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Global covid-21 deaths tops 5 millions

Oct 15, 2017
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10 million on the way...

Nope. Probably gonna top out at 6 million. Loads of people have natural immunity by now. By next year it becomes endemic and becomes another common cold virus. Except China of course which is immunologically vulnerable to it.
Nope. Probably gonna top out at 6 million. Loads of people have natural immunity by now. By next year it becomes endemic and becomes another common cold virus. Except China of course which is immunologically vulnerable to it.
Still far from that. I bet only 10 percent of human population got covid-19. Then it may have another mutation which more powerful covid variant appear.
Very sad... I know the suffering

On this forum ppl shout at the top of their voice that Indian casualties are 4+million..

We have to control human population else nature will devise some indigenous plan to control human population.
Still far from that. I bet only 10 percent of human population got covid-19. Then it may have another mutation which more powerful covid variant appear.

Mutation always makes virus weaker so it transmits better. OC43 and H1N1 weakened a lot after 1889 and 1918 pandemics.
Mutation always makes virus weaker so it transmits better. OC43 and H1N1 weakened a lot after 1889 and 1918 pandemics.
Mutation can go either way. Covid Delta mutation is more lethal than the original version. 1918 pandemic killed an estimated 50 million. I think Covid fatalities are higher than official figures.

Very sad... I know the suffering

On this forum ppl shout at the top of their voice that Indian casualties are 4+million..

We have to control human population else nature will devise some indigenous plan to control human population.
How many scientists won't get born because of population control? 100 years ago the world population was about 20% of today but the pandemic was worse. CDC.gov, 1918 Influenza: "It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide".
Mutation can go either way. Covid Delta mutation is more lethal than the original version.

True, but it was a direct response to vaccines. Vaccines forced it to become more virulent. Delta is optimized for transmission among vaxxed people. It is too deadly for efficient transmission among unvaxxed people. In vaxxed people it behaves the same as common cold coronaviruses and spreads easily, keeping vaxxed people healthy enough to party hard. Delta became dominant when mass vaccination started in western countries.


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