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Ghaznavi nuclear missile a weak symbolic response to K-4 launch: Experts

As for inter continental missile, Pakistan don't want further sanctions by alerting US and EU when pakistan enemy is next door.
I always wonder, if an Indian submarine, while at 5000km away from Pakistan attacks Pakistan, can we kill it? Some how? May be its time to increase the range or update the long range system.

You kill submarines with submarines.

Pakistan don't have submarine launched missile?

Yes we do. Look at my post.
You kill submarines with submarines.

Yes we do. Look at my post.
in more then 100 years of submarine history there's only one incident of a submerged submarine sinking another submarine. A german submarine U-864 was sunk by british submarine "Venturer" on 9 Feb 1945...and thats the only incident. Most of subs have been sunk by ASW surface ships.
bhai jaburdasti main response...........seems like no one work or have any hobby to our east.
Why would we need to be seen to respond to your missile tests? We don't have the same inferiority complex you suffer from across the border. Training launches are planned well in advance.

Also clearly, whoever wrote this rubbish isn't aware of the submarine launched Babur.

This video is nearly 2 years old.
My dear friend there is some thing important you missed here. Navy issued a notam which covered a major area in respect to latitude where as all previous missile test notam cover more area on longitude.

Which means there was something different with this launch and Ghaznavi is very important missile it has front wings which makes it a maneuverable so what does that means.
we will not waste budget on arms race with india for overkill as it is conspiracy of india to waste our economy in such arm race but we will maintain minimum credible deterrence
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