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Greece to acquire 24 F-35 at a cost of $3billion, Defense Minister reveals

How come India pays 9 billion dollars for 36 Rafales and Greece pays only 3 billion for 24 F35 which are better?
Economy of scale
Second this is more like 6b if you inculde weapons training logistic and spares to same degree as rafale

But basically rafale and f35 are same cost even though f35 is a generation ahead
Economy of scale
Second this is more like 6b if you inculde weapons training logistic and spares to same degree as rafale

But basically rafale and f35 are same cost even though f35 is a generation ahead
F-35 obliterated Rafale in combat, only UAE pilot of Mirage-2000 could take out F-22 in 2009.
Cheap as chips. Is bankrupt Greece buying 24 F-35 jets for $3-Billion from a pawn shop? Do these jets come with engines in them?
It has something to do with the Eastern Med region including Egypt, Greece, Italy, France, and UAE who recently got involved. Turkey is trying stuff in the Eastern Med and if Greece needs to retaliate against these actions the F-35 is perfect for that role.

Greece 82 F-16 Viper until 2028
Turkish Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar will be ready in 3 years for F-16s

Maybe Greece will have 24 F-35s between 2025 and 2028
but Greece until receives 24 F35s , Turkey will have developed its own TFX Fighter Jet , MIUS turbofan engine powered stealth UCAV , TF-2000 class Air warfare Destroyer , HISAR and SIPER medium/long range Air Defense Systems also more S400 Air Defense Systems will be in service

btw Greek F-35s will not find its Air Bases , when Greek F-35s comeback for landing
because of Turkish Armed Forces J600T , ATACMS , BORA , SOM , ATMACA , GEZGIN , KARGI , KGK-LR , HARM , AKBABA , SLAM-ER and RAMJET powered supersonic Cruise Missile to destroy all Air Bases and Air Defense Systems in Greece and Greek Islands in a few hours

Greece was never bailed out ..... Greece remains a debtor's prison and the evidence is everywhere to be found that Greece is slowly dying under its EU induced euthanasia

and Greece to remain a European slave Colony until 2060 ... still Greece is dreaming about fighting with regional super power Turkey

-- Turkey has bigger GDP PPP than Greece+Israel+Egypt combined
-- Turkey has more military projects than Greece+Israel+Egypt combined

Greeks should pray for ERDOGAN that He spent over $60 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries between 2012 and 2019 , instead of producing tens of thousands of Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to turn not only Greece , but also whole region into stone age
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Looks like Greece will have a potent Air Force in the years to come with F-35 variants and F-16 Block 70/72. Excellent choices.
No one can reason with our PDF buddy @MMM-E, his paragraph has a certain format and usually start with something like
-"Keep dreaming dream is free",
-"Turkish 700 military project",
-"Turk's military glory and history, end with trash talk about other's history"
-"Turkish economy lost 100-1000 billion USD in the last few years due to the evil Yankees attack or else.....",
-"Turkey's GDP is greater than you XXX,XXX,XXX combined"
The End.
Turkey planned to buy 100 American control F-35A , also training , logistic , maintenance and spares between 2020 and 2040 = $30 billion


to produce 7.000 BORA , SOM , ATMACA , KGK-LR and GEZGIN attack Missiles and 3.000 HISAR-A , HISAR-O , HISAR-NOKTA , G-40 VL , SIPER and GUMS Air Defense Missiles for $10 billion

and to spent $20 billion for developing/producing the TF-X 5th generation Fighter Jet and Turbofan Engine between 2020 and 2040

24 years ago Greece was nothing against Turkey and Greek Admiral Hristos Limberis resigned in 1996
Greece always will be nothing for Turkey one on one

btw $3 billion for 24 F-35?
I prefer 3.000 BORA , SOM , ATMACA , KGK-LR and GEZGIN land/air/naval launched attack Missiles for $3 billion to hit millitary and strategic targets in Greece ..... ( no need maintenance and spares )

without F-35s Turkish Armed Forces still will have great attack capabilities against Greece

No one can reason with our PDF buddy @MMM-E, his paragraph has a certain format and usually start with something like
-"Keep dreaming dream is free",
-"Turkish 700 military project",
-"Turk's military glory and history, end with trash talk about other's history"
-"Turkish economy lost 100-1000 billion USD in the last few years due to the evil Yankees attack or else.....",
-"Turkey's GDP is greater than you XXX,XXX,XXX combined"
The End.

keep trolling , nothing else .... no any militaric or politic info from Chinese guys
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join the party

Thanks to BORA Ballistic Missiles to wipe out Greek Airbases and F-35s on the ground with point precision in a few hours ... no fear of F-35s

even I am not talking about Turkish SOM , ATMACA and GEZGIN land/naval/air launched Cruise Missiles
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Greece 82 F-16 Viper until 2028
Turkish Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar will be ready in 3 years for F-16s

Maybe Greece will have 24 F-35s between 2025 and 2028
but Greece until receives 24 F35s , Turkey will have developed its own TFX Fighter Jet , MIUS turbofan engine powered stealth UCAV , TF-2000 class Air warfare Destroyer , HISAR and SIPER medium/long range Air Defense Systems also more S400 Air Defense Systems will be in service

btw Greek F-35s will not find its Air Bases , when Greek F-35s comeback for landing
because of Turkish Armed Forces J600T , ATACMS , BORA , SOM , ATMACA , GEZGIN , KARGI , KGK-LR , HARM , AKBABA , SLAM-ER and RAMJET powered supersonic Cruise Missile to destroy all Air Bases and Air Defense Systems in Greece and Greek Islands in a few hours

Greece was never bailed out ..... Greece remains a debtor's prison and the evidence is everywhere to be found that Greece is slowly dying under its EU induced euthanasia

and Greece to remain a European slave Colony until 2060 ... still Greece is dreaming about fighting with regional super power Turkey

-- Turkey has bigger GDP PPP than Greece+Israel+Egypt combined
-- Turkey has more military projects than Greece+Israel+Egypt combined

Greeks should pray for ERDOGAN that He spent over $60 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries between 2012 and 2019 , instead of producing tens of thousands of Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to turn not only Greece , but also whole region into stone age
Buying s400 was blunder period
Buying s400 was blunder period

so what ?

if treacherous the US doesnt sell PATRIOT Air Defense System to Turkey
if treacherous the US support FETO Terror Organization to make military coup against Government in Turkey
if treacherous the US support PKK/YPG Terrorists against Turkey and Turkish People ( The US has sent over 30 .000 of truckloads of weapons to PKK/YPG Terrorists to fight Turkey )
if treacherous the US support bandit countries Israel and Greece to steal oil-gas reserves from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

and the US use F-35 card against S-400 deal to ask Turkey for endless concessions which are not in compliance with the norms of diplomacy

The problems between Turkey and the US are multilayered and very complicated. The S-400 just turned into a filter pushing other problems to the back burner
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