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Go Indian Go - Black Day of Kashmir

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Black day was observed in all over the world and occupied Kashmir to protest against landing of Indian troops on Oct. 27, 1947, some six decades back and it converted a beautiful valley of the world into ever bleeding landscape of the region. Thousands of motivated Kashmiri came out on the roads against presences of security forces in Kashmir. Five individual martyred and many injured in the clashes with Indian security forces in Srinagar, Baramullah and other towns of Kashmir. The People of Kashmir took to the streets and held big demonstrations against Indian illegal occupants. There was complete shut down while a number of leaders were put under arrest, preventing them to lead the processions. President Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK, Mohammad Ghalib led anti Indian rally of Pakistani and Kashmiri community in front of Indian High Commission in London on the occasion of 62nd anniversary of Kashmir’s military occupation.
The day of landing Indian troops on SrInagar Airport to capture the valley against the wishes of inhabitants is remembered as black day of Kashmir history. The back ground of the issue reveals a trade of a civilized country with a cruel local ruler. What a Historical Trade concluded on March 16, 1846 when British Government through Treaty of Amritsar transferred for ever an independent possession of Kashmir to Gulab Singh for his willingness to pay rupees 75 Lac out of the total amount of indemnity demanded by them. Basically the deal was selling of Kashmiri nation along with their mother land in the hand of Gulab Sing. The revealed trade made two nations dagger drawn to each other. It converted South Asian region into nuclear zone which resulted into four wars, coupled with a never ending arms race between the neighbours since 1947. Kashmir Movement basically started on the day when British have sold their territory. But in 1931 struggle against Dogra rule came on lime lines when for the first time in the history, Kashmiri people openly opposed the cruelty of the rulers. In same year on July 13, twenty one (21) Kashmiri Muslims faced bullets and embraced shahadat in Srinagar Central Jail. This day is known as Martyrs Days of Kashmir and reminding us the blood of liberators.
According to the Partition Plan Hindustan was supposed to be divided on the religion bases into two major states Pakistan and India. The instruments of agreement relating to the Partition of India, the rulers of princely states were to be given the choice to freely accede to either India or Pakistan. They were also asked to take into account the demographic nature, history, geography and future prospects of their subjects. British’s never respected the rights of Kashmiri people; once again they left them on the mercy of Heri Sing in 1947. The Maharaja of Kashmir Hari Sing went against the will of predominantly Muslim majority and announced annexation of Kashmir with India. Actually almost 78.9% Muslims, 11.2 % Hindu’s and 8.6% Buddha’s were located in the Kashmir. The annexation of Kashmir with India was resulted due to an under hand deal between India, Lord Mountbatten and British’s. The conspiracy against newly created Islamic state could be ascertained from these two too facts, firstly, latest changes of Partition Plan has restricted Punjab Boundaries till Ferozepur , according to initial Plan “Flour” ( Indian City now ) would have been the boundary line between Pakistan and India . One of the vital purposes of changing the Partition Plan could be that lonely land route leading to Kashmir started from Pathan kot fell into the Indian lap. Second fact could be established from Jagmon ‘book My Frozen Turulence in Kashmir “he quoted gist’s of Maharaja Hari Singh’s letter of October 26, 1947 to Lord Mountbatten and latter’s reply to Maharaja on October 27, 1947. He stated that Maharaja Hari Singh said: “With the conditions obtaining at present in my State and the great emergency of situation as it exists, I have no option but to ask for help from Indian Dominion. Naturally they can not send the help asked for by me without my State acceding to the Dominion of India. I have accordingly decided to do so and I attach the Instrument of Accession for acceptance by your Government.”
Lord Mountbatten in reply writes: “In the special circumstances mentioned by Your Highness, my government has decided to accept the accession of Kashmir State to the Dominion of India. It is my government’s wish that as soon as law and order have been restored in Kashmir and her soil cleared of the invaders, the question of State’s accession should be settled by a reference to the people. Meanwhile, in response to Your Highness’s appeal for military aid, action has been taken today to send troops of the Indian Army to Kashmir to help your own forces to defend your territory and to protect the lives, property and honour of your people.”
A book “Kashmir in Conflict” has unveiled the plot and indicated that Hari Singh did not reach Jammu until the evening of October 26 and that due to poor flying conditions, V P Menon was unable to get to Jammu until the morning of October 27, by which time Indian troops were already arriving in Srinagar. Thus Maharaja Act has been proven as fraudulent because he would not have written the letter to Lord when “standstill” agreement with Pakistan was already in force.
Thus, Kashmiri and their Muslim brothers stood up for snatching their rights from the aggressors and prepared the force of locals Mujahids who started their march toward Jammu & Srinagar. On October 22, 1947 Pashtun tribesmen from Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province too came all-out for the help of Kashmiri Muslims. The struggles of locals for their rights converted into first Indo & Pakistan war. India started defending the stance of Heri sing and physically landed her forces on Srinagar Airport. The war which started actually on Octber21, 1947 has lasted in December 31, 1948. India occupies roughly 101,387 km² of Kashmir. Pakistan occupies 85,793 km² (Later divided into Azad Kashmir (13,397 km²) and Northern Areas (72,496 km²).)
Pakistani government stops further advancement of forces on the directions of UNO and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s assurance of plebiscite election. In fact India has never complied with her promises and started claiming Kashmir as their “Atoot Ang”. 1965 war, Siachen and Kargil issues were occurred as result of Kashmir. However back door diplomatic channels remained activated in Mushraff & Zia’s eras. Present government has taken some positive steps to lessen the tension for example, opening the border trade, restarting of negations with India openly. But astonishingly, some steps taken by India reflect her non seriousness approach and malicious intentions towards resolving of burning issue of Kashmir. For example the water dispute which was resolved under Sind - Tas Agreement again came up and started pinching Pakistan after constructing newly constructed Dams “Bugliar Dam “over Jhelum River.
Coming back to the discussion, the wave of liberation all over the world has induced the flicker of freedom in Kashmiri Muslim youth too. They and their leaders are all out to break the chains of Indian slavery and ready to scarify their lives for the desired goal of independence from India. Kashmiri suffered worst type of humiliation, exploitation and repression for more then six decades at the hands of Indians. Over a million people have been victimized, thousand of women were raped but Indian failed to suppress the Kashmir movement. The Kashmiri blood will keep on illumining the path of liberation with the help of Pakistani Nation. Concluding I suggest to New Delhi that they must study the actual cause of Kashmir movement instead using her security forces to control the freedom movement criminally. The world and UNO must pressurize Indian to stop her brutality and give rights to Kashmiri who believe in plebiscite. The only workable option is the “Plebiscite Option” and the Kashmiri people decide their right of final accession. South Asia today stands on the cliff of a nuclear disaster. world powers particularly and UNO should play their role in finding an everlasting solution to the dispute.

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