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Great Britain 48 hours away from war in Syria?

Did you have a nice laugh, mate? :-)

More than enough. LOL So we are involved in Syria and Iraq just because we are against Turkey?? Funny thing is, not even Turkish members on here believe your crap. lol
Seems according to you the whole world revolves around Turkey(and maybe Pakistan as well). lol
Actually they seem to have a different game plan...... whenever Britain enters a war, trust you me, it's never for 'good' intentions, rather for some mischief........... this time around it seems to be to prod Turkey and offer it as a sacrifice......... two birds, one stone.

I hope those "good intentions" are driven through the skulls of ISIS. The UK has already eliminated three home grown "Jihadis", that's good enough for me bro.
As for Turkey, it's a NATO member, and another NATO member has jumped on board. The UK and Turkey have close ties.
Yes bro.:) MOD has already confirmed this.

Britain prepares for war: RAF sends more of its Tornado fleet within striking distance of Syria ahead of ISIS airstrikes vote
  • Tornado fleet seen taking off from RAF Marham in Norfolk today carrying deadly bombs on board
  • Defence chiefs are sending more planes to Britain's Cyprus airbase so they can strike ISIS in Syria when needed
  • Warplanes seen swooping through the Mach Loop in Snowdon used by the RAF for vital low-level flight training
  • Squadron of Typhoons at RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland are also on standby ahead of tomorrow's vote
  • See more of the latest news updates on Britain's airstrikes against ISIS in Syria

PUBLISHED: 15:17, 1 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:13, 1 December 2015

Britain's Tornado fleet was sent within striking distance of ISIS in Syria today as the RAF moved more of its jets towards the warzone ahead of tomorrow's Commons vote.

The jets took off from RAF Marham in Norfolk this morning as it emerged defence chiefs will double its fleet of aircraft stationed in Cyprus if MPs vote in favour of air strikes tomorrow.

Marham is home to the RAF’s main Tornado force and is likely to take the fight to ISIS in Syria - while Typhoons at RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland are also on standby.

Warplanes loaded with bombs were seen taking off from the Norfolk air base this morning and later weaved through the Mach Loop in Snowdonia - a series of north Wales valleys where the RAF practices low-level flying crucial for strikes in enemy territory.


Preparing for battle: Typhoon jets were seen taking off from RAF Marham in Norfolk today ahead of the crucial vote on bombing Syria


Increase: Defence chiefs will double its Tornado fleet of aircraft stationed in Cyprus if MPs vote in favour of air strikes tomorrow


Tests: The jets are believed to have flown across the country to the Mach Loop in Snowdonia, where the RAF practices low-level flying


Armed: The warplanes were all loaded with missiles and bombs - currently being used to bomb ISIS targets in Iraq


Cache: The RAF is planning to double the number of Tornado warplanes and send more missiles to RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, putting Syria within striking distance


Sophisticated: Britain's army of drones have killed ISIS terrorists - steered by remote-control from an RAF base in Lincolnshire


Destroyed: A camera on the British Typhoon captures the moment the missile destroys the ISIS sniper and the building he was firing from last week - one of 17 strikes in ten days after the Paris massacre

RAF pilots WILL carry guns in case they are shot down by ISIS over Syria and need to defend themselves in a shoot-out on the ground

RAF pilots asked to bomb ISIS in Syria would carry handguns to defend themselves on the ground, MailOnline can reveal today.

Britain will give sidearms to those firing on targets in 'hostile territory' after a Russian pilot was apparently killed by rebels after bailing out last week.

Russia is issuing its warplane pilots on missions over Syria with pistols and Kalashnikov machine guns after Turkey shot down a u-24 bomber.

British pilots do not always carry weapons but will if MPs vote for new bombing raids in Syria on Wednesday, an RAF source said.


Protection: RAF pilots, pictured at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus ahead of a bombing raid on ISIS in Iraq, will be carrying handguns if airstrikes are launched over Syria

The Ministry of Defence said it never comments on operations but an RAF source told MailOnline: 'The decision on whether RAF pilots will carry handguns is taken on a case by case basis.

'But in previous conflicts where the RAF has been flying over hostile territory pilots are asked to wear conflict survival jackets, which contain sidearms'.

Some pilots have been told to carry a sidearm over Iraq and this will be extended to Syria in all cases, a source said.

It came as Russia is issuing its warplane pilots on missions over Syria with pistols and Kalashnikov machine guns in case they are forced to eject and defend themselves on the ground.

Britain will not be issuing machineguns, just the usual Glock or Browning pistol RAF pilots are trained to use.

During the Iraq War John Nichol and John Peters were shot down and were subject to beatings, mock executions and being paraded on TV. The pair were finally released after seven weeks.

