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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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The people justifying his death need to get their heads checked. It is pathetic when I see people crying when some mentions to repeal this black law. Who cares if someone insults the prophet. Maybe these people haven't been to school but insulting someone will not make it true we learned this in kindargarten. Sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me.

sounds like you are one of those "Elite" and "Enlightened" Pakistanis, who drink, do zina, and steal from people.
No one is allowed to kill anyone. It is the job of the Govt. He will be punished under the law.

lets hope so and i hope he is executed knowing pakistan people will rally in support of him probably arguing he has defended honour of islam and once again threaten violence and strikes if their demands are not met .I just hope government has now seen their true colors and does not give in to them this time these people and their supporters need a good kick up the ***.
The people justifying his death need to get their heads checked. It is pathetic when I see people crying when some mentions to repeal this black law. Who cares if someone insults the prophet. Maybe these people haven't been to school but insulting someone will not make it true we learned this in kindargarten. Sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me.
may b u dont, but millions out there do, i think it was really uncalled for. statements like these lead to more tension between diff communities...
As a muslim and pakistani i must say it is a sad day for Pakistan, but it is also the fact that he was the man who blocked Oman investment in Pakistan and he sold his company to Omantel at 3 times what the actual cost was and Sultan Qaboos of Oman issues instruction to all Omani company not to purchase any assets in Pakistan.

But as i told you before it is not allowed in Islam to killed someone and killing is only allowed in war:cry:
Our politicians do not have the spine to do the same -
Doubtless more public support would help a great deal. Pro-democracy officials tend to despair without grass-roots support.

Thought you might have a few nutjobs here and there, in Pakistan a large chunk is misguided through violent ideologies.
We had the Ku Kux Klan. They resorted to violence and murder on numerous occasions. Many officials worked to appease them out of fear of an anonymous blow or economic boycott from its members. But the lack of public support of the citizenry, good police work, the moral sense of elected officials like Harry Truman, and efforts of private citizens to infiltrate, expose, and ridicule the Klan all contributed to its eventual defeat.

Pakistan doesn't have easy and quick solutions to political violence, or else its political violence would have been defeated long ago. If you want it to stop, you have to make a sustained effort to maintain and expand your freedom from fear.

First, R.I.P to the deceased. May his soul rest in peace. Consolence to his family.

Dont intend to flame, but wanted to know what controversial remark did Mr. Salman Taaseer make? (as suggested by some members here) . I understand that he was very vocal about the blasphemy law's ..... But was some controversial remark attributed to him to make the Mullah's angry ?

Sorry for the ignorance.

Sad Incident.... Another example of how intolerance is increasing in our society. And i am sure some of the nut heads will support this but seriously such things have much bigger effects than you guys think....

May he rest in peace.....
There's much more to what people are seeing in the media, the thing is, he didn't say something so BAD about the law, I think there are so many people calling this law with stupid names, they are easy to hit, why Governor?

Or maybe I'm wrong, the guy, Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, got married recently, have a 4 months old kid, his family is now under arrest, he was NOT of the extremist mind set, that's what the people related to him are saying..

Well, assassination of Governor is indeed a sad incident, I don't want to comment on his dirty politics but he was a intelligent business man.

Now lets see where PPP takes this issue, now this new "Shaheed" will be all over our heads and people will forget REAL issues like Drone Attacks, petrol prizes etc etc..

And yeah one more thing, if this incident is really related to blasphemy law issue then we can really judge that what can happen if we try to interfere in religious issues, it's good to speak against injustice but one thing should be in mind, will it prevent the more injustice to other people in future..

Now that Elite Force guy's family will pay for his stupidity and already PPP rats are burning Pakistan's street..

I was outside when this happened and people on road, here in Lahore were like, "Mur gya, okay, we got our own issues, hum kya karen"..

in end, May ALLAH forgive him.

A few days back there were some resident fanatics going on about how no liberal goes out and protests, saying that this 'proves' that no one supports repealing the blasphemy law :hitwall:

Now do you retards understand what happens when liberals go out and protest? THEY ARE KILLED!

When someone so protected is not safe, what do you think will happen if a bunch of average Pakistanis go out and protest?

Guys, first off lets lay down a basic rule. Anyone, no matter what they are accused off,should have the right to a fair trial and jury. We are condemning the alleged murderer on the basis of what? TV reports,speculations,keep a lid on your emotions and let the law take its due course. If he did, in fact killed the governor, he should be punished accordingly.

Salman Taseer should also have been tried in a court if anyone felt that he insulted the prophet. NOONE has the right to take the law in their hands, and play rambo with other people' lives. If i feel as strongly about something else as some people do about religion, would I be allowed to murder people for it? The answer is NO, no matter how strong the reason, you just can not go around killing people for it.

Also please do not condemn a dead man, i know he was no angel, but still respecting the dead is a part of Islam as well. This also goes for the people who were cursing Qari Hussain, and wishing him hell a couple of days ago. God is just, be assured that everyone will be given the due consequences of their deeds in the hereafter, your wishes will have absolutely no affect on their fates.Desecrating the dead or a dead body is prohibited in Islam and downright disgusting, lets keep it civil.
I was outside when this happened and people on road, here in Lahore were like, "Mur gya, okay, we got our own issues, hum kya karen"..

in end, May ALLAH forgive him.

He had very little support and very little respect and his comments were really studpid.
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