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Germany says Wuhan virus is ten times more deadly than Flu


Virologe rechnet mit 60 bis 70 Prozent infizierten Deutschen

In Deutschland werden sich nach Ansicht eines Experten viele Menschen mit dem neuen Coronavirus anstecken. „Es werden sich wahrscheinlich 60 bis 70 Prozent infizieren, aber wir wissen nicht, in welcher Zeit“, sagte der Virologe Christian Drosten von der Berliner Charité am Freitag. „Das kann durchaus zwei Jahre dauern oder sogar noch länger.“ Problematisch werde das Infektionsgeschehen nur, wenn es in komprimierter, kurzer Zeit auftrete. „Darum sind die Behörden dabei, alles zu tun, um beginnende Ausbrüche zu erkennen und zu verlangsamen.“

Deutschland sei hervorragend auf die Lungenkrankheit Covid-19 vorbereitet. „Wenn das ganze Pandemiegeschehen, bevor das Virus zu einem landläufigen Erkältungsvirus wird und nicht mehr weiter auffällt, sich so in zwei Jahren abspielt, da können wir damit umgehen“, sagte Drosten. „Wenn es ein Jahr ist, wird es deutlich schwerer, weil wir dann in derselben Zeit deutlich mehr Fälle haben.“ Er mahnte dennoch: Die benötigte Zahl der Therapiebetten auf den Intensivstationen könne man schwer vorhersagen, aber, „wenn wir jetzt nichts tun, dann werden die vielleicht nicht ausreichen“.

According to a German "Expert" up to 60 or 70 percent of the german population will get Corona Virus in mid term.
Are they so bad in containing a disease?

First: LOL.
Second: You talked about shut down of cities, restriction of Flights abroad, but Your Sister is fine to travel to "clean" Vietnam? That logic.
Third: She could get infected during the transportation to the airport, the airport itself and the flight.
Fourth: I hope, she doenst carry the Corona already, or else, she will spread it all over Vietnam.
Conclusion: You and your relatives are sharing one single brain right?
Das ist Panikmache!

rediculous with 70 percent getting infected!

do you know what consequences for the world would be?

Germany exports more than 1,300 billion euro and imports 1,100 billion euro per year.

A standstill in Germany would have more devastating impacts to all of us than a standstill in China.

Anyway I know the virus is coming closer. The government issues warning and recommends the population to have at least 10 days foods and other necessities in bunker. I will do soon.

This virus is a tough enemy.
10 times is about right

China Study Puts Coronavirus Death Rate at 1.4%; Real Number May Be Lower

Feb. 28, 2020, at 2:00 p.m.

China Study Puts Coronavirus Death Rate at 1.4%; Real Number May Be Lower

By E.J. Mundell

HealthDay ReporterFRIDAY, Feb. 28, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- The latest tally of almost 1,100 cases of COVID-19 infection from 30 Chinese provinces shows a fatality rate of 1.4% during the early phase of the outbreak.

That's much higher than the rate seen with the seasonal flu, where only about 0.1% of cases end in death. But it's far below the mortality rate of recent coronavirus outbreaks like SARS (9 to 10%) or MERS (36%), noted Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Furthermore, the 1.4% figure cited in the new Chinese report, published Feb. 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine, is probably higher than the "real" death rate, Fauci added.

That's because many coronavirus cases are so mild they're not even being reported, Fauci explained in an editorial he co-wrote in the same issue of the NEJM. Co-authors include Dr. Robert Redfield, who directs the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Clifford Lane, deputy director of the NIAID.

"If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%," Fauci and his colleagues explained.

"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza pandemic [which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%] or a pandemic influenza [similar to those in 1957 and 1968]," the experts wrote.

None of that means that millions of people might not feel miserable for a time as COVID-19 spreads globally. And that spread seems likely from data included in the new Chinese study, which tracked cases up to Jan. 29, Fauci and colleagues said.

The total number of cases globally has now passed 83,000 and nearly 3,000 have died. Sixty cases, most of them coming from people who traveled abroad, have been reported so far in the United States.

But according to the new Chinese study, it's estimated that every person infected with coronavirus spread the germ at a "basic reproduction number" of 2.2.

According to a German "Expert" up to 60 or 70 percent of the german population will get Corona Virus in mid term.
Are they so bad in containing a disease?

First: LOL.
Second: You talked about shut down of cities, restriction of Flights abroad, but Your Sister is fine to travel to "clean" Vietnam? That logic.
Third: She could get infected during the transportation to the airport, the airport itself and the flight.
Fourth: I hope, she doenst carry the Corona already, or else, she will spread it all over Vietnam.
Conclusion: You and your relatives are sharing one single brain right?
We only ban travelling to CN and maybe Korea provinces infected by nCov so far.

I told u many times that this virus is not deadly to tropical nations (VN-Camb-Laos only have few cases) and it sunny in VN now (27oC in Ha Noi while Berlin is 4oC ), so the virus will not spread all over VN like in CN-SK-Italy cos the weather is too hot for the virus to survive.

Thats why I told my sister to go back few days ago, its sunny in VN now while its still cold in EU and EU also dont block any infected cities, so just back to VN soon.Just get out of the hell, we cant help EU zone anymore.
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We only ban travelling to CN and maybe Korea provinces infected by nCov so far.

I told u many times that this virus is not deadly to tropical nations (VN-Camb-Laos only have few cases) and it sunny in VN now (27oC in Ha Noi while Berlin is 4oC ), so the virus will not spread all over VN like in CN-SK-Italy cos the weather is too hot for the virus to survive.

Thats why I told my sister to go back few days ago, its sunny in VN now while its still cold in EU and EU also dont block any infected cities, so just back to VN soon.Just get out of the hell, we cant help EU zone anymore.
No worry too much

Germany has the most comprehensive healthcare in the world.

Everything here is organized like in the military.

The government mandates walking distance to drugstore, doctors, hospitals, etc
No worry too much

Germany has the most comprehensive healthcare in the world.

Everything here is organized like in the military.

The government mandates walking distance to drugstore, doctors, hospitals, etc
For me, the key to contain nCov is ban all travel fights with infected nations like Italy-France and blocking any infected German cities, but all EU nations failed to do it.

SO, we just simply fled back to VN where having sunny weather that can weaken the virus. German will be overwhelmed if having more than 2,000 nCov cases like in SK.
I would trust germany . They are honest in majority cases yep. I trust german data.
Coronavirus latest: Germany's COVID-19 cases almost double
The number of coronavirus cases in Germany has risen sharply; official data shows infections have reached 129, compared with 66 on Saturday. More than half are in North Rhine-Westphalia. Follow the latest from DW here.

EU is dead.

we aren’t dead.

130 infections

not yet a big number

the coming days and weeks will be decisive.

I would trust germany . They are honest in majority cases yep. I trust german data.
Germany is more prepared than many others. Good: we can learn lessons from earlier infections from other countries. By the way the government has too much money in the banks, they can use helicopters to rain down money here to support the economy.
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