by the US after World War II to protect its global interests today.

While this came from Communist China, it is still very true...
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