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Good Taliban Romancing with Pakistani Sectarian Mullah Ludhyanvi

Pakistan in the long run would have to fight the Taliban like what it’s doing to the TTP.

The sooner Pakistanis realize this the better.
Pakistan in the long run would have to fight the Taliban like what it’s doing to the TTP.

The sooner Pakistanis realize this the better.

Pakistan chose the Taliban over Hazaras, Uzbekis, Tajikis, Turks of Afghanistan, they need to live with it now. I dont think they're will be a war. Pakistan army/establishment is close to the JUI and TJ whom are very powerful movements, they are close to the Taliban. As long as Pakistan has deep relations with these movements then the Taliban will stay friendly but it doesn't mean they will not flex their muscles. Taliban has independent policy and they will do whatever it takes to increase their power, their number one mission is to build close relations with their allies in Pakistan. TTP is a blessing for them, it doesn't mean they fund or support them but they will never make enemies with them because it goes against their interests. Not everyone is a puppet like Pakistan policy makers.

If Pakistan wants to end their partnership with the Taliban they will need to promote the counter ideology, support the anti Taliban lashkars/militias in Pakistan, then make close relations with the Afghan Turks, Uzbekhis, Tajikis, Hazaras, then get close to Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekhistan, Turkey and slowly decrease the Taliban power.

Pakistan leadership doesn't have the guts to do it, instead they're trying to win over the militants, trying to lick up to the Taliban so they show them mercy, similar to how the Indian policy is.
1) As long as Pakistan has deep relations with these movements then the Taliban will stay friendly but it doesn't mean they will not flex their muscles. Taliban has independent policy and they will do whatever it takes to increase their power,
But with generals.

their number one mission is to build close relations with their allies in Pakistan.
with TTP and sectarian mullahs like ex-Sipaha e Sahhaba (ludhyanvi group)

TTP is a blessing for them, it doesn't mean they fund or support them but they will never make enemies with them because it goes against their interests.
because TTP and Afthan Taliban are same. Good Taliban, Bad Taliban was joke by Pakistani generals.

If Pakistan wants to end their partnership with the Taliban they will need to promote the counter ideology, support the anti Taliban lashkars/militias in Pakistan, then make close relations with the Afghan Turks, Uzbekhis, Tajikis, Hazaras, then get close to Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekhistan, Turkey and slowly decrease the Taliban power.
I fully agree. In Pakistan they should use TLP and patriotic tribals. But instead generals launched TLP to counter politicians of the country. So now TLP is like TTP with less power, but with good support from locals. So, TLP is another monster in near future.

Sar Tan Se Juda... Sar Tan Se Juda...

Pakistan leadership doesn't have the guts to do it, instead they're trying to win over the militants, trying to lick up to the Taliban so they show them mercy.

Because in reality Bhutto is dead, but Zia is alive.
More worst days are coming..

Generals are following Zia. Its seems they want Saudi Riyal to fk Iran.
From Zia days all sectarian groups born and terrorists groups launched with US $, Saudi Riyal.
But with generals.

With the generals, ex generals, intelligent agencies.

with TTP and sectarian mullahs like ex-Sipaha e Sahhaba (ludhyanvi group)

TTP is a coalition of pro Taliban, tribal area militias, they are mostly based in Pakistan, they're the one who gave sanctuary and support to the Taliban during Usa war. SSP is not that powerful, Taliban has close relations with JUI and TJ, they're massive movements with international connections.

because TTP and Afthan Taliban are same. Good Taliban, Bad Taliban was joke by Pakistani generals.

They are allies, Haqqani Network is also an ally of the Taliban. From your point of view yes they're the same, but on paper they claim to be different, with different leadership.

I fully agree. In Pakistan they should use TLP and patriotic tribals. But instead generals launched TLP to counter politicians of the country. So now TLP is like TTP with less power, but with good support from locals. So, TLP is another monster in near future.

Sar Tan Se Juda... Sar Tan Se Juda...
Tlp movement started when TTP started bombings all over Pakistan, they slaughtered sunni ulemas, bombed Masjids, Darbars, Markets, killed our army jawaans but JUI, JI and others never once condemned them but instead used to read the funeral prayers of the terrorists. People mocked the sunni Muslims and said your finished, have no political power, this is where slowly a strict type of TLP emerged. I disagree, if the agencies use TLP against TTP then after a decade people will say Tlp is terrorist and will jump in bed with the Taliban. Hopefully Tlp will not be used and abused, the sunni ulema condemned Tlp aggression against the state and this is why they're abit calm now. The ulema believe in peaceful struggle, they never support the militancy of a an organisation because then a monster is created.

Because in reality Bhutto is dead, but Zia is alive.
More worst days are coming..

Generals are following Zia. Its seems they want Saudi Riyal to fk Iran.
From Zia days all sectarian groups born and terrorists groups launched with US $, Saudi Riyal.

Yes the same old policy continues. I believe after the Bangladeshi war which was waged by secular/moderate people/leaders the policy makers decided we need to islamise Pakistan and gained billions of riyals to do it, now they just want to control these people and not destroy or weaken them. The ideology is still not destroyed and is followed by the powerful people.

Hehehe... Even Military aligned propagandists have given up on Afghan policy..

Taliban will not wage a war with TTP due to Pakistan. Why should they? The TTP is no threat to Afghanistan, they always gave sanctuary to the Taliban. They allies. What if Taliban says to Pakistan to stop their relations with the USA, will Pakistan listen?
Afghanistan is actually a real threat to Pakistan's stability more than India.
Ttp & India is the biggest enemy of PAKISTAN but don't know who want to keep fighting between Pakistan & Afghanistan & keep want to instability between the two countries...
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