The gentleman himself represents the biggest issue with Balochistan. These three tribes have been eating 19% of GDP all by themselves, they have enjoyed power for decades howevee the blame for their incompetence goes to the govt. I'll take him as much seriously as Akhtar Mengal.
@Irfan Baloch -
What kind of public support does he command ?
Virtually none. Qalat dynasty is a dead horse which Indians are beating up in hope against hope to revive as political face of Baluchistan insurgency.
There is an interesting admission in his rhetoric which you guys have probably missed. He clearly states that State of Qalat was voluntarily acceded to Pakistan by Khan of Qalat and process was endorsed by Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah. This admission puts to rest the stupid Indian argument that Qalat was forcefully annexed by Pakistan, and it is coming from the secessionists themselves. I wonder what magical spin our Indian friends will put to his words now.
As far the title of thread/news in Dawn, clearly this is a narrative, opinion, threat or whatever you may call it, from an individual. It is not a situation assessment by any security agency or think tank or something substantial like that. Chieftains like him are precisely the reason people of Baluchistan are so deprived. Given the population of Baluchistan and funds that have been received by the chieftains, Baluchistan should have been the richest province. But alas while all of them live in London, Dubai and Karachi on that money, people of Baluchistan suffer.
Recruits especially from Officers' corps from Baluchistan have increased manifolds in last few years and people of Baluchistan increasingly feel part of Pakistan, thanks to Pakistan military and no thanks to politicians of Baluchistan.
Real number of people who would want to separate is no more than half a million a total. I have seen Pakistan flag flying over homes in Baloch areas frequently. If there is a referendum, separatists will lose badly. Most populace Baloch tribes are loyal to Pakistan. Separatists belong to the tribes who have small populations. Did you guys every wondered why they never demand a referendum?

they know they don't stand a chance. It will be illegal anyway as Baluchistan states willingly joined Pakistan.
I am a Baloch by the way, and my future is Pakistan.