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Govt to try President Alvi, ex-PM Imran under Article 6 for ‘violating Constitution’

The PML-N-led coalition government has decided to file a high treason case against President Arif Alvi, former prime minister Imran Khan, National Assembly ex-deputy speaker Qasim Suri and Punjab Governor Umar Sarfraz Cheema for allegedly violating the Constitution.

Express News quoting sources reported on Thursday that interior and law ministries are preparing a reference under Article 6 of the Constitution against the key members of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

The federal government has accused President Avli and the former deputy speaker of abrogating the Constitution at the behest of ex-PM Imran during the proceedings of the no-trust motion earlier this month.

In a landmark unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court on April 7 set aside the NA deputy speaker ruling to dismiss the no-trust resolution against then Premier Imran and the subsequent dissolution of the lower house of parliament by President Arif Alvi on the premier’s advice.

“The ruling of the deputy speaker of the National Assembly in relation to the resolution for a vote of no-confidence against the prime minister under Article 95 of the Constitution is declared to be contrary to the Constitution and the law and of no legal effect, and the same are hereby set aside,” the top court said in its short order.

The apex court ruled that President Alvi’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly was also "contrary to the Constitution and the law and of no legal effect". It noted that the prime minister could not have advised the president to dissolve the assembly as he continued to remain under the bar imposed under Clause (1) of Article 58 of the Constitution.

Likewise, Governor Cheema, who has refused to endorse election of Punjab Chief Minister-elect Hamza Shehbaz, is also accused of subverting the constitutional process in the provincial legislator.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif-led government has maintained that President Alvi subverted the Constitution on the orders of PTI Chairman Imran “which is a clear violation of the Supreme Court and the High Court orders”.

The authorities are obtaining statements of the accused and records of national and provincial assemblies, the insiders said.

The sources also said that relevant court orders and judicial precedents will be attached with the reference to be filed in the Supreme Court.

The reference will write a new chapter in the political and judicial history of Pakistan, they added.

Under the law, the federal government has the authority to take action under
Article 6.

People are angry let them do this. And let the courts take this case and didnt dispose it.it is going to be huge embarrassment for our institutions really.
One thing is for certain from all this fiasco. Our army in panic mode make lots of mistake. How invincible we make them out is just the myth.
They need to be stopped for their and Pakistans own good. Else they do end up loosing whats even left of Pakistan.
They need to be tamed.
Who are they fooling, PDM has broken the laws so many times yet nothing happened, this is another proof imported government has to go.
Well PDM and their Abu Bajwa control the courts so anything can custom ordered as a judgement. Won't be surprised if they do convict on these charges.
The PML-N-led coalition government has decided to file a high treason case against President Arif Alvi, former prime minister Imran Khan, National Assembly ex-deputy speaker Qasim Suri and Punjab Governor Umar Sarfraz Cheema for allegedly violating the Constitution.

Express News quoting sources reported on Thursday that interior and law ministries are preparing a reference under Article 6 of the Constitution against the key members of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

The federal government has accused President Avli and the former deputy speaker of abrogating the Constitution at the behest of ex-PM Imran during the proceedings of the no-trust motion earlier this month.

In a landmark unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court on April 7 set aside the NA deputy speaker ruling to dismiss the no-trust resolution against then Premier Imran and the subsequent dissolution of the lower house of parliament by President Arif Alvi on the premier’s advice.

“The ruling of the deputy speaker of the National Assembly in relation to the resolution for a vote of no-confidence against the prime minister under Article 95 of the Constitution is declared to be contrary to the Constitution and the law and of no legal effect, and the same are hereby set aside,” the top court said in its short order.

The apex court ruled that President Alvi’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly was also "contrary to the Constitution and the law and of no legal effect". It noted that the prime minister could not have advised the president to dissolve the assembly as he continued to remain under the bar imposed under Clause (1) of Article 58 of the Constitution.

