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Golden Mao ready for adoration

Tho ours is not as gaudy as the golden statue of Mao, this one is a tributary statue to His Imperial Majesty, Son of Heaven, Emperor Kameyama, who was Sovereign Lord and Protector of the Japanese Empire in the 13th century. Under his rule and leadership the Japanese Clans obeyed his direction to maintain solidarity against the Mongol Threat (Yuan Dynasty), and twice beat back the failed invasion of the Mongols.

Great Lord and Sovereign Lord, he is adored and honored by many Japanese.



@TaiShang @Shotgunner51 @cnleio @Pangu @yoshi.oda @Sakura_Kaigun

Because you have Nihonjin blood than runs in your own veins, I shall tag you too since you share legacy with Japanese as well, @madokafc
he is a devil,he make chinese no peace all day,he should to die in 1950

I think the more crucial player in early Chinese state genesis, and not given enough appreciation for his tireless contribution to state genesis, is 周恩來, and 刘少奇.


i am disgust MAO ,he is a devil. if he died in 1950,china will became a developed country

How can China become a developed country when it was nuclearly threatened by two superpowers at the same time?

My respect to him from Vietnam.

I've read a lot about Long March and Mao. I believe not only China, but the whole of East Asia should be grateful to him, because we regained the confidence to fight and compete (not only in war, but in economy as well) against the West thank to him, even more than the Russo-Japanese war in 1905. And he helped Vietnam a lot during our wars against the French and the US. And it was Deng Xiaoping who decided to conquer Vietnam in 1979, not Mao.

It was much like Russia and other European countries (mostly Slavic), which was under Mongol rule for almost 250 years, only regained the confidence of European to overthrow the Mongol yoke (or Tatar yoke) after winning some decisive battles.

Deng and the pro-Soviet/anti-China faction within the Vietcong were both responsible for the Sino-Viet split.
he is a devil,he make chinese no peace all day,he should to die in 1950
You are too young and too naive.

I think the more crucial player in early Chinese state genesis, and not given enough appreciation for his tireless contribution to state genesis, is 周恩來, and 刘少奇.


No one deny their contribution to our country .
But Mao was the decisive man who made the right call which saved our revolution for many times.
Without Mao, Zhou and Liu do not even have the choice to do their contribution .
Without Mao, KMP would win and China would be a puppy of USA like Japan/Korea .
You are too young and too naive.

No one deny their contribution to our country .
But Mao was the decisive man who made the right call which saved our revolution for many times.
Without Mao, Zhou and Liu do not even have the choice to do their contribution .
Without Mao, KMP would win and China would be a puppy of USA like Japan/Korea .

With or without statue, Mao is THE giant in China's 5000 year history. Those young people who bitch about him are just the victims of the brainwashing from those scavenger intellectuals, aka, gongzhi. Without Mao and his comrades, China would have been just another India today.
With or without statue, Mao is THE giant in China's 5000 year history. Those young people who bitch about him are just the victims of the brainwashing from those scavenger intellectuals, aka, gongzhi. Without Mao and his comrades, China would have been just another India today.
The greatest leader in our history !
He deserves our respect !
As I have said , my grandpa was persecuted by Red Guards , but he did not allow anyone to say a bad word about Mao in front of him , and Mao shares the same tribute with my ancestors during spring festival every year .
The greatest leader in our history !
He deserves our respect !
As I have said , my grandpa was persecuted by Red Guards , but he did not allow anyone to say a bad word about Mao in front of him , and Mao shares the same tribute with my ancestors during spring festival every year .

Any Chinese who has China in heart, would be grateful for what Mao and his comrades did for this country and her people. Many young people today are simply too selfish to think for the country as a whole. Hope they will grow up someday.
With or without statue, Mao is THE giant in China's 5000 year history. Those young people who bitch about him are just the victims of the brainwashing from those scavenger intellectuals, aka, gongzhi. Without Mao and his comrades, China would have been just another India today.

India followed a lite version of socialism(compared to extremes of USSR, Mao's China) for most of it's history, and several of it's industries still needs reform due to Nehru choosing a command economy for the country. If you had continued the hardcore teachings of Mao and didnt liberalize, you would be much worse than India. India, China, Cuba, USSR, etc. proved is that extreme socialism doesnt work.
The greatest leader in our history !
He deserves our respect !
As I have said , my grandpa was persecuted by Red Guards , but he did not allow anyone to say a bad word about Mao in front of him , and Mao shares the same tribute with my ancestors during spring festival every year .


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