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Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

I thought such high flying plans went out the window when your budget started to get financed by the ECB......

sorry but i see this as a prime example of not living within your means, which got you in this mess in the first place.

I think perhaps you don't know the facts. Just what you are fed by the media. If you care about the reality of the situation, then perhaps I can fill you in. That is only dependent on whether you want to know or just feel happy in the version they feed you.
I think perhaps you don't know the facts. Just what you are fed by the media. If you care about the reality of the situation, then perhaps I can fill you in. That is only dependent on whether you want to know or just feel happy in the version they feed you.

??? Your version is that it's not your fault?

You were forced to take the money right?
And also you were forced to keep voting in governments that made promises every sane economist knew they cant hold true?

Please dude....stop insulting me.
I thought things are going well between Greece and Turkey. Turkey should focus on Syria now instead of Greece. If Turkey mess up, it will invite a Russian invasion in line with Georgia. And don't expect US to do anything about it until Russian troops approach Bosporus. The Anatolia interior is not part of Nato.
I thought things are going well between Greece and Turkey. Turkey should focus on Syria now instead of Greece. If Turkey mess up, it will invite a Russian invasion in line with Georgia. And don't expect US to do anything about it until Russian troops approach Bosporus. The Anatolia interior is not part of Nato.

What is there for Russia to invade Turkey?
who is russia invading? birds? chickens? they can come but Ataturk has a word , they will go just like they come , they think we are georgia ? ruskies? they lost a war against chechens they can bring it on and they will see 20 different uprisings as well as a modern army with the biggest navy in the black sea
Turkey is in line for F35 because they are a smart nation , they don`t bow down to USA and at same time dictate their own terms why becasue they get what it means to be free
i hope our airforce in 2020 will consist of

f-35 100+

f-16 upgraded - 200+

tfx , kfx , ef2000 ??? and something here
Yes airforce after the 2020 will be most likely like that

F 35 as the core

Upgraded F 16S

And the new jet, will replace the F-4s first, then slowly replace the F16s.
??? Your version is that it's not your fault?

You were forced to take the money right?
And also you were forced to keep voting in governments that made promises every sane economist knew they cant hold true?

Please dude....stop insulting me.

hey look who is biassed !!! ...
Can someone explain about Greece's islands off Turkey's coast?It's really strange,because some of them are too close to Turkish territory.
Man f-35 is so expensive.. I though it was suppose to cost 80 million a piece but now it is almost double that...
EF was offered to Turkish Air Force numerous times with full partnership and source codes and blueprints and all that. It still wasn't accepted by the force. Because it gives very little for too much. F35's single Pratt Whitney F136 engine is more efficient than EF's twin EJ200s. Has a larger radar signature and isn't anywhere near as hi-tech as F35.

TAI and SAAB will probably develop a fighter jet that is at least as capable as the EF and i believe most of the sub-systems will be shared with either F16s or F35s so maintenance will be very easy.

And whatever Greece will get in coming years obviously won't be able to maintain the status quo and we'll see Turkey having the upper-hand over all it's neighbours.

Man f-35 is so expensive.. I though it was suppose to cost 80 million a piece but now it is almost double that...
These are exaggarated figures. You can't except a fighter that advanced to have a price tag barely over F16's. Anyway it still is a superb deal because of the offset values currently over %100.
Can someone explain about Greece's islands off Turkey's coast?It's really strange,because some of them are too close to Turkish territory.

i want to know aswell , it was given to greece after ww2 i think from italy as it was italys after ww1 as far as i know .

in the past giving land away and getting others land was a peice of cake now if you try to take something the world will rise , we made some mistakes in treaty of laussane as we should have got all the islands that are close to us WTF islands that are close to our mainlands are greeks, if we insisted abit more we could have had the misak-i milli map because we had upper hand after some of the wars were we was victorious and the allies also had problems . MUSUL SHOULD BE OUR LAND




but in this day land doesnt matter too too much anyway , economy is most important .
i want to know aswell , it was given to greece after ww2 i think from italy as it was italys after ww1 as far as i know .

in the past giving land away and getting others land was a peice of cake now if you try to take something the world will rise , we made some mistakes in treaty of laussane as we should have got all the islands that are close to us WTF islands that are close to our mainlands are greeks, if we insisted abit more we could have had the misak-i milli map because we had upper hand after some of the wars were we was victorious and the allies also had problems . MUSUL SHOULD BE OUR LAND




but in this day land doesnt matter too too much anyway , economy is most important .

Nothing more than en expansionist are you?

You care to explain why you should have lands where no Turkish people lived?

This is not table game "Risk" . .this is the real world.

Every now and then someone like you crops along and then people are wondering why Greeks are sometimes jumpy about Turkey.

Thank God I know most of the Turkish people I know are logical people and look forward.
im not talking about now , in them times how did greeks live there if they did turks did aswell , they are much close to our mainland so should have been ours , but doenst matter anymore anyway
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