It's so cute seeing Israel, Greece and their Russian money loving Cyprus proxy trying to act tough when reality dictates that soon as phase 2 of the yearly international military exercises we host is going to be of the coast of Cyprus.
It's also so very cute seeing Israel acting tough despite sanctions having a real effect on that country, for example: Elbit financial losses, loss of supply of fresh water & Israel's costly detours of cargo flights to other nations which is costing them dearly and dont get me started with Boeing deciding it's time to pack up any form of Israel/Boeing cooperation and moving elsewhere.
Aaaaaawww so cute, does the Jewish Ultra Orthodox fanatic infested country that spits on Women including children want a hug?? aaaawww so cute seeing them act so tough despite Turkey tightening the noose.
but it's all ok for them as the med allies Greece, Cyprus and Israel practice voluntary blindness. I mean everybody knows that Greece is still a wealthy country that has a diversified export sector and Israel continues to believe that they can dominate American policy and drag them into another war, and they are confident that they with their revisionist texts won the 2006 war in Lebanon despite international consensus
In other news Greece and Israel signed further economic cooperation agreements with each other, the latest round establishes a new government controlled business in Greece (government controlled businesses in an economic union intended for domestic market liberalization
) that will be financially supported by Israel and produce
Kosher Yeeros intended for domestic Israeli consumption. The business is expected to have an operating life of 20 years before it sinks buried under mountains of debt