Likewise, Governor Cheema, who has refused to endorse election of Punjab Chief Minister-elect Hamza Shehbaz, is also accused of subverting the constitutional process in the provincial legislator.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif-led government has maintained that President Alvi subverted the Constitution on the orders of PTI Chairman Imran “which is a clear violation of the Supreme Court and the High Court orders”.

The authorities are obtaining statements of the accused and records of national and provincial assemblies, the insiders said.

The sources also said that relevant court orders and judicial precedents will be attached with the reference to be filed in the Supreme Court.

The reference will write a new chapter in the political and judicial history of Pakistan, they added.

Under the law, the federal government has the authority to take action under
Article 6.

"With 7 votes of MQM you have become the Prime Minister. Next time, we will have 25 seats.
Now accept our word, betray us then we will demand for the Prime Minister, then don't say that we have 150 seats." Wasim Akhtar threatens Shahbaz Sharif...

FaujioN ka kutta hai Wasim Akhtar, buss bhonknay kay illawa kuch nahi aata issay.
The PML-N-led coalition government has decided to file a high treason case against President Arif Alvi, former prime minister Imran Khan, National Assembly ex-deputy speaker Qasim Suri and Punjab Governor Umar Sarfraz Cheema for allegedly violating the Constitution.

If true, this would be utterly counter-productive, and indeed wrong. The process of tit-for-tat victimization of political opponents using powers of the State is a huge disservice to Pakistan, and must not be allowed. It was wrong when PTI was doing it under the garb of accountability, and it will be just as wrong if PDM does under the pretext of protecting the Constitution.

After all, the Supreme Court verdict has already moved forward the necessary Constitutionally mandated process, and did not order any additional prosecutions. Sanity must prevail for the nation to come out of such petty issues to deal with the real issues that grow more serious every passing day.
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Keep polarizing Public more and more. This government is behaving like it has a mojority party govt without any controversy.
What the hell kind of country is this. clear majority party is on streets and much lesser seats parties have joined to form govt lolz. in which stable country this happens?. Not a drop of democratic ethics. 3 and half years calling the govt as selected and rigged elections. Now forming this govt based on same elections minority vote holder parties.
Establishment learned nothing from 1971. They just want to sacrifice Pakistan over there smartass attitude.

BC these rifts created in public and society dont heal overnight. You have already cracked Pakistan on Religion , Provincial and regional basis. Now crack this society further on Political basis as well.
You are our enemy not our savior.
And shame on these political parties who are playing in their hands.
"With 7 votes of MQM you have become the Prime Minister. Next time, we will have 25 seats.
Now accept our word, betray us then we will demand for the Prime Minister, then don't say that we have 150 seats." Wasim Akhtar threatens Shahbaz Sharif...

Cheap blackmailere....
They shall get ZERO seats from Karachi
Imran Khan has to spend more time in Pakistan 1st capital, Quaid's City, and also in Sindh.
IT IS ESSENTIAL TO BREAK GHADDARI'S hold in sindh in the next elections.
This would be the biggest mistake the government can make at the moment.
This will be the straw breaking the camel's back.
What morons, they are now trying to prosecute those against whom they have conducted the wrong and illegal acts!!

This will become a "Haddi" in the throats of these crooks, which they wouldn't be able to swallow or spit.
Imagine putting someone in jail who is a sporting legend, one of the best athletes in sports history, a philanthropist who has built cancer hospitals, universities and plants trees. Respected by his people and others around the world. Literally is Mr Pakistan and his state send him to jail.

In the dictionary next to the word self-sabotage, there is a map of Pakistan. :lol:

Not even South America stoops this low.

Never underestimate the corruption of the Pakistani establishment, political system, legal system, society at large.
It's better to draw the battle lines, the fluid situation need to end.
Sir they know they will do another model town and squash it

My prediction is that army will be made punjab police by maryum..just wait and see

It is not Punjab police, GHQ has become US Blackwater analogue to subdue and tame this country.

These pdm are just prostitutes of the west, they are just condoms used again and again.

It's just hot air, don't worry about the threats.
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