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Global Firepower’s 2019 Military Strength Ranking


Do you know every other day Iran announces to develop new missiles and other things? In reality they are just mock up...

What Iran have....Just 20 / 30 years old Russian / American weapons with make shift upgrades.

Stop nonsense and falling for rabid Mullah propaganda.

I replied to you not because I think that Iran is better than Pakistan, but because you used '250+ nuclear warheads' as an argument that Pakistan was better.
And then I said that the nuclear stockpiles are not taken into account on this list.
So, you cannot use that in your comparison. That was it.

No this habit only associated with false flag Indian trolls.

I am not an Indian troll.
And do not forget that you started.
I don't know why some people treat GFP as gospel, GFP are no different than us, just regular armchair generals having fun ranking countries.
IMO a better classification would be something like this:-
7-South Korea.
all others are average countries roughly equal in capabilities, the only modification I would do is replace Saudi Arabia with Algeria, Algeria is another average military but it's certainly the second best Arab military.

my criteria was:-
1-size of economy.
2-having a secure weapons supply.
3-the people's willingness to defend their country.
5-number of 4th gen fighters.
6-number of modern DDGs (defined as 7k tonnes or more, with VLS).
7-number of SSNs.

How on earth is south Korea more powerful than Pakistan, Turkeye and Israel?
Sure kid. Fortunately your country is not stupid enough to try something like this and get slapped back down to reality.

Word of advise, in your fantasy, first defeat the terrorists within your own orders first and then talk about a country like Iran. Iran is far too much for you to handle. Just ask your saudis masters.
Lols cult followers deviated people are so much delusional.

Sure kid. Fortunately your country is not stupid enough to try something like this and get slapped back down to reality.

Word of advise, in your fantasy, first defeat the terrorists within your own orders first and then talk about a country like Iran. Iran is far too much for you to handle. Just ask your saudis masters.

I replied to you not because I think that Iran is better than Pakistan, but because you used '250+ nuclear warheads' as an argument that Pakistan was better.
And then I said that the nuclear stockpiles are not taken into account on this list.
So, you cannot use that in your comparison. That was it.

I am not an Indian troll.
And do not forget that you started.
conventional wise.. iran has near to no fire power when it comes to airforce
Stupid rankings, how on earth is iranian and Egyptian army better than Pakistan? How can north klrea have 7 million plus army? Lolz
France and GB should be ranked above China.

China never won a war against major power in its whole history. It was always saved by other power(s).

They always lose, be it Mongols, Russians, British, Soviets, Japanese...the list is long.
They are probably worst fighting nation in history along South American nations. Just to add that Chinese are miserably weak in physical way. There is no world boxing, MMA, strongman, armlift champions from China.
Germanic, Slavic and Turkic people are best.

France got run over by Germany in 6 weeks. China resistance against Japan lasted 8 years. In Korea, China forced American troops to their longest retreat in history, thus saving N. Korea. In ancient times, China defeated the Greeks in Uzbekistan, drove out the ancestors of Mongols and Huns to the west (Europeans couldn't handle them) And you should very well know we kicked you Turks out of your homeland in Mongolia. :lol:

Why make your look stupid? Totally unnecessary.

China tops medal table at 2019 weightlifting world Championships.

IWF: CHINA One of Weightlifting's Great Nations

Pro Boxing world champions. (Amateur world titles and Olympic gold, too many to list)
Zou Shiming
Xu Can
Xiong Zhaozhong

Li Wenyang
Zhang Junlong

UFC Champion: Zhang Weili

More champions in other fight circuit.
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I do not have the intellectual acumen of buffoon.
I am at least as smart as a clown.
However I am not such a good clown.
I tell jokes, but they are small jokes.
I will never be able to tell a joke as big as you are.

That response right there is proof enough that you are a mindless buffoon. Thank you for proving me correct, I appreciate it!
And you should very well know we kicked you Turks out of your homeland in Central Asia. :lol:
Just a correction, it wasnt chinese... Oguz Turks came to anatolia after we fought constantly against other central asians, (Uzbeks, Kazakhs, mongols) There was a famine-hunger already so we just said, ''F*ck you guys, we are leaving.'' and after that we came to anatolia. It wasnt your success.

That response right there is proof enough that you are a mindless buffoon. Thank you for proving me correct, I appreciate it!

Your first post was enough for me to know who you are.
You responded to me as a hysterical unstable woman.
And mentally unstable women should never be taken serious.
Your words are of less value than that of a 50 year old prostitute.
Your presence in this world is an insult to your family, to your nation, to humanity.

Who are you to tell me that I am a mindless buffoon?
Go fix your own inbred way of talking before you talk about me.
Many of those nations have never fought an armed conflict in their modern history. That list is terrible.
Ever head of the boxer who never spared and became champion? Me neither, he doesn't exist.
Experience is perhaps the factor that trumps everything on there e.g. how many x amount of tanks you have.

Going by your boxer reference, which position do you think China should placed?
I’m a little on the surprised side that no one mentioned Romania.
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