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Good step : Pakistani scholarships for Afghans

As far as I know, Pakistan has a reserved quota for Afghan students in colleges and universities as well. Whatever their political differences may be, Pakistan has been very magnanimous in providing for Afghan refugees. I know there are some complaints about the treatment of Afghan refugees, but those sorts of problems are inevitable when hosting such a large population of foreign nationals. Being open to providing humanitarian assistance and asylum to refugees seems to be common feature across the Islamic world, other than the Gulf countries.

India too has been helping on a smaller scale— a 5% quota for Afghan students in colleges. It's been working well so far and there's a neighbourhood in Delhi called Lajpat Nagar which has a mini Afghanistan, with most Afghan students living there.
such comments are rare,
very RARE
A good step in the right direction, contacts must increase between the neighbors and what better way but through education.

We thank the government and people of Pakistan for providing these scholarships.

"The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council on Friday accorded approval for the award of 3,000 scholarships to students from Afghanistan under the prime minister’s directives"


This is good news. Can I take the oppurtunity to apologize on behalf of my fellow countrymen who frankly can' think beyond their own little lives. I know the exact same curse afflicts your country. That is the reason why we both - Afghan's and Pakistani are in mess. They can't understand that we live in the same geographic space and we will have to work and live togather. We should be working to build our neighbourhood into a prosperous region like Europe has done. We have stop fighting like animals with each other. Have a look at this scene below from imperial Rome.


That is us slaves fighting each other and dying like animals while Roman which is the Western world watches us. We have to unite for our own good.

Now to the Pakistani's here - You are the first to start pontificating about Islam. You are the first to give sermons about Islam. Well many of you here and I am sure you know who they are because many of them shout the loudest came as refugees. The Sindhi, the Pashtun, the Punjabi, the Baloch gave you their land as refuge in 1947.

If you can find faults in the Afghan refugeees the Sindhi can find many faults in the refugees as well and I sure you know all to well about that. In Europe, USA and Canada there are millions of Pakistani who mostly within 5 years get legal citizenship. These are alien societies that accept these Pakistani immigrants and give them full citizenship.

Many of those Pakistan immigrants then go on to set up what are called "little Pakistan's". The second generation take part in drug smuggling and other crimes. Some even become radicalized and then bite the hand that feeds them. We have the case of Faisal Shazad the Times Square bomber and the 7/7 Bombing of London both by people of Pakistan origin. There has been wave of anger by the British and Americans against people who they gave home to, people who benefited from some of best living conditions in the world and then paid back by bombing and killing the host. Look below.

Mohammad Sidique Khan


Mohammad Sidique Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Faisal Shahzad


7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Faisal Shahzad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British people in fact are sick to death of the nearly million Pakistani living in UK. I know all to well. The common refrain of the English is they ( Pakistani ) come here to UK, live off their benefit system, enjoy free health care, free schooling and then turn against UK. They burn British flags. They shout against British soldiers. Some even claim they are going to take over UK and set up sharia state. They deal in drugs. They abuse white girls. The list goes on, on and on. Yet the British keep letting in more Pakistani and keeping giving them citizenshops.

Now let us look at the Afghans. We don't give them any money. We don't provide them with free medical care. We don't give them any welfare benefits. We don't give them free schools. After living here for 30 years most don't have Pakistani citizenship when I explained it take about 5 years for most European copuntries to give citizenship. I have yet to come across anybody in the West living for 30 years who has not got the citizenship yet. I am sure many of you who read this are abroad will be aware of this.

What shocks e most is the Mohajirs in Pakistan are the biggest supporters of having the Afghan's kicked out.I find this rather ironic. The only, I repeat the only claim these people have on this land is their Muslim identity. Remove that and they would have no right to be living in Sindh, Punjab or Khyber Pakhtunkwa. Well are these Afghans not Muslim also? Islam does NOT accept human made divisions of people. So next time when your shouting don't forget this point. Your claim on this land is that your bloody Muslims. Nothing more. A Bihari minus Islam is a Bihari period like a Afghan. Don't tell me the Afghan's annoy you because plenty of Bihari annoy me as well.

