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Great thanks to forum the "Defence.Pk"!


Apr 2, 2008
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Here, I would like to thanks to the admistrators, moderators and all members of this praiseworthy dedicated forum upon having opportunity to learn and share frequently on several social & political issues.

I particularly thanks to have opportunity to spread my view upon "Media role", which I have observed critically bias as whole in general, but some ankors, writers and editors were observed noticeably biased since Nov-2007,
which may be observed by every person that, in some speciefic channels.

I have start writing upon this issue on this forum besides few of other national or international forum including International press association, takled with several senior journalists, columnists and editors and pointed out their contraversials misleads the nation rather factuals, which is causing frustration among peoples and may be dangerous chaos in long run. (as one of my experience i have mentioned in reply under one lead Tiled "Transition to an -Immature democracy" generated by our honorable senior member "mujahideen" and many other threads including leads generated by my own:cool:.

Thanks God and then thanks to the plateforms including this prasieworthy forum "defence Pk" where I have tried to persue the matter, and really admired the forum's contribution to ultimatly change the Media attitude, which now every one of us can evaluate, :enjoy:that now they are started to be unbias and also showing serious public issues since yesterday and few of ancors admitted thier biasness. :pakistan::pdf::pakistan:

I here by thanks to the concern policy-makers and journalists who ultimatly changed their policy now and started to consider main issues faces by peoples of Pakistan. Hope they now may continue to taking care of reall issues of Paksitan and work for developments with the extent of responsible and ethical values. With certain respect, you may now accpted and learnt lesson that, how a common person can be influencial to stop wrong policies. Please belive, you are strengthen if you are on righttrack.:cool::pakistan:

In fact it's very important to stricktly keep the ethical values and truth to communicate the news or analysis as independent, impartial and rational source.

We all well awared that, now world became a "GLOBAL VILLAGE" in addition to "WAR ON TERRORISM" and the current senerios offer lot of challanges more then benefits fo rthe countries particularly like Pakistan.
Trend have been changed and Media comercialised more then enough and became a big necessity of market commercialism in this globalization.
Now, there are numerous channels are available, while daily new channels are coming on-air and competition became fierced, which also effect their control on quality of services, which they may cover-up and decorated by manupulation, gossips, and substanders so called liberal analysises, instead to update them by continue development, philosophy and ethics to sustain in market long last. God Bless :pakistan:Pakistan
Its nice to heard the success of continue efforts you made against Meida, it is now i have noticed and admired of your strong "will" and efforts to do so specially against media. congratulations:enjoy:
Tkx 4 ur complements......... but i wud like tribute to all members of ths valued forum and specially to the Webmaster, & teams of moderators of defence.pk!
Thank you. It had been an idea which turned out to be a great reality and a success. Its all the team effort. Moderating team is excellent, think tank is the authority, members are knowledgeable, thoughtful, and wise. This is what that makes this forum so great.
A very informative and nice place to be.
There is very little :blah:, some :hitwall: and alot of :cheers:.
Hope all keep up their good work and contribute to the forum. Its an extended family always growing and ignoring the family planning :rofl:
Some posts have so many spelling mistakes that it takes a real effort to
read. I know that English is a foreign language and every one makes occasional mistakes but in a few cases...

This forum is a great place to be. It would become even better with a spell check facility.
:cheers:this ia very great place... and most of the senoirs here are very helpfull and i like to support pkpatriotic... my dear weby.....sir, i feel happy and always looking for the support of you guys.:enjoy::agree::tup:
thank you all
long live pakistan:pakistan:
I appreciate and great thanks to you all highly regarded members!
Despite of diversifications or favor on the views which is very natural, your encouraging comments and participations are great honor for me!
My best wishes & compliments to the respected Webmaster, think-tank, moderators, all senior members and to all my fellows and tribute to whole forum with following words:

We take one step
One tiny step and we're on our way
To where we are from where we were
Just yesterday

Well the sun's gonna rise
When it's everything or nothing
And everything seems dark
The sun's gonna rise up with you

You'll be allright
I'm on your side
And we'll make it through
When you can't go on
I will be strong
Enough to carry you

Well the sun's gonna rise
When it's everything or nothing
And nothing seems allright
The sun's gonna rise up with you

Well the sun's gonna rise
When it's everything or nothing
And everything seems dark
The sun's gonna rise up with you
Some posts have so many spelling mistakes that it takes a real effort to
read. I know that English is a foreign language and every one makes occasional mistakes but in a few cases...

This forum is a great place to be. It would become even better with a spell check facility.

This is noticed, and will be taken care of in the near future.
Some posts have so many spelling mistakes that it takes a real effort to
read. I know that English is a foreign language and every one makes occasional mistakes but in a few cases...

This forum is a great place to be. It would become even better with a spell check facility.

use firefox...
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