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Ghaznavi nuclear missile a weak symbolic response to K-4 launch: Experts


Sep 20, 2014
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Test firing of Ghaznavi nuclear missile a weak symbolic response to K-4 launch: Experts


Pakistan conducted a ‘training exercise test’ of its tactical nuclear missile on Thursday which experts says is a weak ‘symbolic’ response to India’s successful test of a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations, the media wing of the army, called the test a ‘successful training launch of nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’, which can strike targets up to 290 km’.

The training launch was part of the field training exercise of Pakistan Army’s Strategic Forces Command aimed at rehearsing operational readiness procedures. Defence experts called it a balancing act in response to India testing the 3500km range nuclear missile K-4 recently. Pakistan had recently said it would develop a second-strike capability as well. It is yet to develop any missile with submarine launch capability.

A Vinod Kumar said, “It is a symbolic response to India’s successful launch of the K4. Pakistan has couched it in the language of operational readiness exercise. Since they don’t have an SLBM for a matching response, they had to demonstrate what they have.”

Kumar is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. India’s SLBM K-4 missile is designed for the Arihant class of nuclear submarines. India successfully test-fired the indigenous missile on Sunday from a submerged pontoon off the Visakhapatnam coast.

In a similar reactionary response, Pakistan had test-fired ‘Ghaznavi’ on August 29 last year, three weeks after India revoked J&K’s special status.

Why would we need to be seen to respond to your missile tests? We don't have the same inferiority complex you suffer from across the border. Training launches are planned well in advance.

Also clearly, whoever wrote this rubbish isn't aware of the submarine launched Babur.

This video is nearly 2 years old.
Test firing of Ghaznavi nuclear missile a weak symbolic response to K-4 launch: Experts


Pakistan conducted a ‘training exercise test’ of its tactical nuclear missile on Thursday which experts says is a weak ‘symbolic’ response to India’s successful test of a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations, the media wing of the army, called the test a ‘successful training launch of nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’, which can strike targets up to 290 km’.

The training launch was part of the field training exercise of Pakistan Army’s Strategic Forces Command aimed at rehearsing operational readiness procedures. Defence experts called it a balancing act in response to India testing the 3500km range nuclear missile K-4 recently. Pakistan had recently said it would develop a second-strike capability as well. It is yet to develop any missile with submarine launch capability.

A Vinod Kumar said, “It is a symbolic response to India’s successful launch of the K4. Pakistan has couched it in the language of operational readiness exercise. Since they don’t have an SLBM for a matching response, they had to demonstrate what they have.”

Kumar is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. India’s SLBM K-4 missile is designed for the Arihant class of nuclear submarines. India successfully test-fired the indigenous missile on Sunday from a submerged pontoon off the Visakhapatnam coast.

In a similar reactionary response, Pakistan had test-fired ‘Ghaznavi’ on August 29 last year, three weeks after India revoked J&K’s special status.

Claims??? WTF!!! We have shown it in the video atleast two times

Test firing of Ghaznavi nuclear missile a weak symbolic response to K-4 launch: Experts


Pakistan conducted a ‘training exercise test’ of its tactical nuclear missile on Thursday which experts says is a weak ‘symbolic’ response to India’s successful test of a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations, the media wing of the army, called the test a ‘successful training launch of nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’, which can strike targets up to 290 km’.

The training launch was part of the field training exercise of Pakistan Army’s Strategic Forces Command aimed at rehearsing operational readiness procedures. Defence experts called it a balancing act in response to India testing the 3500km range nuclear missile K-4 recently. Pakistan had recently said it would develop a second-strike capability as well. It is yet to develop any missile with submarine launch capability.

A Vinod Kumar said, “It is a symbolic response to India’s successful launch of the K4. Pakistan has couched it in the language of operational readiness exercise. Since they don’t have an SLBM for a matching response, they had to demonstrate what they have.”

Kumar is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. India’s SLBM K-4 missile is designed for the Arihant class of nuclear submarines. India successfully test-fired the indigenous missile on Sunday from a submerged pontoon off the Visakhapatnam coast.

In a similar reactionary response, Pakistan had test-fired ‘Ghaznavi’ on August 29 last year, three weeks after India revoked J&K’s special status.

Would had made sense if Pakistan tested Babur 3(as it is Submarine launched Missile) or even Shaheen 3 (as it is Longest Missile range BM of Pakistan)
Idiots should have tested shaheen 3 or atleast make 4 or 5, increase the damn range already..
Test firing of Ghaznavi nuclear missile a weak symbolic response to K-4 launch: Experts


Pakistan conducted a ‘training exercise test’ of its tactical nuclear missile on Thursday which experts says is a weak ‘symbolic’ response to India’s successful test of a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations, the media wing of the army, called the test a ‘successful training launch of nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’, which can strike targets up to 290 km’.

The training launch was part of the field training exercise of Pakistan Army’s Strategic Forces Command aimed at rehearsing operational readiness procedures. Defence experts called it a balancing act in response to India testing the 3500km range nuclear missile K-4 recently. Pakistan had recently said it would develop a second-strike capability as well. It is yet to develop any missile with submarine launch capability.

A Vinod Kumar said, “It is a symbolic response to India’s successful launch of the K4. Pakistan has couched it in the language of operational readiness exercise. Since they don’t have an SLBM for a matching response, they had to demonstrate what they have.”