What I think Pakistan should have done 30 years ago is set up a "Pakistan Sepah Legion" similar to the Freench Foreign Legion. The Afghan's living in Pakistan should have been invited to join it. Any man serving longer than 5 years service gets Pakistan citizenship for himself and his immediate family. This unit could have been built up along the lines of Foreign Legion into a tough fighting infantry unit which could have been used in Balochistan, in FATA and if it came to it against India.

Imaginative thinking is the best way forward. But then when have we ever done that? What did we have to show before 1947? Nothing. The only Muslims did anything worthwhile are the Turks or Iranians. What did we do? We fell under the British slaverey at the first bullet fired. We now have a oppurtunity to build a powerful block here with our neighbours. Hpw can we do that when people can't even think beyond their own narrow minds?

I would like to one day see a world where like Germans. French, British sit togather on one table that we the Iranians, Pakistani and Afghans can do the same.

And frankly if we can't then we might as well give up on the India thing and join them in a block. The world is moving forward to emerging blocks. We have to make a choice NOW.

Ps. One level Pakistani's see solidarity with Palestinians, Jordanians etc who are far further to us than our neighbour the Afghans and Iranian's. If we cannot even accomodate with these guy's who can we do it with? I was going to say Indian's but did we not lose millions of people in 1947. More millions came running as refugees to this land. If it is India then we should have left things like they were in 1947.
This is good news. Can I take the oppurtunity to apologize on behalf of my fellow countrymen who frankly can' think beyond their own little lives. I know the exact same curse afflicts your country. That is the reason why we both - Afghan's and Pakistani are in mess. They can't understand that we live in the same geographic space and we will have to work and live togather. We should be working to build our neighbourhood into a prosperous region like Europe has done. We have stop fighting like animals with each other. Have a look at this scene below from imperial Rome.


That is us slaves fighting each other and dying like animals while Roman which is the Western world watches us. We have to unite for our own good.

Now to the Pakistani's here - You are the first to start pontificating about Islam. You are the first to give sermons about Islam. Well many of you here and I am sure you know who they are because many of them shout the loudest came as refugees. The Sindhi, the Pashtun, the Punjabi, the Baloch gave you their land as refuge in 1947.

If you can find faults in the Afghan refugeees the Sindhi can find many faults in the refugees as well and I sure you know all to well about that. In Europe, USA and Canada there are millions of Pakistani who mostly within 5 years get legal citizenship. These are alien societies that accept these Pakistani immigrants and give them full citizenship.

Many of those Pakistan immigrants then go on to set up what are called "little Pakistan's". The second generation take part in drug smuggling and other crimes. Some even become radicalized and then bite the hand that feeds them. We have the case of Faisal Shazad the Times Square bomber and the 7/7 Bombing of London both by people of Pakistan origin. There has been wave of anger by the British and Americans against people who they gave home to, people who benefited from some of best living conditions in the world and then paid back by bombing and killing the host. Look below.

Mohammad Sidique Khan


Mohammad Sidique Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Faisal Shahzad


7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Faisal Shahzad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British people in fact are sick to death of the nearly million Pakistani living in UK. I know all to well. The common refrain of the English is they ( Pakistani ) come here to UK, live off their benefit system, enjoy free health care, free schooling and then turn against UK. They burn British flags. They shout against British soldiers. Some even claim they are going to take over UK and set up sharia state. They deal in drugs. They abuse white girls. The list goes on, on and on. Yet the British keep letting in more Pakistani and keeping giving them citizenshops.

Now let us look at the Afghans. We don't give them any money. We don't provide them with free medical care. We don't give them any welfare benefits. We don't give them free schools. After living here for 30 years most don't have Pakistani citizenship when I explained it take about 5 years for most European copuntries to give citizenship. I have yet to come across anybody in the West living for 30 years who has not got the citizenship yet. I am sure many of you who read this are abroad will be aware of this.

What shocks e most is the Mohajirs in Pakistan are the biggest supporters of having the Afghan's kicked out.I find this rather ironic. The only, I repeat the only claim these people have on this land is their Muslim identity. Remove that and they would have no right to be living in Sindh, Punjab or Khyber Pakhtunkwa. Well are these Afghans not Muslim also? Islam does NOT accept human made divisions of people. So next time when your shouting don't forget this point. Your claim on this land is that your bloody Muslims. Nothing more. A Bihari minus Islam is a Bihari period like a Afghan. Don't tell me the Afghan's annoy you because plenty of Bihari annoy me as well.