But the pilots of today are unlikely to survive if they fell into the hands of the terrorists so will require guns to defend their lives.

Speaking last year Mr Nichol said: 'Today’s generation of young men and women prepare to take to the skies in anger (face) the terrible prospect of capture after being shot down must be at the forefront of their thoughts.

'But this time it is even more chilling — for the brutal, public murder of ISIS hostages by beheading is well understood by all involved.

'These are highly trained professionals, however, and any concerns in their minds will be pushed aside. It may sound inane to outsiders, but fears for one’s own fate are daily realities for modern military people. They know the risks, they understand the dangers'.

David Cameron has pledged to wipe out the entire ISIS leadership if MPs back bombing in Syria and has told the RAF: 'We have got to kill the b*****ds'.

The Prime Minister will 'decapitate' the 'snake's head' of ISIS and will also target names on the UK's high-profile 'kill list' of Britons fighting in the war-torn country.

A vote on new airstrikes in Syria could be as early as Wednesday and if MPs agree the bombing could begin that night.

In order to force it through MPs are being offered an intelligence briefing and 'tea and biscuits' by the Tories to encourage them to pack the Prime Minister, a senior Labour source told MailOnline.

Britain is the only major power to have the deadly Brimstone missile - a £100,000-a-shot super-weapon that kills targets without hurting civilians in 99 per cent of cases.

Sources close to the Prime Minister say he has been 'enraged' by senior ISIS figures being able to hide in Syria and 'wants to take them out'.

He told RAF commanders: 'We've got to go out and kill the bastards,' according to the Sunday Times.

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Its true it does comes with risks as well. Reason we should show some respect to all our forces who put their lives on the line to protect our country and further our interests globally. :police::cheers:

Too bad you scrapped your Harriers,otherwise you would have increased your firepower and worked together with the French navy's fleet air army. :(
I agree,every soldier should be respected because they defend and when is needed,they give their lives for their country,it is a very dangerous job and only the courageous are able to do this... !
As for British pilots carrying pistols,i don't think it is new,in operation every pilot carry a pistol in case they are shot down (or have to eject) and have to defend themselves.
I am just afraid that one of our pilot,or a British,an American has to eject and be captured aliveby ISIS,did you remember that poor Jordanian pilot ? If a pilot has to eject,i hope the rescue teams would save them.
As for this article also,someone put a comment that was like "Do you think they carry pistols for their own protections ? If ISIS terrorist were about to capture you and burn you alive,what would you rather do ?". And we have to think about that!
Hope it will never happen.
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Dear dear...... you aren't against Turkey......... you're one of the most cunning creatures out there........ you do only one countries bidding, i.e. The US of A. What I said was, if you're getting involved all of a sudden, means someone is going to get spanked, and it isn't going to be you...... you'll have a sacrificial cow in mind, and I think it's Turkey's turn to bite the bullet for your wider interests.

For rest of your babbling......... let's see and wait.

More than enough. LOL So we are involved in Syria and Iraq just because we are against Turkey?? Funny thing is, not even Turkish members on here believe your crap. lol
Seems according to you the whole world revolves around Turkey(and maybe Pakistan as well). lol
I hope those "good intentions" are driven through the skulls of ISIS. The UK has already eliminated three home grown "Jihadis", that's good enough for me bro.
As for Turkey, it's a NATO member, and another NATO member has jumped on board. The UK and Turkey have close ties.

Why do you even bother bro? He is just one of many in the region, who despise western powers NO MATTER WHAT WE DO THEY WILL FIND A WAY TO CRITICIZE IT. So we should not even bother ourselves with such people. We should just carry on with our stuffs and protecting our interests/citizens. :coffee:

Dear dear...... you aren't against Turkey......... you're one of the most cunning creatures out there........ you do only one countries bidding, i.e. The US of A. What I said was, if you're getting involved all of a sudden, means someone is going to get spanked, and it isn't going to be you...... you'll have a sacrificial cow in mind, and I think it's Turkey's turn to bite the bullet for your wider interests.

For rest of your babbling......... let's see and wait.

