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Global Tensions grow as Chinese Rocket Scientist Defects to the West : Express UK

Hypothetically this is not fake news. It's pure intelligence activite. Nothing about who is on the evil side. Some people can not resist huge money temptation.

Yes great idea so his family can be executed in China
Why I see stupid comment like this.
When sending in warships to South China Sea don't work, conjure up a story about a Chinese Rocket Scientist defecting to Britain. Seriously, he couldn't pick a better place to defect to than Britain? Rains all the time, food is vomit inducing, majority walk around with a chip on their shoulder and they talk as if they are mercy upon all humans. Oh and every weekend you're welcome to the sight of drunks, throwing up on the side walk.

Should have gone to Greece, where the weather is beautiful, sun shines all the time, food is amazing, wake to the views of the Ionian and Mediterranean Seas every morning. Honestly, this defector has got no taste or class.
lovely spy story
For the sake of immigration, some people will also say something to deceive foreign espionage agencies, or even go back to the Chinese Public Security Bureau to obtain false criminal records, and then claim that it is easy to emigrate if they are persecuted. The Australian intelligence agency was deceived two years ago and found out that the man knew nothing.
When I was on the F-111, we did not know how important the jet was to NATO planners. After the Soviet Union collapsed, it came to light that at each arms reduction negotiation, the SU always demanded the US removed the F-111 from England and US negotiators always told their Soviet counterparts to STFU because Tolkachev confirmed that the Soviets had no credible defense against the F-111.

If it was so important, why Western military planners worked so hard to axe 111 themselves?

An avid fan of cricket... Making rockets at AVIC... And smells of a certain subcontinental flavor.

I knew that Norinco employed some Pakistani engineers, and somebody from East Europe. It was to my giant surprise to see foreigners being employed in a defence company in China, let alone even allowed to walk near its facilities.

In Foshan, you just pull out a phone in an odd place near Shadi, and you can say bye bye to your smartphone. People get detained there by dozens every month.
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Lol OP talks about freedom and then supports blasphemy laws to kill anyone who talks about their prophet or draws their prophet. Talk about a very confused little boy.
If it was so important, why Western military planners worked so hard to axe 111 themselves?
The F-111 was important DURING the Cold War yrs. It was the Pave Tack platform, for example. But over time, any weapons platform becomes obsolete due to a combination of scarcity of spares and newer platforms that can do the same tasks and even better.
its not that a defection is impossible.

the stupid part which can only come from a completely incompetent propaganda department, like those in india and only believed by the dumb is:

AVIC doesn't make DF-17. this so called scientist could not have been working on the DF-17 if he did work for AVIC.

oh and they added this guy loves cricket of all things just to make us all laugh even harder lol.

One possibility that we haven't considered is if this is another scammer like the 20 year old who fled to Australia claiming that he was a Chinese intelligence chief.
Yes great idea so his family can be executed in China
but why would UK and US need to be stealing military technology from China in 2022 if they werent behind CHina in that tech already?? You talk about China and freedom to distract from the fact that UK is behind CHina in technology TODAY, plain and simple your fallacies wont change that.
but why would UK and US need to be stealing military technology from China in 2022 if they werent behind CHina in that tech already?? You talk about China and freedom to distract from the fact that UK is behind CHina in technology TODAY, plain and simple your fallacies wont change that.

well what a stupid comment

collecting intelligence of your enemy is wise no matter how weak

A cricket-loving Chinese rocket scientist, attached to the Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC) has defected to the U.S. carrying with him secrets of the hypersonic glide vehicle, a weapon that Washington has been struggling to develop.

The scientist is reported to be connected with the development of a space-based hypersonic glide vehicle missile delivery system that can strike any target on earth and is beyond the interception ability of current western missile defence systems.

“His defection has allowed Britain and the US to accelerate defensive programmes against the use of hypersonic missiles. It could also take China two years to tweak its systems and render this intelligence ineffective," Express.co.uk reported quoting its sources.

Chinese defector helped develop hypersonic boost-glide vehicle

The defector was “attached” to AVIC where he “helped develop a mid-range hypersonic boost-glide vehicle capable of carrying DF-17 missiles to a range of up to 2,000 miles,” the sources told Express.co.uk.

The scientist contacted a British intelligence asset in Hong Kong in September 2021 where he told the contact person that he was willing to provide detailed information about the hypersonic glide vehicle in exchange for asylum for himself, his wife and child.

The asset contacted the British intelligence agency, MI6 which informed the C.I.A. The two agencies conducted a joint operation to confirm the defector’s credentials and the information he was going to provide before greenlighting an operation to bring him to the U.S.

C.I.A – MI6 team whisked Chinese defector from Hong Kong

A five-member team, three from MI6 and two from the C.I.A were dispatched to arrange a safe passage for the scientist and his family to the U.S. The MI6 - C.I.A. team of spooks learnt that the defector was a fan of cricket and had studied in England.

According to Express.co.uk report, “a plan was hatched in which the scientist and his family would travel to Hong Kong using a specially developed route. Once there, the scientist was spirited to a secure location where he was debriefed before flying him and his family to a U.S. air base in Germany and then on to the U.S. via the U.K.”

The scientist was able to smuggle out technical data which may help accelerate the hypersonic missile weapons program of the U.S. and the U.K., which are years behind Russia and China in developing boost-glide missile delivery vehicles that are nearly impossible to intercept.

Russian hypersonic weapons scientist arrested for ‘high treason’

A Russian scientist involved in the development of hypersonic weapons was arrested in August 2021 on charges of high treason. While the charges against him were not specified, Russian media reported that it could be a case of espionage. Moscow has taken a lead in hypersonic weapons development and tested them from sea, land and air. China is considered not far behind Russia in the development and testing of hypersonic weapons, though details of its hypersonic missile program is not widely known.
This isn't as bad as the accusations of Vice Minister Dong Jingwei defecting in 2021 and then he shows up on live video a few days later on multiple channels.

They learned to first leak it to Indian media and tabloids instead of running it on mainstream media to reduce reputational damage when caught.

They learned to not reveal any names so it's impossible to prove false. Definitely not making the rookie mistake of actually naming a minister level official that could show up at a press conference.

They just need to do some factual research: nobody in China watches cricket, AVIC doesn't make missiles and there are COVID border closures in HK right now.

Next time bud. Next time.
and he worked in AVIC,looool.
DF missile is developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC)
WOW he work in avic😂
These are two completely different company, and there is no one in China to play cricket, none of them.
DF missile is developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC)
WOW he work in avic😂
These are two completely different company, and there is no one in China to play cricket, none of them.
Actually you do. China has a cricket team and its coached by former Pak cricketers. Affiliate but not a member of icc.
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