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Good News for Pakistan: Wheat production is going surpass all previous records.

Where is this data from?

The Pakistani Bureau of Statistics haven't updated crop production figures since the 2013-2014 year.

Furthermore, even if we assume this is true how is any of this attributable to Khan and the PTI?

What specifically have they done that resulted in more Wheat production or production of any crop whether sugar cane, cotton, etc...?

Absolutely nothing of any significance I've ever read or heard of.

This is like my cousin getting accepted to Medical school and Khan taking credit for his achievement because the PTI happened to be leading the government when it happened.

My personal view is that the PTI has already lost.

Public opinion polls confirmed this back in late 2020. Though I don't believe they've conducted any new polls likely due to the Covid19 crisis I'm pretty confident things are even worse for the PTI now:
National Survey of Public Opinion in Pakistan 2018
A Nation-wide Public Opinion Survey on Current Political Situation: PTI Government vs PDM 2020

Mind you those IRI polls previously predicted Khan's victory and showed rising support for his party immediately after the general elections.

I can't see the situation improving over the next 2 years.

You can already see it happening with the PML-N winning the recent by-election in NA-75 and they'll likely win NA-249.

The PTI's absolutely stupid and hypocritical ban of the TLP, whose cadre were murdered the same way PAT protestors were in 2014 when the PML-N headed the government, has sealed its fate considering many of PTI's supporters also supported the TLP while the original TLP voters alone could have won the PML-N a host of seats in Punjab and Karachi the latter lost in 2018 like NA-131, NA-140, NA-102, NA-108, NA-241, NA-87, etc... but never joined their ranks because they disliked the PML-N as much as other PTI voters did. Furthermore, if they gain their support it'll only widen the PML-N's margin of victory in a host of other constituencies making it impossible for the PTI to gain anything new.

As of right now the PTI has firmly put itself on trajectory to lose in 2023.

Either Khan is a complete idiot or whoever advises him are and considering the morons he inducted into his party like Fawad Chaudhary it's no surprise. I guess the one good thing is that fat *** Fawad Chaudhary will most likely lose the NA-67 seat he won in 2018.

It's also evident from Khan's statements that he doesn't expect to win in 2023.
Elections every five years a tragedy: PM Imran Khan

That's not someone who is confident in another 5 year term.

If PTI loses the government they may never form another government under Khan again and even their survival is questionable considering Khan's age and a lack of a successor which is why the TLP was so critical and should have been merged into the PTI.

The problem is that Khan didn't understand his mandate, didn't understand his priorities, doesn't understand who is a friend and a loyal Pakistani and ultimately that has lead to what appears to be his inevitable downfall.

Probably not for Punjab considering they revived an old system:
PTI revives old patwar system in Punjab by replacing ARCs

Bakwas Bhutto aka Billo Ranni and the PPP have no hope of ever leading a federal government the best they can hope for is for no one party to gain a majority in elections and be forced into an alliance with them to form a government.

Partnering with the PPP is a mistake for both the PML-N and PTI.
Daska was pmln but the gap between pti and pmln has narrowed, so there has been improvement.
If pti is not responsible for growth of agriculture then he sure isn't responsible for decline in agriculture.
If by polls are an indication that a particular party is strong, the. Pti would never have been reelected to kpk
Good News for Pakistan: Wheat production is going surpass all previous records.
Where are the critics now who called this govt Sugar, Wheat thief?
Let me say this.... PRevious wheat crisis was not because of khan.... but could have been prevented by timely imports. This surplus is also not due to any efforts from government, its just the crop season was good this season. Pakistan`s agriculture department is the worst probably even worse than non existing steel mill.
I appreciate the response with reference material and I'll try to look deeper into this.

However, what you posted highlights poor performance.

Pakistan's cotton production stands LOWER now than it has in the past 30 years:
Cotton production falls by 34pc, lowest in 30 years

Cotton production stood at 5.571 Million Bales up to January 31, 2021 versus 8.487 Million Bales a year earlier.

It's great to see that cotton production is higher than their initial estimates but it doesn't change the fact that production has dropped significantly.

So I still don't understand what we're congratulating the PTI government for?

I like that they're using "new seed varities" which likely would have been introduced by the Punjab Seed Corporation which has been around since 1976 and is not an advent of the PTI government.

How has the government helped them develop better seeds?

yeah, i am not saying PTI's cotton performance has been exemplary. but the cotton production was on a downward trend before PTI tookover, and clearly its a systemic issue and PTI needs to solve that, which is a fix that will take a little time. also i think farmers are ditching cotton and growing other stuff, so that is another example of systemic issue that PTI is going to have to deal with and convince more farmers to grow cotton.
yeah, i am not saying PTI's cotton performance has been exemplary. but the cotton production was on a downward trend before PTI tookover, and clearly its a systemic issue and PTI needs to solve that, which is a fix that will take a little time. also i think farmers are ditching cotton and growing other stuff, so that is another example of systemic issue that PTI is going to have to deal with and convince more farmers to grow cotton.
The only solution is to increase agricultural land and quality of seeds. Punjab agriculture minister is a very capable man, and there is development and improvement in irrigation system after decades. New canals, ensuring water gets to the end, drive against illegal water connections etc. Will notice a lot of improvement in coming years when these projects come online.

Our consumption is increasing and production is stagnant.
Next election is very critical for Pakistan make or break. I would prefer to keep the current set up even with "tinted" election with minor changes here and there instead of "saf sufa" election resulting looters coming back. The worst would be pittu Bilwal with zero knowledge or competency as next PM of Pakistan.

I don't actually like them as well but for some reason they seem to be much better for agriculture than pmln.

I remember back in 2012 or something the rate of 40kg aromatic rice was 2200, and than when the pmln government came it started to decline each year until it hit 840 or something. The rate for it has gone back up to 2000-2100 in PTI tenure. Mind you the cost of inputs has gone up greatly in the last decade whilst the prices of commodities hasn't.

I don't know if they are good for agriculture or pmln was exceptionally bad, but they looked better in comparison.
Rather than prices comparison should be on productivity increase. So whats the update on productivity.

Increasing the prices is just subsidizing the farmers. Cost bear by consumer and hence inflation. Real deal should be to increase productivity and make it compareable to international standard. Is there any work going on that aspect ?

Rather than prices comparison should be on productivity increase. So whats the update on productivity.

Increasing the prices is just subsidizing the farmers. Cost bear by consumer and hence inflation. Real deal should be to increase productivity and make it compareable to international standard. Is there any work going on that aspect ?

The price of rice isn't actually set by the government directly for instance. Only wheat and this year cotton have support prices set by government.

The difference it seems may have been that the pmln government would import large amount of produce from India regularly which would oversupply the local market. They also failed to work on increasing exports of rice and such which PTI seems to have tried.

With regards to productivity. There has been such a massive amount of negligence with regards to the agriculture department. It will take time but most of the progress is farmer driven. Even if the government tries it today it would still have to improve the agriculture department greatly.
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