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Going gaga over Tibet


Nov 5, 2009
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Disclaimer:This aint a China bashing. But an interesting read on how the world responds to China's sensitivities. Something that probably India could do in the future, when it has the clout of course.


Going gaga over Tibet

AS IS well known, some people in the West go soft in the head over Tibet. One tinkle of the temple bell, one whiff of incense, or one sip of rancid yak-butter tea, and they lose their critical faculties. They fawn over the Dalai Lama, who cloaks his sinister splittist ends in monks’ robes and jovial common-sense. They blind themselves to the misery of past mass monasticism and feudal serfdom. They wilfully overlook the wonders of the economic development China has brought to the lofty plateau.

Fortunately for the Chinese government, these inane sentimentalists neither make policy, nor, beyond the occasional tiresome protest, have much to do with China. Luckier still, those in the West who do deal with China often suffer even more acute mental squishiness over Tibet, with the opposite effect. So anxious are they not to “hurt the feelings of the Chinese people” in this especially tender sore spot, that they fall over backwards to make concessions that are neither necessary, nor, in many cases, even demanded.

Consider the celebration of September 8th, the day bestowed on Britain by the organisers of the Shanghai World Expo as “UK National Day”. The festivities were to have included a short new ballet, “The Far Shore”, based loosely on the folk tale that inspired “Swan Lake”. Then it emerged that the composer, Pete Wyer, had dedicated his score to “the people of Tibet for speaking the truth, [and] protecting their cultural identity, despite the dangers they face.” In response, the English National Ballet, who were to dance with the Shanghai Ballet, and the British Council, the arm of cultural diplomacy that had organised the gala, cancelled the performance. They expressed regret that it had become “a political vehicle” and hence “not appropriate”.

This takes the famed British posture towards China of the “pre-emptive cringe”, long noted in its dealings over Hong Kong, to bizarre extremes. Neither Mr Wyer nor the score was in Shanghai—the dancers were to perform to a recording of his work. The score had not been published and would have been seen only by a few musicians. The performance was cancelled before China had a chance to protest. If it had, there were plenty of good ripostes: none of this had anything to do with official British policy; in Britain an artist’s work is not judged by his personal views; and what is wrong with the dedication by the inanely sentimental composer anyway? It does not champion the taboo of Tibetan independence, but “cultural identity”, which nobody opposes. Another celebration in Shanghai this week was the culmination on September 5th of the Expo’s “Tibet week”.

Those who took the decision to pull the ballet were following their government’s accommodating precedents. A more drastic sop to Chinese sensitivities over Tibet came in a statement on the British Foreign Office’s website in October 2008. This junked the country’s longstanding position on Tibet, which, uniquely, had fallen short of an explicit recognition of full Chinese sovereignty. It was a position that mattered far more to China than to Britain. The concession was presented as an exercise in diplomatic house-tidying. If China reciprocated, it did so imperceptibly.

Britain may be unique in its readiness to anticipate Chinese demands and grievances. But it is far from alone in yielding over Tibet once China starts its thunderous blustering. Those tirades have taken on a new vigour in the past two years, since China’s Olympic torch-relay was greeted with pro-Tibetan protests around the world. Robert Barnett, a Tibet expert at Columbia University in New York, points out that a number of European governments—including Denmark’s, France’s and Germany’s—have responded to China’s scolding (usually over their leaders’ meeting the Dalai Lama) with conciliatory statements that have gone further than China can have hoped. Besides reaffirming that “Tibet is part of China”, they have, oddly, promised not to encourage Tibet’s independence. China’s policy, in Mr Barnett’s phrase, is to “shake the tree”. It yields a bumper crop.

China knows the Dalai Lama’s meetings with other world leaders are symbolic rituals that do not affect policy. It also shows a growing understanding that they may reflect domestic political compulsions—or even (whisper it) principle—rather than the national interest narrowly defined. Yet it has worked hard to curb the Dalai Lama’s access.

It has had more success in Europe than America. But even Barack Obama delayed a meeting in the White House until February, to avoid spoiling the mood for his trip to China last year. This seemed to concede China’s point, that the meeting was not a matter of principle, but just one diplomatic bargaining chip among many. But at least the meeting itself was non-negotiable. It seems to have done little lasting damage to Chinese-American relations.

Prison song

By casting every discussion of Tibet as a “core” interest of national sovereignty, China does at least manage to deflect attention from other issues, such as the continuing repression there. Since riots and protests in March 2008, hundreds of Tibetans, including prominent intellectuals, have been detained. Another generation seems to be growing up in Tibet chafing at Chinese rule and looking to the Dalai Lama for salvation. Despite the apparent hopelessness of their cause, Tibetans seem not to have given up; and nor have their foreign sympathisers.

