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Athens may get first mosque

Why what? You can't build churches on the holiest lands on earth, can you? Besides, non-Muslims aren't even allowed in those 2 cities. The rest of the world doesn't matter; KSA should allow their Christians to build churches any where in their country if they desire.
Okay, but that's for Riyadh to decide. Just like this is for Athens to decide.
KSA has many Indian workers too but it does not allow Hindu/Sikh Temples to be built in the fat wahabi kings kingdom :disagree: but when their black gold runs out they will be back riding camels and giving up their 4x4's plus looking for pearls like their forefathers ;)
To be fair, the Saudis are looking at long term solutions, such as solar energy exports. The government is far from stupid, they know they'll run out of their bread and butter sooner or later, which is why they're investing so heavily in building up KSA as an economic hub (KAEC), and alternative forms of energy.
To be fair, the Saudis are looking at long term solutions, such as solar energy exports. The government is far from stupid, they know they'll run out of their bread and butter sooner or later, which is why they're investing so heavily in building up KSA as an economic hub (KAEC), and alternative forms of energy.

Qatar and UAE is doing a good job in making both countries a international destination for doing business and travel, KSA has a vast desert which is ideal for solar. KSA also gets revenue from the annual Haj but what they did in Mecca surrounding it with those grotesque buildings was not a good move in my view in the long run, they should have kept it simple and spiritual rather than building glass skyscrapers which does not suit the surroundings.
Qatar and UAE is doing a good job in making both countries a international destination for doing business and travel, KSA has a vast desert which is ideal for solar. KSA also gets revenue from the annual Haj but what they did in Mecca surrounding it with those grotesque buildings was not a good move in my view in the long run, they should have kept it simple and spiritual rather than building glass skyscrapers which does not suit the surroundings.
On the other hand, it was an economic necessity. The Saudis needed revenue, and this is how they did it. The pilgrims need a place to stay before and after the hajj, making apartment complexes was the best way for KSA to get some more cash for hosting such a large population spike.
On the other hand, it was an economic necessity. The Saudis needed revenue, and this is how they did it. The pilgrims need a place to stay before and after the hajj, making apartment complexes was the best way for KSA to get some more cash for hosting such a large population spike.

Agree with you but the design of the buildings is out of touch with the surroundings, I mean they have all the money in the world they could have come out with a better design more in keeping with Arabic style rather than western. Look at that Iraqi lady she designs stunning buildings! I am sure she would have designed something better than just a normal glass skyscraper that can be found anywhere.
Unfair comparison. Those two cities are sacred to Muslims and are holy sites, whereas Athens is not. Are there any mosques in Vatican?

Similarly, there are Churches in Ankara, Tehran, Islamabad etc.

Quite correct.A more apropriate comparison would be to be allowed to build a church in Saudia Arabia except the two holy cities.Something in the lines Italy-Vatican.

P.S. I am not saying that we should build mosques in Europe on a quid pro quo basis with Arab nations.We pride ourselves in having a better human rights record than that.
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Lets build a church in Medina and Makkah also.
Very good, JEW NATO make wars in other countries so destroy the identity of those terrorists
Agree with you but the design of the buildings is out of touch with the surroundings, I mean they have all the money in the world they could have come out with a better design more in keeping with Arabic style rather than western. Look at that Iraqi lady she designs stunning buildings! I am sure she would have designed something better than just a normal glass skyscraper that can be found anywhere.
The western culture is the global common culture right now, even hardcore conservatives in non-western nations are susceptible to it, Saudi Arabia is no exception. As new powers rise, the influence of older powers decline, and the culture they spread to other nations start to be overtaken by newer influences. Once something becomes a part of a civilization's culture, it is hard to get it out (the greatest example of this is Greek culture), but most cultures don't try and replace, but rather compliment those previous influences with newer influences.

I don't think that I quite got my point across, and it may sound gibberish, but to be fair, this is a topic that cannot be summarized in a few sentences. You'd need decades to properly explain such a topic/
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