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GOI's 1st official acknowledgement of the 'K4' long-range submarine launched nuke-capable missile

What is it?

Used to reduce drag and increase range of Missile.



Did anyone notice 'telescopic aerospike' ??

I think its planed for Agni VI
The cold-launch system like that of modern SLBMs (based on the one used by canisterized Agni-V) might take more development time.

It is a normal cold launch @The Deterrent ,except that K-4 has a nose mounted booster.Why nose mounted booster?Well that is probably to provide little extra thrust during the transition stage when missile passes from water to air,the surface tension acting on a plane smooth surface and a mass of 17 tonnes at the water-air interface would have prompted the DRDL engineers to go for a nose mounted booster to pull the missile off water and put it at a stable height.But as you correctly pointed out,this would indeed penalize the payload carrying capacity of the rocket!
This might be an indicator of the fact that the current gas generators used are not powerful enough to propel 17 tonnes k-4 clear of water to a stable height or DRDO hasnt yet miniaturized the gas generators of A-5 "TCT-5" system for application into arihant class submarines
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Any idea what the hot gas TVC is ??
Watch this video of Trident-II's launch:

See the maneuvers the missile makes after clearing water? Thats the TVC (thrust-vectoring control) nozzle doing the magic.
Watch this video of Trident-II's launch:

See the maneuvers the missile makes after clearing water? Thats the TVC (thrust-vectoring control) nozzle doing the magic.

You mean like this ,


When they wrote hot gas TVC , I thought it was something new .
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