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GREECE occupied 16 Turkish Islands

i think you dont follow foreign news, greeks getting hostile against Turkey without any reason novadays, as we know Greece has good relationship with Germany so that take some borrow money. Germany allways humilate and give orders to Greek government, they says you have to buy my weapon you have to do this this etc.

so what Germany want Greeks doing, is it logical get hostile against Turkey while they have economic crisis? it is of course not their own policy it is directed by someone.
Lol, what is there to say to this. Delusion at its height.
i think you dont follow foreign news, greeks getting hostile against Turkey without any reason novadays, as we know Greece has good relationship with Germany so that take some borrow money. Germany allways humilate and give orders to Greek government, they says you have to buy my weapon you have to do this this etc.

so what Germany want Greeks doing, is it logical get hostile against Turkey while they have economic crisis? it is of course not their own policy it is directed by someone.

I think you are jumping to conclusions. I think the problem with the islands are much simpler than Germany trying to meddle.
I think you are jumping to conclusions. I think the problem with the islands are much simpler than Germany trying to meddle.

Yes islands problems already going on but my points little bit related about currents news and my feelings.
. . .

Ege’de tam 18 adamızın Yunanistan tarafından işgal edilmesine sessiz kalan Dışişleri Bakanlığı skandal bir açıklamaya imza attı. MHP Milletvekili Tor’un soru önergesine yanıt veren Bakan Çavuşoğlu, çoğu Büyükada’dan büyük olan adalar için ‘adacık ve kayalıklar’ ifadesini kullandı.

Kaynak/Source: http://www.sozcu.com.tr/2017/gundem/denizde-sinirimiz-yok-adaciklarda-sorun-var-1926582/

the invasion of islands is assessed by FM Çavuşoğlu: the islands are islets and rocks.

In reality, most of them are bigger than 5 km2.

Yunan Cumhurbaşkanı Pavlopulos, Lozan Antlaşması’nın 94’üncü Yıldönümü’nden bir hafta önce yanına Savunma Bakanı Kammenos ve Genelkurmay Başkanı Apostolakis’i alıp işgal altındaki Türk adalarında boy gösterdi. Hava sahamızı ihlal eden Pavlopulos “Bu adalar Avrupa’nın sınırı” dedi


“Yunan Cumhurbaşkanı Pavlopulos'un anılan adaların Yunan ve Avrupa sınırları olduğunu iddia etmesi tam bir cehalet örneğidir. Hukuk Fakültesi mezunu olan Lozan Antlaşması, 1932 Türk-İtalyan Sözleşmesi, Milletler Cemiyeti Tescil Belgeleri ve 1947 Paris Antlaşması ile antlaşma ve sözleşmelere taraf olan ülkelerin yayınladığı haritalara bakarsa, sözünü ettiği adaların Türk adaları olduğunu görecektir. 1943 tarihli İngiliz haritasında, Pavlopulos'un ziyaret ettiği Eşek ve Bulamaç adalarının, 12 ada deniz sınırının dışında ve Türkiye'ye ait olduğu açıkça gösterilmiştir.”

Yunan Cumhurbaşkanı’nın gittiği adalar, 6 millik karasularımız içinde

Milli Savunma Bakanlığı eski Genel Sekreteri Ümit Yalım, Aydın açıklarındaki Eşek Adası'nın Yunanistan'ın Batnoz Adası'na 18 mil, Lipso Adası'na da 12 mil, Bulamaç Adası'nın Lipso Adası'na 14 mil, İleriye Adası'na ise 13 mil uzaklıkta... “Uluslararası anlaşmalarla Yunanistan'a bırakılan adalara bağlı ya da bitişik adacık olmadığını” vurguladı. İzmir Çeşme açıklarındaki Koyun Adası'nın da, 12 ada bölgesinin dışında kaldığını kaydetti. Yunan Cumhurbaşkanı'nın gittiği her 3 adanın 6 millik Türk karasuları içinde kaldığına işaret ederek, buraların Türk toprağı olduğuna dikkat çekti.


Kaynak/Source: http://www.sozcu.com.tr/2017/gundem/lozanin-yildonumunde-yunan-tahriki-1943491/

The Greek President along with D.M. and General staff was seen on one of occuied islands, claimed islands are the border of Europe despite Turk-Italian,Paris treaties, English map in 1943 and recognition of UN(League of Nations).
It is easier for Greeks to travel to Turkish mainland. They come often for treatment and shopping. We call it the 12 Islands. But there is no way back. I believe that Greece agrees to 6 miles zone and solves the dispute on some little islands we could have perfect relations. Look there is a island Gökceada there live today 300 Greek, most left their main village during 1974 Cyprus intervention. I was there and talked with the major, he said that it is Greek persons village and registered on their name in the officiall register. It is protected by Jandarma and some Greeks came back in the last years and claimed the houses of their relatives with succes.
I don't get why Greece should agree to 6 mile zone, when it is her right according to international law to expand up to 12 nm and when Turkey has also extended to 12 nm in all other cases except from Greece. What is the little islands matter according to you, can you name them, so that we can discuss it? There are international treaties that in my opinion make everything clear as to what belongs to Greece or Turkey..

