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Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

Hmmmn....! Dude are you an Armenian living in Russia or a Russian living in Armenia ? :D

When I lived in HB, I knew a Russian girl that was divorced from an Armenian. She looked sooo much like that chick from "5th element", down to the short red hair and green eyes. Her two girls looked Armenian tho (long dark wavy hair etc.) (Oh, and she emigrated from Armenia, when it was still Soviet, her English wasn't too bad, but hard a hard time with idioms)
I believe I can answer your second point. Turkey has many AA systems, although most are outdated. The Swedish BOFORS gun is in great supply, although I'm not sure why Turkey is still operating a WW2 era weapon. There is also J600 Chinese-Turkish balistic missile system, but as I understand it is in the process of being phased out as well. Other than that and some American made ATACMS, there are a wide variety of howitzers.

Suffice it to say that, without NATO, Turkey will not be able to defend itself from Russia.


What Turkey & Russia both have in common is that if it shoots then it is still good to use & if it becomes that outdated then take the AA gun and stick it on an APC and call it a tank destroyer/support vehicle.

FYI Turkey's AA assets work a layered basis, with layer after layer after layer of AA assets & these are enough to shoot down any invader dumb enough to think they can just stroll into Turkey for a turkey shoot. FYI mountains are part of the equation and the only military that can pacify Turkey in a war is the USA, Russia does not have enough men/large enough military to "roll" into Turkey as it did into Georgia (and even then they had massive difficulty to pacify her since it took them longer, much longer then expected).

In the AA network longer range AA is often protected by shorter range AA & yes Turkey does have a current deficiency regarding her AA but this is heavily offset given her massive offensive capabilities also this deficiency is not much of a concern especially considering that Iran and Greece's airforce are either outdated (Iran) or don't hold a candle against Turkey (Greece) or considering that Russia is on the downhill of demographic doom and who's military power will only get smaller as time goes on.

But no worries, Turkey is working to update her military including her AA assets and when the TF-2000 comes out I will only say RIP Greek/Russian/Iranian pilots who's leaders were dumb enough to go to war against Turkey.

Also Russian (who's submarines have engineering problems that cause them to sink or blow up by themselves, who's tanks break down half the time they take them out for a "spin" and who's ammunition depo's blow up because they lack the discipline not to light a damn cigarette next to explosives) military power today = :rofl:

For example of Russian power (LMFAO blowing up their own ammo store due to a conscript smoking near explosives) please see this video:

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Not to mention Russia did not pacify Georgia...only a little slice....
oh yhh who forgot about ASALA the terrorists that killed diplomatss , DIPLOMATSS THAT HAVE IMMUNITY , these are real terrorists
There was lesser or more 1.5 million Armenians, you say majority of them killed but today there is millions of them ?
and Armenia is wrong on it's bogus claims of genocide, it's actions during the cold war when terrorist monkeys known as ASALA from your country spread terror across Turkish communities in the world by killing innocent diplomats and their families. Armenia is a disgusting country that has statues of these animals and worships them as heroes, it is also the most corrupt country in the world and is rules mostly by gangs while historians even those who are pro Armenian find themselves locked up and thrown into jail if they even attempt to remove a single book from Armenia (fearing the revelations of your BS claims).

I dare ya, go on prove me wrong & please don't forget to tell us about the Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia circa 1965 and how it's stories of Turkish brutality "inspired" so many witnesses to come forth regarding what they suffered at the hands of the Turks during 50 to 80 years prior.

Go on, go on oh please do support the Russian propaganda document intended to make you into sheep and hate the Turk rather then your communist masters.

You forgot to mention the Armenian party you have in Georgia who wishes to directly add Georgian land into Armenia & this is a publicly stated goal from this group of Armenians. Your selective amnesia and bias is clearly showing on this thread.

ASALA was a redemption organization. They killed those diplomats that were not otherwise persecuted in the court room for genocide.

Please tell me, were Talaat and Enver Pasha innocent diplomats?

They are not worshipped, and please don't get me started about how Turkey erects statues of atheist criminal Ataturk in every free space it can find. The whole basis of your country is to "forget the past." The whole staple of Kemalism is that Turkey would start with a clean slate. It does not work that way. Only guilty people want to forget the past.

I have no idea what Russian documents you are rambling about.

More BS. There is no separate Armenian party in Georgia. In the Armenian-dominated Javakh region, there is something like a "union" of Armenians pushing for rights, but not separatism. The party you are referring to that wants this region for Armenia is an international party called Dashnaktsutsyun (or you way know it as ARF).

There was lesser or more 1.5 million Armenians, you say majority of them killed but today there is millions of them ?

Well at the time, the time of Genocide, there was less than 1.5 million Armenians. The remainder fled to countries like Russia, US, Lebanon, Syria (and please don't tell me that they were "relocated"; the death camps are still there). Since then, there was reproduction so clearly there is more than 1.5 million now.

Not to mention Russia did not pacify Georgia...only a little slice....

What would Russia have to gain from taking over all of Georgia?

What Turkey & Russia both have in common is that if it shoots then it is still good to use & if it becomes that outdated then take the AA gun and stick it on an APC and call it a tank destroyer/support vehicle.

Nice to know that Turkey is sticking to such primitive tactics. I reinforce my point that Turkey would be crushed by Russia over a weekend.
They were relocated :P

I couldn't get an clear answer, you say majority of them killed, all the numbers I see suggests they're not ?


let the world the see terrorrists that killed diplomats
They were relocated :P

I couldn't get an clear answer, you say majority of them killed, all the numbers I see suggests they're not ?

You actually sounded like a rational human being until you said this. Did I not just tell you that the death camps in Syria are still standing. Or are those camps made by Armenians to implicate the Turks?



let the world the see terrorrists that killed diplomats

Bro, I'm proud of this picture. The killed those responsible for Genocide, and nobody else.
All I said is numbers suggests reverse of what you said , majority of the today's Armenians in different countries are Ottoman Armenians right ? I see no reason to say majority of them killed.
All I said is numbers suggests reverse of what you said , majority of the today's Armenians in different countries are Ottoman Armenians right ? I see no reason to say majority of them killed.

I don't understand how you can make this claim. Now, there are ~10 million Armenians world wide, with about 3 million in Armenia. At the most maybe a half million Armenians survived and fled. What are you confused about?
they killed responsible of genocide ??? was the responsible of the claimed genocide even alive you idiot? it was in 1970's not 1915's .
hey look who is biassed !!! ...

Dude, in a one liner- your politicians (and people who kept voting them in power) wanted a Nordic style social utopia on someone elses dime.
Half million reproduced to 10 million ? thats what I'm asking for a logical explanation.
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