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Govt may soon lose all control over Balochistan

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if we have survived the period between 2008-13,I can assure you that we will even survive if ww3 is fought within the boundries of Pakistan,We will remain intact.
What would stop BSF to shoot everything that moves along Pakistani border within rifle range, or for IA to establish a sanitized zone on Pakistani side of border after Pakistan has disintegrated?

Or What would stop India from capturing a 3-4 Km wide strip along Indo-Pak border and extensively mine it after expelling civilians living in that strip , like DMZ of Koreas.

After all, there would be no Pakistani army to stop India from doing so in disintegrated Pakistan.

Why should India worry about Pakistani integrity?
We are not talking about a military exercise but a scenario in which your opponents are also armed and firing with live ammo. It is not about Army but armed militias/contingents that will wreak havoc in a guerrilla warfare and I gave the example of Kashmir where handful of insurgents have effectively engaged 700000 Indian troops. Furthermore, such a situation will provoke or incite other separatist elements in India to take up arms or intensify the ongoing insurgency. Please do not forget that there is a rebellion like situation in at-least several North Eastern states and then Sikhs have not forgotten the Golden Temple fiasco too.
I wonder what will become of Journalism in this country ----
A rebellion who is threatening the government for disintegration of pakistan is given more weight ---
So in other words you are supporting the disintegration of Pakistan. I was never wrong when I say India is our mortal enemy.

@WebMaster @Horus @Jango: What is the policy for those who openly support disintegration of Pakistan and terrorism?

So denying your delusion that its not you who are protecting and believing in our own strength and forces equals to asking for disintegration of Pakistan? :tsk:
time for fedral rule in blochistan then
So denying your delusion that its not you who are protecting and believing in our own strength and forces equals to asking for disintegration of Pakistan? :tsk:
Please write in simple and understandable English. I did not get what you are trying to say.
Does Pakistan gives support to Nagaland fighters, Maoists or the Assam rebels ? No because they are integrated territories of India. There is no claim of Pakistan on those territories. Likewise, Does India lays any claim on balochistan? If not then why India should give moral support to Balochistan insurgency which is an integrated state of Pakistan ?
Perfectly said,India does not have any claim over Balochistan nor India shares any border with Balochistan. Indians don’t support any insurgency in Balochistan,Crimea or else where. I would like to remind you that Indians have denied asylum to Brahma Bugti who latter went to Geneva.The Baloch problem is a indigenous one,a long festering one right from 1948. The Baloch rebels r locals & they don't come from India. Indians don’t come to Balochistan to attack yr gaspiplines,buses & trains coming to Quetta nor kidnap,murder,toruture Baloch activists.
I have read what you wrote hence my comment. And your assessment (more correctly assumption) that you'll be able to tackle the problem if Pakistan gets disintegrated is flawed. Few hundred or at most a thousand Kashmiri freedom fighters have literally forced you to sink 700000 strong in Kashmir. You disintegrate Pakistan and there would no longer be just 1000 gorillas fighting in Kashmir and/or elsewhere. Your top brass know this hence a bleeding Pakistan suits them more than a disintegrated Pakistan.

A few hundred at most a 1000 freedom fighters??? :laughcry: We have 700K or more troops in Kashmir to counter the uniformed jihadis :jester:of Pakistan and last I checked that is nearly 500-700K strong. Plus we have China to counter on the east, how does anyone take you seriously when you make silly statements like these. Pakistan on a daily basis does more to disintegrate itself than what India can manage. Your problems on the Afghan side are entirely of your own making.
Indeed but senior members on Pakistani side do not support disintegration of India or terrorism rather condemn. That wonderful gesture is found on the other side.

Absolutely wrong sir.... on the contrary they have constantly voiced for disintegration of kashmir, punjab, tamil nadu, "all under ancient IVC region" etc etc... will tag you next time... hope you will show guts to criticise them...
The gentleman himself represents the biggest issue with Balochistan. These three tribes have been eating 19% of GDP all by themselves, they have enjoyed power for decades howevee the blame for their incompetence goes to the govt. I'll take him as much seriously as Akhtar Mengal.

@Irfan Baloch - @DESERT FIGHTER

What kind of public support does he command ?

Virtually none. Qalat dynasty is a dead horse which Indians are beating up in hope against hope to revive as political face of Baluchistan insurgency.

There is an interesting admission in his rhetoric which you guys have probably missed. He clearly states that State of Qalat was voluntarily acceded to Pakistan by Khan of Qalat and process was endorsed by Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah. This admission puts to rest the stupid Indian argument that Qalat was forcefully annexed by Pakistan, and it is coming from the secessionists themselves. I wonder what magical spin our Indian friends will put to his words now.

As far the title of thread/news in Dawn, clearly this is a narrative, opinion, threat or whatever you may call it, from an individual. It is not a situation assessment by any security agency or think tank or something substantial like that. Chieftains like him are precisely the reason people of Baluchistan are so deprived. Given the population of Baluchistan and funds that have been received by the chieftains, Baluchistan should have been the richest province. But alas while all of them live in London, Dubai and Karachi on that money, people of Baluchistan suffer.

Recruits especially from Officers' corps from Baluchistan have increased manifolds in last few years and people of Baluchistan increasingly feel part of Pakistan, thanks to Pakistan military and no thanks to politicians of Baluchistan.

Real number of people who would want to separate is no more than half a million a total. I have seen Pakistan flag flying over homes in Baloch areas frequently. If there is a referendum, separatists will lose badly. Most populace Baloch tribes are loyal to Pakistan. Separatists belong to the tribes who have small populations. Did you guys every wondered why they never demand a referendum? :) they know they don't stand a chance. It will be illegal anyway as Baluchistan states willingly joined Pakistan.

I am a Baloch by the way, and my future is Pakistan.
A few hundred at most a 1000 freedom fighters??? :laughcry: We have 700K or more troops in Kashmir to counter the uniformed jihadis :jester:of Pakistan and last I checked that is nearly 500-700K strong. Plus we have China to counter on the east, how does anyone take you seriously when you make silly statements like these. Pakistan on a daily basis does more to disintegrate itself than what India can manage. Your problems on the Afghan side are entirely of your own making.
A total of 71 posts from May 2013 and this is your tone. Interesting.
The statement is a great opportunity for the Pakistani government to answer these accusations with real work. There are issues with the way Baluchistan has been governed which a mixture of federal government lapses and provincial governments being corrupt. The Princes and Nawabs need to be held accountable for the funds they received for development and there needs to an honest effort for proper distribution of funds in Baluchistan. Building schools and hospitals and a proper road network is paramount as is a clean up operation to get rid of the BLA who are here to fight and nothing else.
And since there is fear of losing control wouldn't this be the perfect time for a stronger federal role in the province to make sure the development projects get completed on time.
I have read what you wrote hence my comment. And your assessment (more correctly assumption) that you'll be able to tackle the problem if Pakistan gets disintegrated is flawed. Few hundred or at most a thousand Kashmiri freedom fighters have literally forced you to sink 700000 strong in Kashmir. You disintegrate Pakistan and there would no longer be just 1000 gorillas fighting in Kashmir and/or elsewhere. Your top brass know this hence a bleeding Pakistan suits them more than a disintegrated Pakistan.

Ohh...my..my.. How the roles have reversed from the good old days of bleeding India through thousand cuts!!!
Folks: The correct spelling is Baloch and not Baluch (British used to spell it like this). Similarly, it is Balochistan.

Years ago the Government of Pakistan had institutionalized this correction of spelling.


Both are correct. Depending on which side of the manmade border you are. Which again you have the British to thank for.

No need for thanks. Its open source.
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