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Greece 'Pleasantly Surprised' by Russia’s Invitation to Join BRICS Bank

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Greece 'Pleasantly Surprised' by Russia’s Invitation to Join BRICS Bank

A source in the Greek government called Moscow's invitation to become a member of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) a "pleasant surprise."


Russia Invites Greece to Be Sixth Member of BRICS New Development Bank

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Moscow's invitation to become a member of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) came as a "pleasant surprise" to Greece as the country does not want to limit its foreign policy to the EU and Eurozone membership only, a source in the Greek government told Sputnik Thursday.

"It was a pleasant surprise," the source said, noting that Greece’s foreign policy is "very diversified."
"We are members of the European Union and of the Eurozone, but at the same time we acknowledge that there are also other powers in the world and we will make our decisions taking into account our own interests while fulfilling the commitments we have in other international organizations we are part of," the source said.


Greek PM to Discuss Russian Proposal to Join BRICS Bank in St. Petersburg

On Monday, Greece's ruling party Syriza published a statement saying Russia had invited Greece to become the sixth member of the NDB. The invitation was made by Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak during a phone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. According to the Syriza statement, Tsipras received the proposal with interest and promised to thoroughly consider it.

The government source told Sputnik Tsipras would have an opportunity to discuss potential Greek accession to the bank with the leaders of the BRICS group in Saint Petersburg, where he will take part in an Economic Forum on June 18-20.

Five major developing economies — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — signed an agreement to establish the NDB at a summit in Fortaleza, Brazil in July 2014. The Bank is expected to become an alternative to Western-dominated financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and will focus mainly on funding infrastructure projects.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150514/1022141875.html#ixzz3a883HaGR
Did Putin ask Xi Jinping's permission before inviting a bankrupt that wont pay his debts to join China bank?
I am against this, the problem Greece is into is because of their over spending and over borrowing if they start again then the entire thing would affect, the setup. Let us focus on the current members rather than getting new ones.
greece has nothing to offer to BRICS.

China is already preparing to leave brics and move on with its own AIIB.

India and china will merge into one financial/economical center. maybe they will even suck up japan.

greece and all europe are irrelevant in tomorrows world.
greece has nothing to offer to BRICS.

China is already preparing to leave brics and move on with its own AIIB.

India and china will merge into one financial/economical center. maybe they will even suck up japan.

greece and all europe are irrelevant in tomorrows world.

yet russia only to beg for mercy from the west , is willing to give greece anything they want , oil , gass , money , brics , lol
yet russia only to beg for mercy from the west , is willing to give greece anything they want , oil , gass , money , brics , lol

russia tries to show europe as unreliable. if europe shrinks. this benefits Russia. Greece can be a good consumer. Russia plans to give greece chinese money and later sell them gas and oil, weapons against the turks. china can sell the greeks consumer products like phones, cars. Also chinese can make cheap holidays in greece.

greece will be fully exploited.
If only it were true...They[d suck BRICS money reserves in about 1 year-18 months at most and the only improovement in Greece would be some new frigates for their navy.
russia tries to show europe as unreliable. if europe shrinks. this benefits Russia. Greece can be a good consumer. Russia plans to give greece chinese money and later sell them gas and oil, weapons against the turks. china can sell the greeks consumer products like phones, cars. Also chinese can make cheap holidays in greece.

greece will be fully exploited.
Exploited , hmmm , i doubt if russia ever had the intellect to exploit greece , it will be the other way around

The only exploited people in the course of history were russians , and of course africans.
russians and chinese are communist mentality. they know and we know how to explooit


Exploited , hmmm , i doubt if russia ever had the intellect to exploit greece , it will be the other way around

The only exploited people in the course of history were russians , and of course africans.

you are a wannabe intelectuell, like all of your kind.

look at your country. controlled by western led mullas, hahaha
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