What I think Pakistan should have done 30 years ago is set up a "Pakistan Sepah Legion" similar to the Freench Foreign Legion. The Afghan's living in Pakistan should have been invited to join it. Any man serving longer than 5 years service gets Pakistan citizenship for himself and his immediate family. This unit could have been built up along the lines of Foreign Legion into a tough fighting infantry unit which could have been used in Balochistan, in FATA and if it came to it against India.

Imaginative thinking is the best way forward. But then when have we ever done that? What did we have to show before 1947? Nothing. The only Muslims did anything worthwhile are the Turks or Iranians. What did we do? We fell under the British slaverey at the first bullet fired. We now have a oppurtunity to build a powerful block here with our neighbours. Hpw can we do that when people can't even think beyond their own narrow minds?

I would like to one day see a world where like Germans. French, British sit togather on one table that we the Iranians, Pakistani and Afghans can do the same.

And frankly if we can't then we might as well give up on the India thing and join them in a block. The world is moving forward to emerging blocks. We have to make a choice NOW.

Ps. One level Pakistani's see solidarity with Palestinians, Jordanians etc who are far further to us than our neighbour the Afghans and Iranian's. If we cannot even accomodate with these guy's who can we do it with? I was going to say Indian's but did we not lose millions of people in 1947. More millions came running as refugees to this land. If it is India then we should have left things like they were in 1947.

I'm sorry but the comparison of Faisal Shahzad is false -- Pakistani Americans are overwhelmingly patriotic Americans who have served in the Armed Forces and have died fighting for America -- There was even a Pakistani American on the Abbottabad raid.

Pakistani Americans have lower crime rates than the average American population and possibly even less than the White population. It is true they lag behind their Indian counterparts in education but not by much.

When have you seen Pakistani Americans burn American flags.

Further I think the comparison to Rome and gladiators is not only false but dangerous. We have burnt our own houses down -- it is fascination that the South Koreans, Indians, Malaysians are not fighting as gladiators but just the Pakistanis, Iranians and Afghans. The disease is fundamentally inside us.
I'm sorry but the comparison of Faisal Shahzad is false -- Pakistani Americans are overwhelmingly patriotic Americans who have served in the Armed Forces and have died fighting for America -- There was even a Pakistani American on the Abbottabad raid.

Pakistani Americans have lower crime rates than the average American population and possibly even less than the White population. It is true they lag behind their Indian counterparts in education but not by much.

When have you seen Pakistani Americans burn American flags.

Further I think the comparison to Rome and gladiators is not only false but dangerous. We have burnt our own houses down -- it is fascination that the South Koreans, Indians, Malaysians are not fighting as gladiators but just the Pakistanis, Iranians and Afghans. The disease is fundamentally inside us.
At no point do Pakistani Americans, at least those born here or become citizens identify themselves as anything less than American first. There are black sheep as with any community, but they pale in comparison to those found in the Arab communities.

If anything, the more radicalism I have seen from Pakistani Americans is focused on each other(Sunni-Shia, Deobandi, Bareilvi, Sufi.. etc).
At no point do Pakistani Americans, at least those born here or become citizens identify themselves as anything less than American first. There are black sheep as with any community, but they pale in comparison to those found in the Arab communities.

If anything, the more radicalism I have seen from Pakistani Americans is focused on each other(Sunni-Shia, Deobandi, Bareilvi, Sufi.. etc).

Any comprehensive analysis or opinion pieces on dynamics b/w Pakistani and Indian Americans.

Could provide an essential tool - to do an isolation based study and effect of environment on people to people relationships which translate to national level.

I know there are plenty of anecdotal evidence but they are often useless for any analysis. Polling data would be highly appreciated if such a polling has ever been done. I think the social scientists would have jumped at this opportunity.
Any comprehensive analysis or opinion pieces on dynamics b/w Pakistani and Indian Americans.

Could provide an essential tool - to do an isolation based study and effect of environment on people to people relationships which translate to national level.

I know there are plenty of anecdotal evidence but they are often useless for any analysis. Polling data would be highly appreciated if such a polling has ever been done. I think the social scientists would have jumped at this opportunity.

