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Featured GNA has just announced a ceasefire in Libya .

The ID wasn’t shared by any Libyan outlet, neither pro LNA or pro GNA, what’s your source?

Dude , even your SISI sent 160+ Egyptian troops to Idlib/Syria to fight Turkiye
and still if you are saying that there were not Egyptian troops in Libya ,, its a stupid comment

They do, the EAF can carry airstrikes even further than Sirte, tanks get refueled bruh.

first match with 1.000 ISIS terrorists in your territory Sinai , then dream about taking Sirte which is 1.000km away from Egypt

you find El Sisi a puppet but in fact it’s all Egypt’s interest.

puppet SISI gave 5.000+ km2 of area to Greece in so-called maritime deal with Greece , instead of with Turkiye

also another puppet dictator MOUBARAK gave 16.000 km2 of area to Greek Cypriots in 2003

that means Egypt lost 21.000 km2 of area in the Eastern Mediterranean ... because of traitor puppet dictators
Turkey did what they wanted, they will take sirte and jufra no matter what, the only thing EGyot ask not to put army there... so Turkey agree with it, as if somebody attak, Turkey is going to use ships and air forse stationed there. Turkey will address enemies one by one, first Greek, they set Turkish ship is their red line, but they didnt get balls to stop it. today they lost their one f16 hell knows how..
after Greek, they will fokus more on Afrika, look at Mali, who do you think helped Mali to make coup? Turkey. seems like after that France now ready to make deals with Turkey, Thats how you talk with these foolish Makaroni...
Dude , even your SISI sent 160+ Egyptian troops to Idlib/Syria to fight Turkiye
and still if you are saying that there were not Egyptian troops in Libya ,, its a stupid comment
Any proof? Not an article or a report, I mean proof.
first match with 1.000 ISIS terrorists in your territory Sinai , then dream about taking Sirte which is 1.000km away from Egypt
We do and we kill many, they become weaker everyday. Egypt has killed hundreds of smugglers and terrorists on the border with Libya.
puppet SISI gave 5.000+ km2 of area to Greece in so-called maritime deal with Greece , instead of with Turkiye

also another puppet dictator MOUBARAK gave 16.000 km2 of area to Greek Cypriots in 2003

that means Egypt lost 21.000 km2 of area in the Eastern Mediterranean ... because of traitor puppet dictators
No one lost any territories in the Med, countries are supposed to place borders equally between territories unless an agreement that says otherwise is reached between the two countries in question. Why don’t you understand it and let it go?
However this ceasefire came about, one hopes that the UN Recognized government (GNA) benefits and that the proposed elections are free and fair and military warlords like Haftar don't end up getting a free pass.
Just put Democracy in place and solve dispute through ballots. That is a civilized nations do.
not as easy as it looks. Even in US, 1 vote =/= 1 vote due to electoral college, but yes, Libya still needs some form of fair representative govt. THis seems like a formal stalemate, which i expected...cuz Egypt threatening to get involved would've taken this conflict to a severe height. Peace is good...i guess.
not weak Egypt .......... but military super power Russia ..... Russia deployed 14 Fighter Jets , Air Defense Systems including S300/S400 , land based anti ship missiles and thousands of WAGNER and Syrian mercenaries in Libya

also Russia opened new front against Turkiye via Armenia in Azerbaijan for Libya
and of course Russia threatens Turkiye in Idlib/Syria

