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Governor Punjab Salman Taseer hints that army is coming

People should stay back and let this govt complete the term.

But at what cost Jana ... at what cost? Even if that means a total collapse of the system? Which atm seems inevitable. It's not even a question of "If" any more but a question of "When". U r a journalist, tell me you are not sensing an anarchy in our country in the current situation under this administration? No, seriously U don't think that something ought to be done in this bleak scenario if Pakistan is to sustain?

There is a civil war looming between the "haves" and the "have Nots". The corrupt and incompetent government will not do anything for the poor and people who have lost everything will have no other choice but to resort to extreme means. Should we let that happen just because we have to let this Gov complete its term? In trying to save our infant "democracy", should we sacrifice the whole nation? I don't think its a sane choice.

That said however, I completely don't support the Army take over and dont think it should/would happen. There are many other "constitutional methods" which can be exploited to get rid of this incompetent government. If we stay silent and burry our head in the sand just to let this term be completed, in my opinion we risk losing this country altogether. This government is a threat not only to our country but to the very "democracy" for which we fought!!
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But at what cost Jana ... at what cost? Even if that means a total collapse of the system? Which atm seems inevitable. It's not even a question of "If" any more but a question of "When". U r a journalist, tell me you are not sensing an anarchy in our country in the current situation under this administration? No, seriously U don't think that something ought to be done in this bleak scenario if Pakistan is to sustain?

There is a civil war looming between the "haves" and the "have Nots". The corrupt and incompetent government will not do anything for the poor and people who have lost everything will have no other choice but to resort to extreme means. Should we let that happen just because we have to let this Gov complete its term? In trying to save our infant "democracy", should we sacrifice the whole nation? I don't think its a sane choice.

That said however, I completely don't support the Army take over and dont think it should/would happen. There are many other "constitutional methods" which can be exploited to get rid of this incompetent government. If we stay silent and burry our head in the sand just to let this term be completed, in my opinion we risk losing this country altogether. This government is a threat not only to our country but to the very "democracy" for which we fought!!

I agree with u ...the cost is too much ... Imagine by not implementing and honouring the SC judgements alone the message is going to everyone to flout the judgements of the highest court of law and then cry 'democracy is in danger' ...WTF
Founder of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) said that Pakistan needs a revolution like the French Revolution to rid the country of corrupt politicians, retrieve the funds looted from national exchequers and abolish the oppressive feudal and political system from the country.

He demanded of the patriotic generals and ISI to stop supporting these elements. He said that if the patriotic generals took any steps on the pattern of the Martial Law to rid the country of these corrupt elements, then MQM would support them.

Praising Pakistan Army Mr. Hussain said that the Army as an institution has always been sacrificing for the country:pakistan:. He said that army personnel guard our borders even in rough weather conditions.

He said that democratic governments in the country have been sacked at the whims of a few generals.

If they can dismiss elected governments to protract their rule and also of the corrupt politicians then why can they not take any action to root out the menace of corruption and abolish the oppressive feudal system from the country?
Not going to happen. People should stay back and let this govt complete the term.
There is an alternative solution. Do what Kakar did to Nawaz Sharif in his second term. Made him resign, and then made the president call in fresh elections. He never came forward as a Chief Executive of any sort.

No need to "fix" Pakistan through army, just hit the reset switch.
Kiyani should Takeover this govt immedialty and kick PPP and Nawaz Lota and co brothers from this country forever...

After Takeover Kiyani go for free for all election for Tahreekay Insaaf.. I think we should try some parha lika leader like Imran Khan now....
best solution

dissolve present government
interim govt of non controversial persons esp imran khan
reelections only after Pakistan achieves political and economical stability
supreme court stays and tries corrupt politicians

army supervises all of the above
It will be better then whats going on now...........
No matter how Good is army at this time, they are not suitable to Govern a country. No country of the world flourishes under Army Rule neither any country in the world has made progress or became "developed" because it was governed by military. For the simple reason, Army must stay within the role they excel and that is to defend the country. p e r i o d. If they are going to give the same failed experiment the 5th try, I bet results won't be different from first 4 attempts that proved not just failed experiments but catastrophic!

Army in power, NO but they helping in giving this government another fair chance of election, this is what many would support.
In my view, you need to give democracy time. Its not an on-off switch. Its like a tree. You need to give it time to grow roots and set it self right. If you keep uprooting it every time without giving enough time, you will need to start from scratch every time. Like its been happening in Pakistan till now..

Stay the course...
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