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Goodbye, USS Enterprise CVN-65


Oct 24, 2012
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Final Deployment of USS enterprise has ended on Nov 4 2012, the aircraft carrier is due to be dismentle on December 1 2012, this article is a tribute to this magnificant ship and it's role and achievement both within and outside the service of the United States Navy, and finally to all the sailor who served on board of this amazing ship.


USS enterprise CVN-65, nicknamed "Big E" was build on 1958 and enter US Service on 1961. It achievement are not limited to its US services, it is also the world first Nuclear power aircraft carrier and give blue print on modern construction method to modern carrier.

The big E serve the US for over 50 years started life as a Traditional 6 ship group but construction cost panned the other 5 making USS Enterprise the sole ship of its class, commission first as a test platform of the Nuclear powered giant ship to spearhead the Nuclear force in the US navy, the first couple of year of the Service of Enterprise are to evulate the Nuclear Operation on baord a giant ship like the USS Enterprise and a testbed of technology.

FIrst combat deployment were to Vietnam in South east asia, USS enterprise and her airgroup fly sortie while stationed off Gulf of tokn, it again make history to launch 165 sortie in a single day. with subsequent 8 deployment to SE Asia, it lead with all other ship in the group.

After vietnam, Enterprise endure a long refueling and repairing/refitting/upgrade package where the carrier take on the new F14 Tomcat aircraft. It also upgraded the drive shaft and the reactor.

The next would be combat deployment are to African Country of Uganda, where were tasked to rescue the American hostage held by Idi Amin, however, as the hostage is release, the dash to rescue become a port visit, the carrier return to California without firing a single shot.

In 1984, on a what could be a career ending grounding of the carrier at the San Fransico bay sandbar turned into one of the most memorable moment of the Enterprise, not because of the Grounding nor combat but rather the distinct guess Mr George Takei onboard the Real USS enterprise for a visit.

In 1990s, Enterprise answer the call again, this time in the balkan, having missed the Desert storm due to an overhaul, the carrier was in combat again with Bosnia on administering a no fly zone above the area.

IN year 200, we saw the ship frequent deploy to the gulf region oin support on both Iraqi Freedom and to some extend Enduring Freedom this will see the last war the USS Enterprise fought and on the day of Nov 5, 2012, after returning from the gulf one last time, the US Navy saids no more, they decided the ship should be retired and scrapped as the cost of maintaining a nuclear carrier is too much for any civilian organisation to handle.

So on the December 1 2012, the ship will set sail for one last time, to meet her doom, then, we will see the first nuclear powered aircraft to be decomissioned in the world and ironically, it is the same ship that enter the name as the first Nuclear Aircraft carrier to be enter any naval service in the world. The ship had an everlasting impact to the ship come after her and will always have the everlasting impact to the US Navy as this will not be the end of the USS Enterprise, on 2012, an official petition have been filed to the DOD to name the new Gerald R Ford Carrier CVN-80, it will be the 7th ship that bore the name USS Enterprise. USS enterprise will be replaced by CVN-78 a new class (Gerald R Ford class) carrier bear the same name of its class in the year 2014 or 2015.
They will definitely put the name on one of the new Ford class.
World still need to understand technology that built this war house
World still need to understand technology that built this war house

It would be nice if it can stay so people can study them, but i guess the cost and the secret involved make it an impossible decision to hold the carrier and make it an attraction site

Still good tho, as many naval veteran i know would rather their ship go down as a Navy Warship rather than serve as a day care center to anyone who can pay 20 bucks.
Can Vietnam have this nice vessel?
Can Vietnam have this nice vessel?

no........it is to be scraped
and i don't think you want it too, the nuclear plant are quite old, if you keep use it, it will be like a walking nuclear bomb...

and the music to go with it:

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no........it is to be scraped
and i don't think you want it too, the nuclear plant are quite old, if you keep use it, it will be like a walking nuclear bomb...

I suggest the US can remove the nuclear power reactor and give the ship to the VN navy. We can refurbish it like the Chinese doing with Liaoning. Voila, we will have our own Carrier for the South China Sea. :D
I suggest the US can remove the nuclear power reactor and give the ship to the VN navy. We can refurbish it like the Chinese doing with Liaoning. Voila, we will have our own Carrier for the South China Sea. :D

you must be mad.Regardless whether the United States will sell it to you,it needs big money to keep it working.and ,you do not have supporting fleet.however, it is a good choice for india.:cheesy:
you must be mad.Regardless whether the United States will sell it to you,it needs big money to keep it working.and ,you do not have supporting fleet.however, it is a good choice for india.:cheesy:

Not exactly! there are rumors USS Kitty Hawk was offered to India and India rejected as the carrier was too big for India's need, affordability and lacked of trained personal to operate it.
I suggest the US can remove the nuclear power reactor and give the ship to the VN navy. We can refurbish it like the Chinese doing with Liaoning. Voila, we will have our own Carrier for the South China Sea. :D

You cannot fit another proplusion system to occupied the Nuclear Plant as they have a different config to Diesel Electric powerplant. If you want the hull without Nuclear Powerplant, that would mean you need to redesign the hull, which is very hard as the hull is more than 50 years old and you may aswell make a new Carrier.

you must be mad.Regardless whether the United States will sell it to you,it needs big money to keep it working.and ,you do not have supporting fleet.however, it is a good choice for india.:cheesy:

It's very hard to operate a Supercarrier of any power source, there are currently no country in the world can operate a supercarrier beside the US, not India nor China, let alone a nuclear powered Supercarrier.

It's a lot different to run a small carrier than running a supercarrier, if you served in the USMC, you will understand what i am talking about

Not exactly! there are rumors USS Kitty Hawk was offered to India and India rejected as the carrier was too big for India's need, affordability and lacked of trained personal to operate it.

I would say, unless the US offer up the Kittyhawk for free, otherwise it's better off make you own as diesel Supercarrier is very expensive to maintain. That's why we phase them out in the first place.
I would say, unless the US offer up the Kittyhawk for free, otherwise it's better off make you own as diesel Supercarrier is very expensive to maintain. That's why we phase them out in the first place.

Even if offered for free, it would be a white elephant for the Indian Navy.
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