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Getting treated for coronavirus could cost more than $3,000 ,might make everyday Americans broke


Nov 4, 2011
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Getting treated for coronavirus could cost more than $3,000 — and it might make some everyday Americans broke

Hillary Hoffower, Business Insider US
February 27, 2020

Coronavirus treatment could set some Americans back thousands of dollars.
Jeff Greenberg/Getty Images

Coronavirus is threatening due to its lethality – and its cost.

A Miami Herald report from Monday has widely circulated around social media, documenting Miami resident Osmel Martinez Azcue checking himself into Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital for flu-like symptoms after arriving back in the US from a work trip to China. Azcue was concerned that his symptoms could have come from exposure to the novel coronavirus rapidly spreading in China and elsewhere.

As reporter Ben Conarck detailed, Azcue asked to be tested for the flu before getting a CT scan to screen for coronavirus because he has a limited insurance plan.

Turns out, Azcue did have the flu. He also now has a medical bill worth thousands – $3,270 to be exact. Hospital officials told Conarck that Azcue would only need to foot $1,400 of the bill, but Azcue said he has to provide his insurer with three years of medical records proving the flu didn’t relate to a pre-existing condition.

While the $3,200 bill is the result of one case and can’t necessarily be applied to everyone nationwide, comparing it to the financial state of everyday Americans paints a dire picture.

Per a SmartAsset analysis of Federal Reserve data, half of American households had $4,500 or less in checking or savings accounts as of 2016. If they were to do the same as Azcue and get tested for the flu, they may not have enough saved to cover costs. A bill of that size could wipe out their savings entirely, or at the very least, put a huge dent in them.

Americans are struggling to pay for their health
The emerging possibility of a more widespread coronavirus outbreak in the US throws fresh, urgent light on one of the most volatile intersections of American life: personal finance and healthcare.

Americans are struggling to afford medical costs. Not everyone has insurance, and even those who do, like Azcue, might still find themselves set back by thousands from a quick hospital trip. Of those ages 18 to 65 who are uninsured, 28% had trouble paying medical bills in the past year, according to a report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That percentage drops to 18% for those with Medicare and 11% for those with private insurance.

And a Kaiser Family Foundation report found that 26% of US adults have put off or postponed getting health care because of their finances, with 21% reporting they’ve skipped a recommended medical test or treatment for the same reason.

The consequences are damaging: More than half of all bankruptcies are related to medical issues, according to a study in the American Journal of Public Health.

Hospital trips for suspected coronavirus infections could lead to exactly these health and money problems, while avoiding treatment for financial reasons could potentially amplify the spread of the virus.

No one knows just how costly coronavirus treatment will be
A report published Thursday by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) revealed one piece of good news on the coronavirus medical cost front: The CDC is currently the only facility equipped to test for COVID-19 (the disease the virus causes) or designate other laboratories to do so, and is not billing for testing.

This means that if a patient goes to the ER or urgent care for coronavirus treatment, they wouldn’t incur a charge for COVID-19 lab testing. However, a hospital stay in itself could be costly and if a patient undergoes tests for other viruses or conditions, they’d have to cover costs for the rest. How much a hospital stay would cost for a particular patient also depends on their insurance plan, if they have one.

As of Wednesday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed 60 cases of coronavirus in six states: Arizona, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Washington, and Wisconsin.

The virus has killed nearly 2,800 people and infected more than 82,000 since December. The vast majority of cases and deaths have been in China.

In China, testing, treating and caring, even food are all free. Patients don't have to pay a penny. The oppressive Chinese authorities declared full coverage for the cost of the coronavirus treatments for all confirmed and suspect patients by the government from day one.
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In China, testing, treating and caring, even food are all free. Patients don't have to pay a penny. The oppressive Chinese authorities declared full coverage for the cost of the coronavirus treatments for all confirmed and suspect patients by the government from day one.
Well thats the case for any kind of treatment in Europe tho, not just corona.
Well thats the case for any kind of treatment in Europe tho, not just corona.
Why US doesn't do it? it's the richest country in the world.

Well thats the case for any kind of treatment in Europe tho, not just corona.
When you have only millions of people, it's easier to do that, when you have 1.4 billion, it becomes a daunting task.
Why US doesn't do it? it's the richest country in the world.

When you have only millions of people, it's easier to do that, when you have 1.4 billion, it becomes a daunting task.

Capitalism, invested groups ( hospital chains, ) pharmaceutical companies. While a certain tablet / pill may cost less then 10 cents in most of the world, the US citizens pickup the tab for the remainder, plus research and development of most of the drugs. Making $ gives incentives for research by the pharmaceutical companies and their shareholders to do better.

President Obama tried his Obama-Care, health insurance for all, in turn it destroyed health insurgence for most Americans. I use to consider my Insurance as A+, now after Obama care its B- at best.

I have tasted Public Health System ( Pakistan, Kuwait, England ) and Private health System of US, I prefer the Private just as most Americans do.
Why US doesn't do it? it's the richest country in the world.
For the same reason why they still use the Imperial system and the huge gun violance problem, the stubbornnes of some Americans.
Its hard the get structural reforms done in the US with the current political system thats being led by populism instead of rationalism.

When you have only millions of people, it's easier to do that, when you have 1.4 billion, it becomes a daunting task.
More people means more ressources so it shouldnt be a problem yet but whats Chinas real problem is the rapidly ageing population which will inevitably drive up the social spendings into exorbitant figures.
Considering that China must really act on food safety and hygiene controls, get the markets under control, the whole corona virus thing cost bllions in damage already and still no end in sight.
For the same reason why they still use the Imperial system and the huge gun violance problem, the stubbornnes of some Americans.
Its hard the get structural reforms done in the US with the current political system thats being led by populism instead of rationalism.

More people means more ressources so it shouldnt be a problem yet but whats Chinas real problem is the rapidly ageing population which will inevitably drive up the social spendings into exorbitant figures.
Considering that China must really act on food safety and hygiene controls, get the markets under control, the whole corona virus thing cost bllions in damage already and still no end in sight.
More people do not always mean more resources, sometime it can mean less resources, that's why world's most populated nations usually don't do very well while world most small countries with tiny populations mostly do pretty well.

The end of coronavirus may not be in sight in other places, but it's almost over in most part of China, experts say at most one more month it'll be largely gone in China.
This level of Capitalism will destroy America from within. Even third-world dictatorship are offering free health care for Corona Testing. Shame.
People don’t understand that a hospital is not the same as your primary care physician’s office.

Going to the Emergency Room because you suspect you have something instead of going to your doctors is NOT the preferred way of doing things. If it was the Emergency Rooms in this country would be swamped with people complaining about everything.
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Well thats the case for any kind of treatment in Europe tho, not just corona.
but europe is 1st world and China is a developing country so not the same thing bra

People don’t understand that a hospital is not the same as your primary care physician’s office.

Going to the Emergency Room because you suspect you have something instead of going to your doctors is NOT the preferred way of doing things. If it was the Emergency Room in this country would be swamped with people complaining about everything.
you are discussing a separate issue...again.
you are discussing a separate issue...again.

The guy checked himself into the hospital for flu like symptoms instead of going to his Doctor’s office. He then wonders why he gets a crazy bill.

He’s using a hospital at his primary care physician. That’s not what hospitals are for...but many do it anyway...and then cry about it.
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In China, testing, treating and caring, even food are all free. Patients don't have to pay a penny. The oppressive Chinese authorities declared full coverage for the cost of the coronavirus treatments for all confirmed and suspect patients by the government from day one.

So people in China need to pay for healthcare?
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