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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

There isn't much wrong in sitting in the lawns in this situation, had they stormed the building itself, I would have went against that. But I don't see anything wrong right now.

Secondly it is mostly PAT right now, not PTI. Let's please differentiate.

And also keep in mind who started the firing and violence.

What you are unable to see is the fact that they(protesters) won't be allowed to sit there anymore. They can be removed anytime & once they are removed there won't be a dharna of any sort. Please keep this in mid there will be a legal case, so who started it is out of question for now. Disgrace of the constitutional institutions at the part of protesters is a evidence strong enough for the government to present before any court of law. Unless army steps in, government is all powerful.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Isloo Army commander tells me that &quot;nothing was fired&quot; from Army&#39;s side; I said police is claiming Army fired first, he said &quot;why would we?&quot;</p>&mdash; Wajahat S. Khan (@WajSKhan) <a href=" ">August 30, 2014</a></blockquote>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Army tells me Police failed in holding crowd at walls of Parliament, but crowd heeding warning &amp; not entering building: &quot;Non lethal working&quot;</p>&mdash; Wajahat S. Khan (@WajSKhan) <a href=" ">August 30, 2014</a></blockquote>
Talked to somebody, no Brigade is moving, so stop reposting BS tweets.

Secondly, Army has stopped the protesters from getting inside the building itself...they are only at the lawns.

And looking at the circumstances, it isn't wrong.

Gotta say. the army has acted very non-political in this event. Glad to see there is no mobilization. Right now its just to hot for the army to enter as they will have to face the people and this will ruin them in front of the people. No need to do anything unless they are completely pushed to the corner.
Talked to somebody, no Brigade is moving, so stop reposting BS tweets.

Secondly, Army has stopped the protesters from getting inside the building itself...they are only at the lawns.

And looking at the circumstances, it isn't wrong.
Talked to somebody, no Brigade is moving, so stop reposting BS tweets.

Secondly, Army has stopped the protesters from getting inside the building itself...they are only at the lawns.

And looking at the circumstances, it isn't wrong.

Army has stated that Police failed in holding crowd at walls of Parliament, but crowd is heeding towards warning & are not entering building: "Non lethal working"

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