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Global Tensions grow as Chinese Rocket Scientist Defects to the West : Express UK

The news yet again proves how pathetically desperate the West (U.S & U.K) really is for war. This isn't the Cold War and China nor Russia are most certainly not the Soviet Union or North Korea. The British seem to be living in misplaced nostalgia, where in their dimension of space and time, defections are possible and the Cold War is humming at its peak.

The West is driven to madness in Ukraine, South China Sea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Syria shows the level of their appetite for war. And the West's obsession with Russia and China seems reminiscent of India obsession with Pakistan. The Hollywood movie fantasies seem eerily similar to Bollywood movie fantasies, these are superceded only by the people who actually believe these fantasies to be true.

For the students of international relations, geopolitics and history, we live in some very revealingly interesting times. Alas, our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassalam takes center stage in history as the only figure whose prophecies are being visibly identified across the board.
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With the level of Covid control in Beijing how the hell did they manage to sneak a person out?
So they are accepting that they have agents and cells in hong kong and when the govt crackdown they cry human rights. I think china should use this as an excuse to annex hongkong and demolish the one country two systems policy because its used as a spying outpost.
Its also not possible for one guy in his 30s to know too much about such a secretive project. Any such personnel are monitored 24/7 and would have been arrested after getting in contact, let alone having meetings and then leaving.
LOL, "The Scource", the Most Valuable Morale Booster for Indians, it's cheap, convenient and readily available in any corner store near you. And it WORKS!
so a chinese DF-17 hypersonic scientist defected from AVIC, a company that doesn't make the Df-17.
no wonder hes mad. he asked for the promotion from the wrong company.

sounds about right for indian fake news.

this is about as correct as the headline:

"coca-cola sugar engineer who made the space-x raptor engine has defected"
Another rumor.
I think Indians can masturbate face this rumor.
The post was written by an Indian. I starting to sense that Indians have a problem with China.

I am surprised really. Usually a news like this would be in the: DAWN, BBC, CNN, ARABNEWS, or the Xinhua. Even Al Jazeera.
passed over for promotion? LOL, mostly likely not good enough.

If he was incompetent, that is ground for termination. But passed over for promotion meant he was at least mediocre, meaning he was good enough at his job, whatever it was, then someone better came along and got the better of him. Anyone who has ever worked in a large organization got passed over at least once. I got passed for one project lead but got on the next one. Then the same thing happened again a couple yrs later. Both times, my technical experience did not matched the other guys. But since you mocked this guy, does that mean you never worked in any hierarchy at all to know any better? What does that say about YOU? :lol:

What if he got passed because of corruption? And got pissed off?

China is worried. During the Cold War, the US had a 'billion dollar' spy named Adolf Tolkachev. We estimated the value of his espionage to worth at least one billion dollars.

We do not need a genius from the other side working for us. We got plenty on ours. All we need is info and this Chinese engineer/technician is good enough. Maybe this guy will be the Chinese version of Tolkachev.
Yup, as true as the Chinese spymaster Dong Jingwei defecting to the West last year.
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