Depends on the cities,but as such.. a Desi has another Desi's back depending on most characters. Indians tend to group together more and Paksitanis are generally intermingling with everyone.. but that is reserved for the general work visa immigrants. Those born here, and bred here.. have the same dynamics as any other American.

There are those pioneer Indians and Pakistanis who came to the US and huddled together in flats trying to survive in the land. Their bond is the same as any close friend or brother.
nothings gona change, afghans are by nature back stabbers, scholarships are not going to do benefit to us, both Karzai and Ghani lived in Pakistan for decades but still speak indian language, thankless spineless slimy bastards

A good step in the right direction, contacts must increase between the neighbors and what better way but through education.

We thank the government and people of Pakistan for providing these scholarships.

"The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council on Friday accorded approval for the award of 3,000 scholarships to students from Afghanistan under the prime minister’s directives"

I guess Ashraf Ghani really is trying to build bridges. But these bridges are fragile and are broken easily.
A good step in the right direction, contacts must increase between the neighbors and what better way but through education.

We thank the government and people of Pakistan for providing these scholarships.

"The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council on Friday accorded approval for the award of 3,000 scholarships to students from Afghanistan under the prime minister’s directives"


Not sure if they increased them? Coz even in the past PAK was giving thousands of scholarships to Afghan students... Apart from that Afghsn refugees are also given reservations in higher learning institutes ..
If anything, the more radicalism I have seen from Pakistani Americans is focused on each other(Sunni-Shia, Deobandi, Bareilvi, Sufi.. etc).

Most discrimination from Pakistani-Pakistani is; "I'm a doctor, i'm better than that Gas Station owner", "I'm an engineer how dare that son of a cashier talk to my child."

If you haven't seen it, you're selectively zoning it out.
Clearly for Afghans.

3,000,000 refugees
3,000 scholarships

What has Pakistan gotten for educating thousands of Afghans before.

Even someone like you has benefitted from Pakistani generosity has not written an oped in your newspapers defending Pakistan or disgracing those who burn the Pakistani flag.

If there are misguided Afghans who burn Pakistani flags -- have you taken out a demonstration thanking Pakistanis for their generosity.

If there are misguided Afghans who beat Pakistani laborer -- have you taken out a demonstration condemning such actions.

And if not you, perhaps the other Afghan Intellectuals like: Omar Samad, Ali Latifi, etc. -- just one line, one reference to an article in hasht-e-sobh, Khaama, Tolo, that condemns the beating of Pakistani Laborers, condemns the burning of Pakistani flags -- is it too much to ask?

Talk is cheap -- Scholarships and refugees expensive

Actions not parasites please

And, feel free to surprise us.


Any action that
This is good news. Can I take the oppurtunity to apologize on behalf of my fellow countrymen who frankly can' think beyond their own little lives. I know the exact same curse afflicts your country. That is the reason why we both - Afghan's and Pakistani are in mess. They can't understand that we live in the same geographic space and we will have to work and live togather. We should be working to build our neighbourhood into a prosperous region like Europe has done. We have stop fighting like animals with each other. Have a look at this scene below from imperial Rome.


That is us slaves fighting each other and dying like animals while Roman which is the Western world watches us. We have to unite for our own good.

Now to the Pakistani's here - You are the first to start pontificating about Islam. You are the first to give sermons about Islam. Well many of you here and I am sure you know who they are because many of them shout the loudest came as refugees. The Sindhi, the Pashtun, the Punjabi, the Baloch gave you their land as refuge in 1947.

If you can find faults in the Afghan refugeees the Sindhi can find many faults in the refugees as well and I sure you know all to well about that. In Europe, USA and Canada there are millions of Pakistani who mostly within 5 years get legal citizenship. These are alien societies that accept these Pakistani immigrants and give them full citizenship.

Many of those Pakistan immigrants then go on to set up what are called "little Pakistan's". The second generation take part in drug smuggling and other crimes. Some even become radicalized and then bite the hand that feeds them. We have the case of Faisal Shazad the Times Square bomber and the 7/7 Bombing of London both by people of Pakistan origin. There has been wave of anger by the British and Americans against people who they gave home to, people who benefited from some of best living conditions in the world and then paid back by bombing and killing the host. Look below.

