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I still think modi is popular in India. Just he want to ensure he get clean sweep or majority .For this BJP want Everyone to stand for BJP. Tension on border will continue this month.
Thats what you think. But yes there is also some problem on our side. Our stupid military and political leadership just wont let go of the 1960s era relics like mig21s or t55s. Show flankers in parades and send MiG21s to fight:hitwall:
I don't think you have any Idea that different Air crafts have Different Roles. Su30 is not used as Interceptor. It have long Takeoff Time, It have Massive Radar Cross Section that can be Detected and Radar Locked from LONG distance. Its an Air superiority Strike Fighter that can be used for Long Ranged Strike Missions or Escorts.
But Still I think Su30 was Scrambled in this conflict I read Some where.
Curse not your Air force they did what any other Air Force would have done. Quickly Respond as soon as possible with the resources they had as you don't have the luxury to Choose Aircraft of your choice when Enemy is inside your territory. Interceptors are Built for this role. To get in the Air in the Blink of an Eye. Curse your Defense Ministry and HAL who could not Replace Mig21s With LCA TEJAS in Time. All that time Your government was on Chest Thumping Spree of Making a Home Made Fighter when Clearly Lacking the Industrial Infrastructure and Experience to Make a capable 4th Gen Fighter on Time. they Literally Compromised National Security Just in the name of Nationalistic EGO. Procurement should have been made from a Supplier for replacement of such massive Fleet of Mig21s and Indigenous Project should have been carried on along with slowly. Upgrades cannot Magically Transform An old Aircraft into a new one.

Get Politics out of Defense Procurement and this problem will be resolved. See how Quietly Pakistan Have Replaced all of our Nanchang A5 Bombers with JF17 Block 1. And All F7P fighters with JF17 Block II and in next 5 or so years All Mirages and F7PG will also be replaced with JF17 Block III. Just get the God damn Politics out of the way and let the professionals handle it. Pilots lives should not be endangered. like this just for Brownie Point Scoring.

See JF17 was Facing IAF Today Ready and Armed and It SHOULD Have been LCA to counter it, not Mig21. Do the math who is to Blame. Don't Curse the Planners of Attack. Curse the Procurers and Defense Ministry
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