When someone is split between two cultures such differences are common in population however in context of Pakistan , this difference is more prominent because may be 7% population lives differently then rest of the population
a) Access to English schools , better teacher
b) Access to imported food or facilities like swimming pool or sports facilities
c) May be even access to international restaurants
d) Sometimes since the folks use English in school and home they also have linguistic differences
e) May be they had slightly better upbringing as their parents were well paid
**Growing up my pocket money only entitled me to perhaps 1 juice drink or sandwhich or bubble gum with sticker inside it
I was lucky to be in good school still 100% run by Pakistanis
However as Pakistan will develop a better universally acceptable School system where English is common , and food prices would drop and nation opens to lot of ideas then people won't notice such differences
Similarly with advancement of better food quality , better choices the now seemingly foreign food choices will become common trend
When a nations becomes Fully Developed , world wide food choices open up in it's cities due to migration or spread of commerce
Not long ago commodities like McDonalds or Pizza hut were foreign to Pakistan but now they are quite common in Pakistan
I always notice these differences more , because I lived in both side of coin
- In Western Society , they call it Desi or Migrant Complex
- In Eastern Society , they call it Gora Complex
The majority always finds complexes and problems in Minority is what the Human Behavior really comes down to this later is also reflected in TV And media
However in term of Housing Societies , the trend will accelerate , working class folks will prefer to live in communities where there are
a) Parks
b) Schools
c) Water
d) Security Patrols (Private or Government Sponsored)
f) There are camera surveillance and gate checks for visitors
Also for many folks who have lived in Middle east when they return back they prefer that their families had homes or services which are similar if not better then what they had in Middle east so , Housing schemes are here because they are in demand due to better planning
This trend will eventually hit Pakistan if not already , it is the future for Pakistan
While in context of this video people claim , Modern housing schemes are funny or frowned upon but this is what Next Generation wants !!!
- Planned Housing vs Random Neighborhoods in congestion
Example of planned housing
This is not exceptional from International stand point but it is great standard
Pakistan is just getting higher quality planned development done in recent decade or so
So folks in school aim high !
- If you mastered English , learn (Chinese /French)
I still do eat Nihari / Roti with hand but I will pick up that fork and knife when I need to in formal setting - Be Versatile