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"Greek Only" Food, Athens erupts in Protest


Oct 20, 2008
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Greece News: Athens Erupts in Protests After Extremists Hand Out Free Food to Greeks Only


Athens' mayor was attacked during a riot that erupted when Greek extremist party Golden Dawn set up a soup kitchen for "Greeks only" opposite the parliament building. Georgio Germenis, a lawmaker elected from the hateful party, drew a gun at Mayor Giorgos Kaminis and lunged at him in an attempt to punch him, instead hitting a 12-year-old girl, according to Greek media.

"Golden Dawn will stand beside Greeks, it will stand by the suffering Greeks whatever decisions the immigrant loving Mr. Kaminis takes. Greeks, keep your heads high, Happy Holidays! We will take our country back," Golden Dawn's Parliamentary Group Head Christos Pappas told media following the riot.

Authorities tried to stop supplies from being unloaded and distributed when violence broke out as Golden Dawn Party members retaliated.
Despite being forced to stop distributions in the square after police used pepper spray and and wooden sticks on the members, Golden Dawn continued distribution of food supplies through their party offices in an Athens neighborhood.

Golden Dawn's violence and racism has propelled it from being a marginalized neo-Nazi group to becoming the third-most popular party in Greece with party members elected to 18 out of 300 Parliament seats after last year's elections.

The party has used Greek suffering amidst record poverty, austerity, and a spiraling economy as a platform against the large immigrant population in Greece. It has often staged violent attacks on immigrants as political rallying points.

The little girl who was punched reportedly has a bruised forehead, but is not badly hurt.

Greece News: Athens Erupts in Protests After Extremists Hand Out Free Food to Greeks Only


If Greeks want I can donate them food, I hope they like Pakistani food. This is what it has come down to people fighting over food in Greece, birth place of Democracy.

Greek police crack down and disperse Golden Dawn's event outside Greek Parliament. Golden Dawn were also reported to threaten the Mayor of Athens Kaminis.
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The reason the Greek Police got involved is because if you read the article an official Golden Dawn Member pulled out a gun threatening the Mayor of Athens Kaminis, the Golden Dawn member then attempted to punch the Mayor instead he misses and punches a 12-year old girl...

I highly doubt immigrants in Greece would even want to take food from Golden Dawn, immigrants in Greece work for a living and can feed themselves, so that is not the reason for the protests it seems.
Hope Greek economy recovers soon, news out of Greek are very depressing lately.
Hope Greek economy recovers soon, news out of Greek are very depressing lately.

I think it's quite amusing to see a European nation fighting over food. You think they give a damn about you?
Bunch of retards these Golden Dawn,troubling fact is that they are rising in the polls,can't really understand how greeks think that skinheads rulling the country will do wonders for the economy.:what:
I think it's quite amusing to see a European nation fighting over food. You think they give a damn about you?

Nope, but its sad none the less. Immigrants will bear the burden if it continues like this.
Bunch of retards these Golden Dawn,troubling fact is that they are rising in the polls,can't really understand how greeks think that skinheads rulling the country will do wonders for the economy.:what:

Common Greek man is unemployed, frustrated, feels like a loser. Golden Dawn comes along and gives them hope, feeling of significance, pride, patriotism, Sparta, and now food...
I think it's quite amusing to see a European nation fighting over food. You think they give a damn about you?

It's the little things that make you happy,huh?

Common Greek man is unemployed, frustrated, feels like a loser. Golden Dawn comes along and gives them hope, feeling of significance, pride, patriotism, Sparta, and now food...

An educated man should see beyond little things,and it's just pure idiotical to think that a bunch of racists can solve the dire economic situation Greece is in.
It's the little things that make you happy,huh?

An educated man should see beyond little things,and it's just pure idiotical to think that a bunch of racists can solve the dire economic situation Greece is in.

It's the little things that make you happy,huh?

It depends on my mood, but yeah I'm usually happy with a small win there and here. Greeks are just a very racist people, they blame all the immigrant groups for problems x,y,z so it's nice to see them suffer a little. I think we all have a little sadistic side to ourselves. Though I was being honest when I said I would give them food, I will break my bread with them, but they would probably be too proud and arrogant to accept food from a Pakistani, in spite of the food being delicious.

An educated man should see beyond little things,and it's just pure idiotical to think that a bunch of racists can solve the dire economic situation Greece is in.

True, but there is a saying we are 6 meals away from anarchy. If a population (of a developed country) goes without eating 6 meals due to food shortage the society will descend into anarchy or prep for anarchy.
It depends on my mood, but yeah I'm usually happy with a small win there and here. Greeks are just a very racist people, they blame all the immigrant groups for problems x,y,z so it's nice to see them suffer a little.

Don't get fooled into thinking that only the muslim minority is targetted.My brother(romanian,white,fellow orthodox christian) worked as a waiter in Greece two years ago and one day he was violently accused by some greeks that he is stealing their jobs,ofcourse you would rarely see a greek willing to work for 400 euros/month,that would just be demeaning for them,looks like starvation is a better alternative.I for one see a work ethic problem here,i was raised into the belief that if you want to survive you'll work as long as you can put food on the table.
Don't get fooled into thinking that only the muslim minority is targetted.My brother(romanian,white,fellow orthodox christian) worked as a waiter in Greece two years ago and one day he was violently accused by some greeks that he is stealing their jobs,ofcourse you would rarely see a greek willing to work for 400 euros/month,that would just be demeaning for them,looks like starvation is a better alternative.I for one see a work ethic problem here,i was raised into the belief that if you want to survive you'll work as long as you can put food on the table.

Sorry to hear about how your bro was treated, in US many people employed or unemployed don't disrespect waiters and tip them well.
Sorry to hear about how your bro was treated, in US many people employed or unemployed don't disrespect waiters and tip them well.

No big deal,he packed up and left,tips are good everywhere except the english,they are real cheapskates i've been told :undecided:
greeks have become beggers so whats wrong with providing them free food?
Immigrants work and dont need free food...unless they are stopped from working...in which case they become beggers too.
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