Gokceada for example or Imvros as we call it in Greece was handed over to Turkey according to the Lausane treaty along with Tenedos, they should have of course some kind of autonomy and mostly greek people's rights had to be protected under that treaty.
Those people didn't just decide to leave by themselves because of the Cyprus intervention matter, they were forced to leave by the turkish state before, during and after the turkish military invasion on Cyprus. Just as the greeks in Istanbul in many cases(in 1955 pogrom and later) who were supposed to be protected.
Yunanistan Türkiye ile savaşa mı hazırlanıyor?

Adalarımıza 10 askeri üs kuran Yunanistan şimdi de Muğla’ya bağlı Koçbaba ve Ardıççık adalarında üs kuracak. Adalara binlerce asker ve ağır silahlar yerleştirildi.

Bu üslerdeki asker sayısını da 5 binin üzerine çıkarıyor.



Kaynak/Source: http://www.haberayyildiz.com/gundem/yunanistan-turkiye-ile-savasa-mi-hazirlaniyor-260h.html

Greece is now preparing to occupy and install military bases on the islands of Koçbaba and Ardıççık addition to some other 10 military bases with over 5 K soldiers and heavy weapons as in the picture where Greek soldiers are in military exercise with real ammo fire on the island of Bozbaba.

Akp'nin kaybettiği topraklar

Kaynak: http://www.sozcu.com.tr/2015/yazarlar/soner-yalcin/akpnin-kaybettigi-topraklar-757975/

Tarihi ve hukuki süreç anlatılmıştır ilgili adalar hakkında, kafa karışıklığı ve kirli bilgiden kaçınmak isteyenler için bir köşe yazısı.
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Somehow, the ruling party and main stream media have yet to say a word about it.
İşgal edilen adalarımızda çan sesi var ama ezan yok

Yunan askerine teslim edilen 18 adamızda kiliseler inşa edildiğini söyleyen Yalım, “Adalarımız çan sesiyle inliyor. Yunanistan’daki soydaşlarımız müftü atayamıyor, Rumlar Bursa ve İznik’e metropolit atıyor” dedi

- AKP hükümetlerinin himayesinde, Türk vatandaşı olmayan 6 yabancı papaz, Patrikhane'ye metropolit olarak atandı. Yurtdışından getirilen papazlardan biri Yunan vatandaşı… Rodos Adası'ndan getirildi. 4 bin soydaşımızın yaşadığı Rodos Adası'nda 1972'den beri müftü yok.

- Yunanistan 2010 yılından bu güne kadar Batı Trakya'da 100 kadar Türk azınlık okulunu kapattı. Buna karşılık Gökçeada'da 2013'te Rum ilkokulu, 2015'te Rum ortaokulu ve lisesi açıldı.

The source: http://www.sozcu.com.tr/2017/gundem/isgal-edilen-adalarimizda-can-sesi-var-ama-ezan-yok-1967037/

The summary:

- The sound of recently-built churches' rings on the occupied islands is now heard, but not the sound of Islam The Ezan,
- Some 6 foreign popes have been appointed in Pathriaks in Turkey, and one of them is Greek.


- There is no Müftü(a religous leader) on the island of Rhodos where Some 4000 Turk/Muslims live.


- Greeks have closed over 100 Turk/Muslim schools in West Thrace since 2010.


- The AKP and Erdoğan have opened one Greek primary, middle and high schools on the island of Gökçeada in 2013 and 2015.
https://sarizeybekhaber.com.tr/ey-millet-yunan-sonunda-meydan-okudu What the fvck is that!??! The title TURK is very heavy and hard to carry but at the end everything will be all right. They are allowing this for to much now. I dont know what are their plans but I hope the salvation will be close enough because the TURK is angry and ready enough. I am not sure what kind of superhuman powers driven by anger they want to unleash but its visible that they are letting our enemies to cross a lot of red lines.

We are here now:
Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak;

Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak.

O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak;

O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.

Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl!

Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl?

Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl...

Hakkıdır, Hakk'a tapan, milletimin istiklâl!

They want to drive us here:
Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım.

Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım!

Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım.

Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım.

Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar,

Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var.

Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir îmânı boğar,

"Medeniyet!" dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar?

Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın.

Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın.

Doğacaktır sana va'dettiği günler Hakk'ın...

Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın.
Pure bs...

We don't do anything about the Kurdish state forming beneath us you guys think we will intervene here? Against EU. It's bullshit that the solcu traitors make up take digs at the government and the ruling party uses to stir up national pride. When both sides have nothing better to do.

And when the f the sozcu care about ezan calls lol they are the most anti Islamic newspaper in Turkey.

If this case had any serious ground we would put a case forward as to WHY the islands belong to us and then land troops there.
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Pure bs...

We don't do anything about the Kurdish state forming beneath us you guys think we will intervene here? Against EU. It's bullshit that the solcu traitors make up take digs at the government and the ruling party uses to stir up national pride. When both sides have nothing better to do.

And when the f the sozcu care about ezan calls lol they are the most anti Islamic newspaper in Turkey.

If this case had any serious ground we would put a case forward as to WHY the islands belong to us and then land troops there.

If you ask me we don't have serious ground, i think we have lost that islands withltreaty of lausanne. What the greec are doing is simple claiming ther ground.

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