People aren't suffering enough. People aren't dying enough. That's why laymen aren't fearful of what's coming.
If we fail to stop global warming at its current pace, death and suffering will follow on an unprecedented scale. And it will be too late to stop it.
Misconception: WE
cannot stop global warming. This phenomenon is inevitable, and have multiple facilitators including natural, solar and modern industries.
I have two thought provoking analogies to share.
Analogy # 1
Millions of years ago, a gigantic superpredator inhabited and ruled the oceans, identified as the Megalodon today. This species hunted whales for breakfast. Even though mankind have spent decades to understand this species and map its behavior, WE are still not sure how and why it disappeared (i.e. became extinct). Theories include pressures of climate change, extraterrestrial activities, and competition, but none is concrete. Every year, a new theory come to light and make lot of headlines, but many just roll their eyes.
Extinction paves way for new lifeforms to emerge and flourish on Earth, this is a cycle.
Allah Almighty have not promised mankind biological immortality either, WE will not last forever.
Analogy # 2
Scientists first noticed the ozone hole over Antartica in the 1970s. They were in shock and published papers explaining how industrial practices were harming the ozone layer, and aggressively pushed for global implementation of
Montreal Protocol.
Years later, ozone hole still exist and is now understood to be a natural phenomenon. Depending upon different factors, it may contract or expand over time. However, it is a constant. However, climate change advocacy groups will continue to boast about how they saved the ozone layer and that it is healing. What a joke.
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I am all for promoting eco-friendly practices. But let us be realistic here.
WE can push for reforms in our industrial practices but WE need to have realistic expectations. Industries are the primary drivers of modern economies and way of life; WE cannot just shut them down or force them to commit to unrealistic deadlines for switching to eco-friendly practices. Scientists should rather devote their attention to helping industries adopting eco-friendly practices, but these shifts will be slow to materialize. Even eco-friendly electric vehicles are not possible without mining industries.
Sorry but mankind is not returning to jungles to appease some hypocritical cum stupid climate change advocates.