so Turkiye-Russia deal in Libya
Oh, so now the issue in Libya is
military super power Russia ..... Russia deployed 14 Fighter Jets , Air Defense Systems including S300/S400 , land based anti ship missiles and thousands of WAGNER and Syrian mercenaries in Libya
?????? HOLD UP! some of you guys are the ones who were saying Russian equipment is junk. I know one or 2 specific people who said Russian equipment is junk because TUrkish AF nicely hunted down the useless Pantsirs etc,but now why you say Russia's forces are deterring you if you said they were junk in Syria???? Is it not the same Russian military and same Wagner in both countries?? You contradict yourself bro.
So is this what mr erdogan was all about?
Apparently yes...some people told u that Turkey was going to send many many F16s, use all kinds of air to air refueling to base jets in Libya and smash all Egyptian air force planes....i knew it was possible, but i also knew it wasnt likely...that was an overreach...only main power like US can sustain that....so from that....to a ceasefire now, i conclude 2 things here for Turkey - TUrkey either made a compromise and adjusted its objective(s), or/and Turkey has now lost momentum in the conflict...due to change in "gears"( active to stalemate)...but now Turkey might go back to Syria to be more active if this Libyan conflict stays predictably dormant...
Apparently yes...some people told u that Turkey was going to send many many F16s, use all kinds of air to air refueling to base jets in Libya and smash all Egyptian air force planes....i knew it was possible, but i also knew it wasnt likely...that was an overreach...only main power like US can sustain that....so from that....to a ceasefire now, i conclude 2 things here for Turkey - TUrkey either made a compromise and adjusted its objective(s), or/and Turkey has now lost momentum in the conflict...due to change in "gears"( active to stalemate)...but now Turkey might go back to Syria to be more active if this Libyan conflict stays predictably dormant...
In fact El Watiya was getting renovated; the runway was getting a new asphalt coat which F-16s need, but above all they need the US approval.
Egyptian Armed Forces dont have enough power to reach even to Sirte ..... stop dreaming brainwashed boys

Russia is in Libya with thousands of WAGNER Fighters and Syrian mercenaries , also 14 Fighter Jets , PANTSIR , S300/S400 Air Defense Systems , Radar Electronic Warfare Systems , land based anti ship missiles and many more

also Russia opened new front against Turkiye via Armenia in Azerbaijan for Libya
and of course Russia threatens Turkiye in Idlib/Syria for Libya

never forget that Sirte-Jufra line is redline for Russia ..... Russia wants to set up naval base in Sirte and airbase in Jufra

and Turkiye-Qatar to set up naval base in Misrata , airbase in Al Wattiya

Turkiye and Russia are big players in Libya ... puppet SISI is hidding behind of Russia and barking

bla bla ..

Russia has no army or hardware in Libya , if there are Russian hardware it's because Russia export arms to the worlld and these arms could be handed by a third party to LNA .

Russia will not establish any naval base in Libya and Turkey failed till now to make one too and it's ADs were destroyed .

If Egypt didn't make an initiative on 6/6/2020 , the GNA and Syrian mercenaries would be now on Egyptian borders or at least Sirte and Jufra would be under GNA control , anyone in the world who has a little logic would figure that fact . Yeah Egypt stopped the war and asked for negotiations and did it .
Egyptian military personnel and technicians were among the group that fled from Tarhune.

egyptian troops were neutralized by GNA
View attachment 662658

So you are one of those who get their news from facebook and random photos ,oh god :haha::hitwall:
?????? HOLD UP! some of you guys are the ones who were saying Russian equipment is junk. I know one or 2 specific people who said Russian equipment is junk because TUrkish AF nicely hunted down the useless Pantsirs etc,but now why you say Russia's forces are deterring you if you said they were junk in Syria???? Is it not the same Russian military and same Wagner in both countries?? You contradict yourself bro.

not only PANTSIR

but Russia deploped S300/S400 , Electronic Warfare Systems and land based anti ship missiles to Libya ... game changer step
also 14 MIG-29 and SU-24 Fighter Jets to attack GNA Forces in Sirte
and Russian WAGNER is not desert tribes ( Arabs )

Russia created A2/AD in Sirte-Jufra line
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bla bla ..

Russia has no army or hardware in Libya , if there are Russian hardware it's because Russia export arms to the worlld and these arms could be handed by a third party to LNA .

Russia will not establish any naval base in Libya and Turkey failed till now to make one too and it's ADs were destroyed .

If Egypt didn't make an initiative on 6/6/2020 , the GNA and Syrian mercenaries would be now on Egyptian borders or at least Sirte and Jufra would be under GNA control , anyone in the world who has a little logic would figure that fact . Yeah Egypt stopped the war and asked for negotiations and did it .

still losers are dreaming about victory in Libya
I am saying again , HAFTAR,Egypt,France,The Uae lost in Libya who failed to take Tripoli
GNA and Turkiye-Qatar won in Libya .. also Russia

and We dont care about puppet dictators SISI and ASSAD .. They are nothing without military super power Russia

Russia stoped GNA in Sirte , not weak Egypt which is 1.000km away from Sirte ( Egypt can protect Tobruk in Libya .... nothing else ..... Sirte is more than a match for Egypt )