Mr Wyer is developing an idea for an opera based on the life of Ngawang Sangdrol, a former nun, jailed for 11 years in Tibet, and now an activist in America. She became famous for a tape of Tibetan songs she and other inmates smuggled out of Drapchi prison in Lhasa. She is now married to a former monk who was a contemporary in Drapchi. So, rare for an opera, and rarer still for Tibet, it would have a happy ending.
Disclaimer:This aint a China bashing. But an interesting read on how the world responds to China's sensitivities. Something that probably India could do in the future, when it has the clout of course.

Well, India is hosting the Tibetan government-in-exile, which is surely a lot more 'sensitive' than holding an hour-long meeting with Dalai Lama every four years (not like India isn't doing that as well).

Anyway, for a while Chinese government must be happy that India rather than Europe or the U.S is hosting Dalai Lama, and the West must also be happy because they could let India do the heavy-lifting meanwhile they just pay lip-service to the Tibetan problem.

Now it has became a bit inconvenient for China, because India's grown stronger and became a much bigger trading partner. I'd say it's much better for China if Dalai Lama and his government-in-exile could pack up leaving India and move to some less significant country, preferably one that it don't have diplomatic tie with, like Tuvalu or Kiribati.
I read this in my most recent copy of the Economist. It is quite a balanced article.

We should look at Tibet/Xizang it in a balanced way too, and consider what can be improved, in order to reduce any future separatist sentiment.

Improving the living standards of the average person has historically worked well, in reducing tension and unrest. Combine that with more effective policing, and the situation should see improvement.
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I read this in my most recent copy of the Economist. It is quite a balanced article.

We should look at Tibet/Xizang it in a balanced way too, and consider what can be improved, in order to reduce any future separatist sentiment.

Improving the living standards of the average person has historically worked well, in reducing tension and unrest. Combine that with more effective policing, and we have a good strategy.

Besides give them a sense that their rights and beliefs will be protected in China and they will be equal partners in its progress. Then I do not see any reason for rise in separatist sentiments.
A very balanced article Thanks Robbie.S sir for sharing .....no doubts that china has made enormous strides in improving the living standards in Tibet in general....compared to when the Lamas used to rule.....however I would like to ask the Chinese members a question ....historically Tibetan culture has a place of its own ....why doesn't the Chinese govt permit them to practice their religious beliefs and culture freely..? does it obstruct China's administration or hamper development in any way......?
Besides give them a sense that their rights and beliefs will be protected in China and they will be equal partners in its progress. Then I do not see any reason for rise in separatist sentiments.

That's a very good point. :cheers:

A very balanced article Thanks Robbie.S sir for sharing .....no doubts that china has made enormous strides in improving the living standards in Tibet in general....compared to when the Lamas used to rule.....however I would like to ask the Chinese members a question ....historically Tibetan culture has a place of its own ....why doesn't the Chinese govt permit them to practice their religious beliefs and culture freely..? does it obstruct China's administration or hamper development in any way......?

Autonomy is most likely to be given when there is a low level of separatist sentiment, so the CCP will not need to worry about them trying to split.

Reducing separatist sentiment will require more investment in Tibet, to improve average living standards.
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I read this in my most recent copy of the Economist. It is quite a balanced article.

We should look at Tibet/Xizang it in a balanced way too, and consider what can be improved, in order to reduce any future separatist sentiment.

Improving the living standards of the average person has historically worked well, in reducing tension and unrest. Combine that with more effective policing, and the situation should see improvement.

I'm afraid we've done almost all we can do on the economic front. Tibetans don't have a history of entrepreneurship, I mean even the restaurant business there are dominated by Hui. And many of them don't speak Chinese, realistically you have to speak Chinese to do well in China. Third, Tibetans usually don't have personal connections in the wider Chinese economy.

The first two problem need to be solved by Tibetans. Especially they need to realize they have to be able to speak Chinese, a lot of Korean Chinese for example are bilingual, speaking Chinese at work and Korean at home. I don't see why it should be a problem for Tibetans. The last problem isn't just about Tibetan, Han Chinese from rural background suffers from personal connections (guanxi) problem as well. There's no way around it though, even world's biggest multinationals have to build personal connections to succeed in China.

A very balanced article Thanks Robbie.S sir for sharing .....no doubts that china has made enormous strides in improving the living standards in Tibet in general....compared to when the Lamas used to rule.....however I would like to ask the Chinese members a question ....historically Tibetan culture has a place of its own ....why doesn't the Chinese govt permit them to practice their religious beliefs and culture freely..? does it obstruct China's administration or hamper development in any way......?