Kumar is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. India’s SLBM K-4 missile is designed for the Arihant class of nuclear submarines. India successfully test-fired the indigenous missile on Sunday from a submerged pontoon off the Visakhapatnam coast.

In a similar reactionary response, Pakistan had test-fired ‘Ghaznavi’ on August 29 last year, three weeks after India revoked J&K’s special status.

suffering from Pakistan phobia... chronic phobia !!!! loving the sleepless nights.
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LOL at weak response. Wait till the missile makes an impact.
Test firing of Ghaznavi nuclear missile a weak symbolic response to K-4 launch: Experts


Pakistan conducted a ‘training exercise test’ of its tactical nuclear missile on Thursday which experts says is a weak ‘symbolic’ response to India’s successful test of a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations, the media wing of the army, called the test a ‘successful training launch of nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’, which can strike targets up to 290 km’.

The training launch was part of the field training exercise of Pakistan Army’s Strategic Forces Command aimed at rehearsing operational readiness procedures. Defence experts called it a balancing act in response to India testing the 3500km range nuclear missile K-4 recently. Pakistan had recently said it would develop a second-strike capability as well. It is yet to develop any missile with submarine launch capability.

A Vinod Kumar said, “It is a symbolic response to India’s successful launch of the K4. Pakistan has couched it in the language of operational readiness exercise. Since they don’t have an SLBM for a matching response, they had to demonstrate what they have.”

Kumar is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. India’s SLBM K-4 missile is designed for the Arihant class of nuclear submarines. India successfully test-fired the indigenous missile on Sunday from a submerged pontoon off the Visakhapatnam coast.

In a similar reactionary response, Pakistan had test-fired ‘Ghaznavi’ on August 29 last year, three weeks after India revoked J&K’s special status.

The nuclear deterrence signaling do not work on tit for tat principle as far as type of weapon testing is concerned. If a country has tested a cruise missile, not necessarily the other country will test its cruise missile. Instead the weapon which is in accordance of one's Doctrinal posture and nuclear strategy is tested for appropriate signaling.

India is working aggressively to strengthen its nuclear posture of assured retaliation and for that presnse of sea based 2nd strike capability is critical. And for maintaining that capability the combination of long range SLBM & SSBN is important.

Pakistan on the other hand maintains very different nuclear posture, i.e. Asymmetric escalation posture. This posture suggests that Pakistan must maintain a robust & pro-active nuclear strike capability which can be used for deterring conventional conflict in first place. Therefore the testing of SRBM (like Ghaznavi), which are in plenty of numbers and can be employed tactically against Conventional force targets.

By testing K4 SLBM India is signaling 'If you used nuclear weapons, than we will definitely retaliate. And no matter what means you use, you cannot save yourself from our nuclear counterstrikes.' This signaling is directed towards Pakistan as well as China.

Pakistan in contrast has signaled, 'if u are so eager to threat us with nuclear retaliation, then avoid conventional conflict in first place. Otherwise we will use the Nukes which are most suitable for your military forces.' And this threat is entirely India centric.

I don't know what type of naive' experts' are sitting in India who don't even know the basics of nuclear postures and variability of deterrence signaling....
Idiots should have tested shaheen 3 or atleast make 4 or 5, increase the damn range already..
I always wonder, if an Indian submarine, while at 5000km away from Pakistan attacks Pakistan, can we kill it? Some how? May be its time to increase the range or update the long range system.
The "experts" don't understand one simple fact while making this foolish conclusion

Pakistan doesn't suffer from obsession with India like India has with Pakistan

Pakistan never responded India's procurement or tests with one of its own. Its procurement and tests are well planned as per its own requirements

Ghaznavi isn't a response to any Indian missile. It was planned months ago as per Pakistan's own training regime and requirement
I agree it was a very weak response.... we should have sent Ghaznavi with a 5kt over Now Delhi for fire works....
Test firing of Ghaznavi nuclear missile a weak symbolic response to K-4 launch: Experts


Pakistan conducted a ‘training exercise test’ of its tactical nuclear missile on Thursday which experts says is a weak ‘symbolic’ response to India’s successful test of a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Public Relations, the media wing of the army, called the test a ‘successful training launch of nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’, which can strike targets up to 290 km’.

The training launch was part of the field training exercise of Pakistan Army’s Strategic Forces Command aimed at rehearsing operational readiness procedures. Defence experts called it a balancing act in response to India testing the 3500km range nuclear missile K-4 recently. Pakistan had recently said it would develop a second-strike capability as well. It is yet to develop any missile with submarine launch capability.

A Vinod Kumar said, “It is a symbolic response to India’s successful launch of the K4. Pakistan has couched it in the language of operational readiness exercise. Since they don’t have an SLBM for a matching response, they had to demonstrate what they have.”

Kumar is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. India’s SLBM K-4 missile is designed for the Arihant class of nuclear submarines. India successfully test-fired the indigenous missile on Sunday from a submerged pontoon off the Visakhapatnam coast.

In a similar reactionary response, Pakistan had test-fired ‘Ghaznavi’ on August 29 last year, three weeks after India revoked J&K’s special status.

Pakistan don't have submarine launched missile?
Well such measuring contest pretty much tells the capability & competence of those experts. This is called seeking attention by any mean even if it is acting foolishly. Who in the right mind will think that Pakistan's test of Ghaznavi was in response to Indian K$ SLBM test? These experts are leading alone.
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