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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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Let's leave the ridiculous justifications you are concocting to one side. And let's get down to it. Do you support this attack or do you condemn it?

I don't really know wat to do... lets the case be solved first... I will not take side to any party on just a single news... I don't know the real reasons of his murder may be the guard was right may be wrong...

They are showing on TV that guard killed him because he was against the law if it was so then I don't think his murder can be justified....

If he uttered some Bull **** about Prophet (S.A.W) then of course the guard was right..
If he uttered some Bull **** about Prophet (S.A.W) then of course the guard was right..

First off, he did no such thing. But for a moment let's go with your theory here. So anyone who says anything insulting about the Prophet is to be gunned down right there are then? There is no need to even try him under the blasphemy law? You are saying that it is OK to kill people based on your own adjudication of whether or not they committed blasphemy and just empty a magazine into their heads on the spot?
If by against us you mean you justify terrorism and murder on the streets, then please, come out and say it. Don't hide behind paper thin, ludicrous justifications and innuendo.

the answer to your question is pretty simple & easy.NO
Everyone has full right to explain his/her feeling. Well everyone is talking about "do you condemn or not". If this thing is really important open poll about Condemn Salman Taseer Muder or not. Everyone get his/her answer.

@ Brother Techlahore

you are not judge on the forum who delete every post of anyone. T-Faz already said "if you are against or in favor" you have right to explain in some manner.

Many people continuously watching you from last few months might be discuss that you are acting like you are judge of every thought. Brother this is not possible that on every way you are right and other are wrong everyone have his her own mind brain and thinking ability and full right to explain his/her feeling. No offense...

Anyway lets continue this thread ...


In your opinion, Salman Taseer did the right thing to save the woman involved in Blasphemy???

to anawer this question
one needs to know the correct story about asia bibi
ifff she had done for which she is been accused
then defiantly she should be hanged
and salman taseer did wrong to protect her
but that also doesnt mean to kill him
This murder is to be condemned brothers and sisters... I ll go with what santro has posted on the thread in one of his posts...
Sad incidence indeed.
You being part of government should have faith in judicial system.

Second, I am thinking about the family of the commando, he did it in a gist of anger but they will suffer.
First off, he did no such thing. But for a moment let's go with your theory here. So anyone who says anything insulting about the Prophet is to be gunned down right there are then? There is no need to even try him under the blasphemy law? You are saying that it is OK to kill people based on your own adjudication of whether or not they committed blasphemy and just empty a magazine into their heads on the spot?

I 'll have to agree to you on this note... If Governor had said something wrong he should have brought to court but you know people do not have belief in judicial system that's why you see so many people being murdered around...

and the other thing is our judicial system requires money and not every one has money pursue a case in court...
Everyone has full right to explain his/her feeling. Well everyone is talking about "do you condemn or not". If this thing is really important open poll about Condemn Salman Taseer Muder or not. Everyone get his/her answer.

@ Brother Techlahore

you are not judge on the forum who delete every post of anyone. T-Faz already said "if you are against or in favor" you have right to explain in some manner.

Many people continuously watching you from last few months you are acting like you are judge of every thought. Brother this is not possible that on every way you are right and other are wrong everyone have his her own mind brain and thinking ability and full right to explain his/her feeling. No offense...

Anyway lets continue this thread ...


Against or in favour of Salman Taseer's murder??? How can you be IN FAVOUR of a murder??? As I've already mentioned acts of this nature are tried in Pakistan under the AT laws. Further, the news reports are reporting this as an incident of terror, which it is.

This is not about differences of opinion being discussed in civil ways. This is about closet terror sympathizers jumping out and reveling at the murder of an individual who also happens to be a Governor.

We had published a clarification on forum policy regarding support for terrorism and it is very clear. This is a platform for civil debate within the bounds of law. This forum is not a loudspeaker to be used by those who condone terrorism.
another sad development.
it is also beig reported by some sources that Governers daughters have also died in this attempt. if true, this is bad!

i will again say that we must think calmly and then will realize that murder of a human is not something to cheer!
moreover, in our current political scenario and our image in the world, this is a real bad happening!

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