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Glitch removed, supplementary orbit raising operation of Mangalyaan successful

They had around 4 kg of extra fuel left to do such maneuvers, what jugaad are you talking about. lolz.

The energisation of both primary and redundant coils was actually a jugaad. :lol: 
They had around 4 kg of extra fuel left to do such maneuvers, what jugaad are you talking about. lolz.

The energisation of both primary and redundant coils was actually a jugaad. :lol:
Maybe China and India shall cooperate on planet reserach programme.....
whats there for India that China can provide which ESA or NASA or Russians cant? Any ways India and China are on two completely different paths when it comes to space research. China is trying to compete with the west, we are not. Indian space program is just for the betterment for its citizen and we are not in a race with anyone, thats why you see everyone working with us, teaching us, guiding us.
READ MORE Orbit Raising|Mom|Mars Orbiter Mission|ISRO|Apogee

Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) to an apogee height of 1,18,642 km on November 12 was cause for celebration, there's more to come.

The apogee of the MOM will soon be raised to 2,00,000 km. For the uninitiated, apogee is the farthest point in the orbital plane of a satellite around the earth - calculated from the centre of the earth. The perigee is the nearest point.

After overcoming a hiccup in its fourth orbit-raising manoeuvre, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) had increased the apogee from 778,276 km to 1,18,642 km.

According to Isro scientists, the next orbit raising will take the spacecraft to apogee height of about two lakh km. While the intended apogee will be 1,92,000 km, scientists expect the apogee to be raised up to two lakh km.

"After that, the desired departure conditions will arrive on December 1st and Trans-Mars Injection manoeuvre is scheduled," Isro scientists informed.

When the planned orbit-raising from 71,623 km took the apogee to only 78,276 km there was concern about how the MOM was doing. Putting to rest all speculation, ISRO had announced that the spacecraft was in normal health.

Mars mission next step: Apogee to be raised to 2,00,000 km - The Times of India 
whats there for India that China can provide which ESA or NASA or Russians cant? Any ways India and China are on two completely different paths when it comes to space research. China is trying to compete with the west, we are not. Indian space program is just for the betterment for its citizen and we are not in a race with anyone, thats why you see everyone working with us, teaching us, guiding us.

Mangal yaan is an example of frugal engineering of India. No other country can conceive such mission. The mission was conceptualized and effected in Just 15 months at a fraction of cost of what others may have to spent on such a mission.
Mangal yaan is an example of frugal engineering of India. No other country can conceive such mission. The mission was conceptualized and effected in Just 15 months at a fraction of cost of what others may have to spent on such a mission.
Yes, thats why we are better off alone or with someone far more experienced from whom we can learn more.
It would need amazing, incredible and almost impossible accuracy to sling shot a satellite away from earth moving with a speed of 29.8 km/sec and to another body in 3D space which is also moving at the speed of 26.50 km/sec.

To arrive at the precise moment near mars and maneuver to get captured by its gravity.......and all this while being controlled by humans sitting 35 million miles.

After this, intercepting ICBM is a piece of cake.
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Hi Guys,

Last mission Maneuver of orbit raising performed successful. Now Spacecraft will start Mars journey on 1st December. I think so many risky operations are performed. Now the most risky part shall be the entry in mars orbit. Spacecraft shall decrease its velocity so that it may be captured in Mars orbit.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Saturday performed the last of the five orbit-raising manoeuvre on its Mars Orbiter in the early hours, raising the apogee (farthest point from Earth) of the spacecraft to over 1.92 lakh km.

“The fifth orbit raising manoeuvre of Mars Orbiter Spacecraft, starting at 01:27 a.m. (IST) with a burn time of 243.5 seconds has been successfully completed. The observed change in apogee is from 1,18,642 km to 1,92,874 km,” ISRO said.

In the series of five orbit raising manoeuvre with a supplementary operation after the fourth one, the space agency had raised the apogee of the spacecraft to over 1.92 lakh km.

After the successful completion of these operations, the Mars Orbiter mission is expected to take on the “crucial event” of the trans-Mars injection around 12.42 a.m. on December 1. It will reach the orbit of the red planet by September 24, 2014 after taking on a voyage of over 10 months.

ISRO’s PSLV-C25 successfully injected the 1,350-kg ’Mangalyaan’ Orbiter (Mars craft) into the orbit around the earth some 44 minutes after a text book launch at 2.38 PM from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota on November 5, marking the successful completion of the first stage of the Rs. 450 crore mission.

Keywords: MOM, Mangalyaan, Mars Orbiter Mission, ISRO, supplementary orbit raising, India Mars Mission, orbit raising, deep space mission, inter-planetary probe

ISRO performs last orbit raising manoeuvre on its Mars mission - The Hindu

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