Mohammad Sidique Khan


Mohammad Sidique Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Faisal Shahzad


7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Faisal Shahzad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British people in fact are sick to death of the nearly million Pakistani living in UK. I know all to well. The common refrain of the English is they ( Pakistani ) come here to UK, live off their benefit system, enjoy free health care, free schooling and then turn against UK. They burn British flags. They shout against British soldiers. Some even claim they are going to take over UK and set up sharia state. They deal in drugs. They abuse white girls. The list goes on, on and on. Yet the British keep letting in more Pakistani and keeping giving them citizenshops.

Now let us look at the Afghans. We don't give them any money. We don't provide them with free medical care. We don't give them any welfare benefits. We don't give them free schools. After living here for 30 years most don't have Pakistani citizenship when I explained it take about 5 years for most European copuntries to give citizenship. I have yet to come across anybody in the West living for 30 years who has not got the citizenship yet. I am sure many of you who read this are abroad will be aware of this.

What shocks e most is the Mohajirs in Pakistan are the biggest supporters of having the Afghan's kicked out.I find this rather ironic. The only, I repeat the only claim these people have on this land is their Muslim identity. Remove that and they would have no right to be living in Sindh, Punjab or Khyber Pakhtunkwa. Well are these Afghans not Muslim also? Islam does NOT accept human made divisions of people. So next time when your shouting don't forget this point. Your claim on this land is that your bloody Muslims. Nothing more. A Bihari minus Islam is a Bihari period like a Afghan. Don't tell me the Afghan's annoy you because plenty of Bihari annoy me as well.

What I think Pakistan should have done 30 years ago is set up a "Pakistan Sepah Legion" similar to the Freench Foreign Legion. The Afghan's living in Pakistan should have been invited to join it. Any man serving longer than 5 years service gets Pakistan citizenship for himself and his immediate family. This unit could have been built up along the lines of Foreign Legion into a tough fighting infantry unit which could have been used in Balochistan, in FATA and if it came to it against India.

Imaginative thinking is the best way forward. But then when have we ever done that? What did we have to show before 1947? Nothing. The only Muslims did anything worthwhile are the Turks or Iranians. What did we do? We fell under the British slaverey at the first bullet fired. We now have a oppurtunity to build a powerful block here with our neighbours. Hpw can we do that when people can't even think beyond their own narrow minds?

I would like to one day see a world where like Germans. French, British sit togather on one table that we the Iranians, Pakistani and Afghans can do the same.

And frankly if we can't then we might as well give up on the India thing and join them in a block. The world is moving forward to emerging blocks. We have to make a choice NOW.

Ps. One level Pakistani's see solidarity with Palestinians, Jordanians etc who are far further to us than our neighbour the Afghans and Iranian's. If we cannot even accomodate with these guy's who can we do it with? I was going to say Indian's but did we not lose millions of people in 1947. More millions came running as refugees to this land. If it is India then we should have left things like they were in 1947.

Thank you. I full understand where you coming from and I do hope that we will have more people like you both in Afghanistan and Pakistan to think beyond their limited mindset and understand that we can only thrive if we thrive as a region.

Most discrimination from Pakistani-Pakistani is; "I'm a doctor, i'm better than that Gas Station owner", "I'm an engineer how dare that son of a cashier talk to my child."

If you haven't seen it, you're selectively zoning it out.
Havent seen that yet, but the career choice discrimination is universal. I have seen the filth they spew at private religious gatherings from every other sect. So will go with my choice on the discrimination.

I did get discriminated upon for not being of the same ethnicity once as well.
Any action that

Thank you. I full understand where you coming from and I do hope that we will have more people like you both in Afghanistan and Pakistan to think beyond their limited mindset and understand that we can only thrive if we thrive as a region.


Hopefully peace prevails, as Pak army chief said today Pakistan has deep cultural and ethnic ties to Afghanistan, but elements within the Afghan security establishment (working on an external agenda) try to sabotage the peace process (as evident from the abrupt failure of Murree process due to a belated disclosure of M.Omar's death) , they have been showing aversion to Ghani's reconciliatory efforts to Afghanistan's neighbours , wish these elements change, work for Afghanistan and for peace in the region !!!
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