Tibetan society has long been a theocracy, and monasteries play a major political role, which got Chinese government worried. China hasn't banned Tibetan religion or culture but put them under tight control.
A very balanced article Thanks Robbie.S sir for sharing .....no doubts that china has made enormous strides in improving the living standards in Tibet in general....compared to when the Lamas used to rule.....however I would like to ask the Chinese members a question ....historically Tibetan culture has a place of its own ....why doesn't the Chinese govt permit them to practice their religious beliefs and culture freely..? does it obstruct China's administration or hamper development in any way......?

It's tricky for tibet, because its culture is so closely coupled with religion and its religion is so tired with one man -- the dalai lama, you can't easily implement a governing structure that completely separates the church and the state like we do in the rest of China or the rest of the world. If you are a faithful believer in tibetan lamaism then dalai lama is the supreme leader, even over the government and law.

This "re-incarnating" "living God" concept is a brilliant invention of tibetan lamaism that for centuries governed its under-educated mass, and is proved to be difficult to handle even for a government with strong rule of law. This is similar to the dark ages in Europe centuries ago, where the pope had more power than kings, the only proper solution would be to educate its people and let them grow wiser and reason more.
The first two problem need to be solved by Tibetans. Especially they need to realize they have to be able to speak Chinese, a lot of Korean Chinese for example are bilingual, speaking Chinese at work and Korean at home. I don't see why it should be a problem for Tibetans. The last problem isn't just about Tibetan, Han Chinese from rural background suffers from personal connections (guanxi) problem as well. There's no way around it though, even world's biggest multinationals have to build personal connections to succeed in China.

That is not a good idea. I would not advocate to force them to learn Chinese. But if learning Chinese is the way forward for progress in China, then they should be lured into positive and progressive situations, so they are "motivated" to learn Chinese, and not forced.

But, most importantly, always try and listen to what their views of progress are as well, and how they can be integrated with the rest of the China in a peaceful way.
That is not a good idea. I would not advocate to force them to learn Chinese. But if learning Chinese is the way forward for progress in China, then they should be lured into positive and progressive situations, so they are "motivated" to learn Chinese, and not forced.

But, most importantly, always try and listen to what their views of progress are as well, and how they can be integrated with the rest of the China in a peaceful way.

I'm not suggesting we should force them to learn Chinese. That's why I said it's a problem need to be solved by Tibetan themselves.
China should b actually happy that India is protecting Lama and his Govt in exile,even protecting a triumph card against China India is still not willing to use it against China for better relations,think if they were controlled by a nation involved in gun boat diplomacy,that would have been a much bigger head ache for China
why doesn't the Chinese govt permit them to practice their religious beliefs and culture freely..? does it obstruct China's administration or hamper development in any way......?

:what:this was discussed for many times ,I suggest you read the Chinese constitution first.China is a free religious beliefs country.but you can't force a kid to jion religious actions even you are the parents.if the Child like ,it would be OK!and you can't propagandize religious in school it is a place only for teach knowledge.it is still any question?
Tibetan minority does not need to learn Chinese???

Is that a good idea?

What happens if Hispanics in U.S. refused to learn English? I wonder how they will survive the education??? Let alone success in the future.
China should b actually happy that India is protecting Lama and his Govt in exile,even protecting a triumph card against China India is still not willing to use it against China for better relations,think if they were controlled by a nation involved in gun boat diplomacy,that would have been a much bigger head ache for China
India using dalai lama as extra card against China???

Come on, I thought that is a joke. Do you think China really care if India uses that card???

We are just waiting for him to go to hell, then all problems are solved.
....historically Tibetan culture has a place of its own ....why doesn't the Chinese govt permit them to practice their religious beliefs and culture freely..? does it obstruct China's administration or hamper development in any way......?

I believe Tibetan culture is at least as free as the other cultures in China, perhaps freer as minorities enjoy preferential policies.

The problem is that many Tibetans believe that Dalai Lama is the supreme living god, and they put him above state laws. That will surely cause some problem in a secular country as China where all religions are treated equal.

Westerners’ agitation is an additional factor that causes Chinese government to act with extra caution towards Tibetan issues.

In fact, many learnt Tibetans know that if (white) Americans/Europeans can put American Indians in such a misery that has been lasting to date, it is a sheer joke to expect Americans/Europeans to liberate Tibetans. But some of them do desire some sort of leverage against CPC.
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