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Globally when will Covid-19 pandemic be over the hill? And when will it completely end?

Globally when will Covid-19 pandemic be over the hill?

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I actually think that the pandemic is not over the hill yet and will not be before or circa 30 April 2020.
Maybe you can also include an option where people can vote for 'After 1 June 2020'.
That would have been my choice.
I cannot predict other countries since I dont know their real situation. For Indonesian case, I need to wait at least another 2 weeks as Jakarta as the epicenter in Indonesia is currently undergoing partial lock down. If the infection and death rate is declining significantly after 2 weeks partial lock down is completed, so I have high hope the outbreak can be over within next 1-2 months. Tropical environment and the fact that almost all Indonesian live in houses instead of apartment may help curbing infection rate and speed up the containment of the virus.

The virus rationally can only be stopped if we do strict lock down just like in China for three month due to its very contagious nature. If we dont do what China has done, the virus still can be stopped with the help of Allah.

It is not easy to curb the spread of the virus around the world, it seems like the virus will complete its course which will result in herd immunity of course .
I think humans will grow immunity against it... As of now it seems all of us will be infected... It's just a matter of time...
It is not easy to curb the spread of the virus around the world, it seems like the virus will complete its course which will result in herd immunity of course .

That is also very possible but I do believe with the power of prayer and action like lock down and social distancing, we can possibly end the outbreak 2-3 months from now, particularly for countries with hotter climate IMO.

The thing that we also should do during this outbreak IMO is to contemplate and think about the reason of why this virus emerges. What is the "hikmah" behind this that Allah want us to understand ? There are also two volcano that erupted in Indonesia during this outbreak. They may be another sign as well.

As far as I try to find the answer. I think it show how powerful Allah is. Maybe we dont fear Allah as much as we should do. As modern people, we tend to think there is no interference that Allah can do to our live and our live is in our complete control. The emergence of the virus in China where it is the place on earth where God is mostly not believed also strengthen it.
Well what can I say I am not a scientist.Even scientists are confused and puzzled these days because this is a new virus.
We can just hope the extreme summer heat of India and pakistan will kill this virus or atleast weaken it and make it less contagious.
2 years or more
Two years may be too long for a weak mankind to exist. It may perish either by the disease or because not being employed to earn money. In the past when population was low, people could survive on agriculture. Almost every family had land property to produce farm goods. They needed to hire hands who would then earn their living by working in the fields. So, all had source of income.

But, not now when the world population has risen to 7 billion. People have to work in non-farm sectors to earn a living by working six or seven days a week. I hope the medical researchers will come out with effective vaccines before it is too late.

By the way, how come China has declared Wuhun Zone safe and people interned there have been allowed to go free. It seems China has developed something to treat Corona-19 successfully. However, Chinese govt is not opening its mouth on the subject.
Lay people can ask their queries and doubts about Covid-19 pandemic here.

I will start.

When will Covid-19 pandemic be over the hill? And when will it be over completely? What have experts predicted?

The dates would vary for different countries.

What will be the peak and end dates for the following countries?

Sri Lanka
African countries
Saudi Arabia


Minimum 30, June...
Life is still going on for those that have to work but they have to adapt to new conditions and new normal. I think by Fall we will be back to a semi-normal with some restrictions still and once vaccine is available then situation should be over completely.
What are the results of many experimental drugs in the USA?
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