1) Russia deployed 14 MIG-29 and SU-24 Fighter Jets in Libya to bomb GNA Forces not to take Sirte ..... GNA doesnt have Fighter Jets
2) Russia deployed more PANTSIR Air Defense Systems ,, even S300/S400 too and Radar Electronic Warfare Systems against GNA's UCAVs
3) Russia deployed land based anti ship missiles in Libya against Turkish Frigates
4) Russia deployed thousands of more WAGNER Fighters and Syrian mercenaries and hundreds of Cargo Planes of weapons to Libya

so Russia created A2/AD in Sirte-Jufra line .... ( not GNA , but if needed Turkish Armed Forces can destroy Russian A2/AD in Sirte-Jufra line )

btw Turkiye deployed KORKUT 35mm SPAAG and HISAR-O Air Defense Systems in Al Wattiya Air Bases ....... if anybody attack Turkish Forces in Al Watiyya again , Turkish Airforce will kick the Uae even in Sidi Barrani Air Base/Egypt

now Turkiye-Qatar to set up naval base in Misrata and airbase in Al Wattiya ...... btw Qatar buys 92 most modern F-15QA , Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon Fighter Jets ... also Turkish F-16s what a great fire power to be in Libya in near future

2 days ago ERDOGAN and PUTIN talked about ceasefire over the Phone
also 2 days ago Turkish-Qatari and German foreign ministers were in Libya

so Turkiye-Russia agreed on ceasefire in Libya
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I am saying again , HAFTAR,Egypt,France,The Uae lost in Libya who failed to take Tripoli
Egypt, France and the UAE did not fail to take Tripoli - they did not try in the first place.
Russia stoped GNA in Sirte , not weak Egypt which is 1.000km away from Sirte ( Egypt can protect Tobruk in Libya .... nothing else ..... Sirte is more than a match for Egypt )
It was the LNA who defeated the GNA in Sirte, the LNA alone. I’m not advertising my country here but yes, Egypt can deploy as far as Sirte since nothing can stop it. I don’t see why Sirte is more than a match for Egypt, elaborate that please.
weak Egypt
I don’t find Egypt weak personally...
1) Russia deployed 14 MIG-29 and SU-24 Fighter Jets in Libya to bomb GNA Forces not to take Sirte ..... GNA doesnt have Fighter Jets
The LNA controlled Sirte anyways, here is some satellite imagery of an Airbase newly renovated in western Egypt, less than 100 KM away from the Egyptian Libyan border:

Russia deployed land based anti ship missiles in Libya against Turkish Frigates
These belonged to the LNA since the fall of Gadaffi.
btw Turkiye deployed KORKUT 35mm SPAAG and HISAR-O Air Defense Systems in Al Wattiya Air Bases ....... if anybody attack Turkish Forces in Al Watiyya again , Turkish Airforce will kick the Uae even in Sidi Barrani Air Base/Egypt
HISAR-O can be destroyed too, nothing prevents that... and the Turkish AF can always have losses like anyone - they are no exception.

Qatar buys 92 most modern F-15QA , Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon Fighter Jets ... also Turkish F-16s what a great fire power to be in Libya in near future
So can Egypt bring in more fighter jets, KSA can bring their EF-2000s, UAE can bring their Desert Falcons - this said Turkey and Qatar would need the US permission to bring their F-16s and F-15QAs to Libya respectively.
2 days ago ERDOGAN and PUTIN talked about ceasefire over the Phone
also 2 days ago Turkish-Qatari and German foreign ministers were in Libya

so Turkiye-Russia agreed on ceasefire in Libya
Egypt spoke with the LNA and HoR too.
Egypt, France and the UAE did not fail to take Tripoli - they did not try in the first place.

loser is still a loser ......... all of you failed to take T ripoli

It was the LNA who defeated the GNA in Sirte, the LNA alone

LNA is loser and there was not conflict in Sirte ............ Russia deployed 14 Fighter Jetsin Libya to stop GNA

These belonged to the LNA since the fall of Gadaffi.

I am not talking about outdated P-15 TERMIT which failed by LNA test fire ,,, I am talking about new KALIBR anti ship missile

this said Turkey and Qatar would need the US permission to bring their F-16s and F-15QAs to Libya respectively.

no need American permission
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