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Great Sucsess From FNSS - 360 Million Dollar Record Breaker Deal


Jan 10, 2012
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New export success from record breaker


FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. has signed an export agreement with a Middle Eastern Country, worth of $360 million. Country name is kept confidential. The deal includes modernisation of M113 armoured combat vehicles. FNSS manufactures armoured vehicles and modernises vehicles for same country and this deal is its sixth agreement. FNSS made a written statement and declared M113 vehicles that will be modernised by FNSS will perform better than already modernised other M113 vehicles in other countries. With this agreement, FNSS’ exports to Middle Easter countries overpasses $ 1 bn and FNSS gets one step closer to its $ 500 million yearly income target.

New export success from record breaker
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FNSSden 360 Milyon Dolarlk mza - 10.12.2013

FNSS, 10 Aralkta yapt açklamada, dost ve müttefik bir Ortadou ülkesi ile M113 zrhl muharebe arac modernizasyonu ile ilgili olarak 360 milyon dolar deerinde yeni bir sözleme imzaladn bildirdi. Ayn açklamada, FNSSnin 2004 ylndan beri bu ülkede yerleik bir askeri tesisi ilettii ve bu ülke ile imzalanan sözleme saysnn 6ya çkt da belirtildi. mzalad bu son sözleme ile FNSSnin Ortadou ülkelerine gerçekletirdii ihracat da 1 milyar dolar am oldu.

Savunma Haber, Milscint, Savunma, MSI, Askeri, Havacılık, Uzay, Terör, Silah, Elektronik, Harp, Teknoloji, Army, Military, Science, Intelligence, Strateji, Kara, Hava, Jandarma, Deniz, Kuvvetleri

The article says The deal signed with unknown country where FNSS have already been operating a military installation in there. Such an explanation points out just one country.... Saudi Arabia...
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