Why do you even bother bro? He is just one of many in the region, who despise western powers NO MATTER WHAT WE DO THEY WILL FIND A WAY TO CRITICIZE IT. So we should not even bother ourselves with such people. We should just carry on with our stuffs and protecting our interests/citizens. :coffee:

I just thought it was a reasonable explanation. People literally do not know the internal struggles that the UK has gone through, and with ISIS whores already making threats to the British mainland, way before we even contemplated military action, the need to act has been born out of fact. The fact of a terror strike on our soil.
Finish them all. Kill them. God speed to the RAF.
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Too bad you scrapped your Harriers,otherwise you would have increased your firepower and worked together with the French navy's fleet air army. :(
I agree,every soldier should be respected to defend and sometimes give their lives for their country,it is a very dangerous job and only the courageous are able to do this... !
As for British pilots carrying pistols,i don't think it is new,in operation every pilot carry a pistol in case they are shot down (or have to eject) and to defend themselves.
I am just afraid that one of our pilot,or a British,an American has to eject and be captured aliveby ISIS,did you remember that poor Jordanian pilot ? If a pilot has to eject,i hope the rescue teams would save them.
As for this article also,someone put a comment that was like "Do you think they carry pistols for their own protections ? If ISIS terrorist were about to capture you and burn you alive,what would you rather do ?". And we have to think about that!
Hope it will never happen.

If it was me I would not dare go out on a mission without a gun. We already know what happened to that poor Jordanian pilot. If the unthinkable happens then to quote Kipling

"Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains An' go to your Gawd like a soldier"
Brimstones away!!!!! Take the war to these filth.

Than i am sure your people and Govt wont cry if there is a Reaction from ISIS ...
if UK wants to enter a war, than do it like a man, on their own terms , stop been pet of US and others , follow others orders .. i hope this time UK has a good reason to enter the war ..
Than i am sure your people and Govt wont cry if there is a Reaction from ISIS ...
if UK wants to enter a war, than do it like a man, on their own terms , stop been pet of US and others , follow others orders .. i hope this time UK has a good reason to enter the war ..

They won't cry, it's call the British stiff upper lip. They never bent during the blitz, the years of the IRA and the threat of Islamist bombers and they won't now. As for a reaction from ISIS, the government and armed forces are preparing, and sympathisers are literally vanishing from their very beds.
When the UK enters the war it will be because of the war ISIS declared on the country.
Corbyn is an idiot. I mean wtf does he suggest we should do? Lol at Islingtons white knight....
They won't cry, it's call the British stiff upper lip. They never bent during the blitz, the years of the IRA and the threat of Islamist bombers and they won't now. As for a reaction from ISIS, the government and armed forces are preparing, and sympathisers are literally vanishing from their very beds.
When the UK enters the war it will be because of the war ISIS declared on the country.

well actually they did .. reminder will be Iraq war ... your very PM tony Blair convince his parliament to enter the Iraq war , and years after he apologize for it .. and for ISIS sympathizers Vanishing , its good for me , but the reaction with mostly west Govt expect comes with multiple intensity , and they get 10 more reasons to bomb the Terrorist Hideouts with Innocents used as their shields .. this is not nor will be the solution for ISIS ..
USA, Russian , France , Turkey , Assad are already bombing the ISIS ... so should i assume that all these Air forces are incompetent to tackle ISIS ? or they are bombing the wrong targets ?
UK entering the war with 10-20 jets and some Drones will not make any difference , but put them on the target list of ISIS,which they already claim they are ..
None of us would call it a 'war'. Obviously the militants can't do anything about it. Neither do they seek war with UK, but they use the existence of the coalition as propaganda material to give impression that they are on right path. In reality, both ISIS and coalition are dumb. ISIS can't govern territory, unless it remains with third world standards. Which means their advertising of a Caliphate doesn't make any sense and they lose popularity with it. It is traditionally known as an insurgent group. It's clear though a new governing model needs to be produced by the powers in the region that manages to bring modern standards but also eliminate ethnic tensions.

The coalition on other hand, it just doing air strikes for sake of doing air strikes. They really don't have interest besides propping up Kurds. They have no economic benefit in this, but they have potential loss if they don't contain ISIS. It seems like West doesn't want to be involved much anymore. However Russia's recent entry to the scene has caused them to want to reiterate their influence in the region and won't allow the fate of Syria to be completely surrendered to Russia. But it still doesn't make sense. This is because the world is watching safely waiting for a change in direction of the conflict in order to guise out what the regional response is. But due to pro-Assad military performance not bringing major results or game changing results we will continue to see the same status-quo. Maybe that is what Iran and pro-Assad camp wants, because if there is major change on the ground it could spark regional war that may drag West or it could force West to take Assad's side and back away from conflict leaving Saudi Arabia and Turkey on their own. Obviously both outcomes aren't something West wants to force itself into.

As far as UK involvement, just Cameron trying to gain popular support.
Why do young men from Europe have to risk their lives in Syria while young men from Syria refuse to fight and then flee in their hundreds of thousands to Europe
Never trust NATO, the tyrant. So NATO were bombing ISIS for one year before Russia and ISIS were getting stronger.

Now what is going to change?

Something smells fishy. Big time!

Also has the government of Syria requested this? It is all well and good for Parliament to vote however this is in a different country.
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