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Gharida Farooqi Tops Twitter Trends Again

Whatever sin khan committed before joining politics was against himself. Don’t have to be a genius to see how the man operates today and Allah loves to forgive if we sincerely repent.

Then their is crime we commit against other people, when you commit corruption you take away from other people. Your actions directly impact their well-being’s. Allah loves to forgive but genuine attempt has to be made. Entire PDM operates like they are not going to be held accountable but we know the reality ( Every soul shall taste death) .

Now people like @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE bringing Khan old videos to humiliate him, only thing that shows is how desperate you guys are.

People say PTI made politics dirty. What they actually want to say is that now people openly have started calling us corrupt. We get humiliated openly and there is no way to shut down social media. PTI didn’t make politics dirty, corruption and miss use of power made politics dirty, PTI just gave people a platform and courage to speak their mind.
IK didn't exploit any girl, or just shag her on promise of marriage or promotion like Zubair etc. Neither, he had illicit relations with someone's wife. Tahira and Nawaz Shari ring any bell? or SS and marrying his IG's etc wife? or veena hayat case?

Anyway, it is unfortunate that gareeda had to do all of it just for to be at some position.
Strangely deplorable acts conducted three decades ago can still haunt people. But all acts of Mr Teflon can be forsaken all the time and anytime.

Regarding the deplorable pamphlets of BB ask SR again who funded it and whose idea was it.

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Agree calling PTI members a mujra and trolly three decades ago should be forgotted since PTI started this trend 4 decades ago not PMLN
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