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Germany says Wuhan virus is ten times more deadly than Flu


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam

Gesundheitsminister Spahn und Bundesinnenminister Seehofer beriefen einen gemeinsamen Krisenstab ein.

Coronavirus tödlicher als Grippe
Das Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) hält den Erreger für tödlicher als die Grippe. RKI-Präsident Lothar Wieler sagte, die Wahrscheinlichkeit, an einer Grippe zu sterben, liege bei 0,1 bis 0,2 Prozent. Nach den bisher bekannten Zahlen liegt die Rate beim Coronavirus fast zehnmal so hoch - bei ein bis zwei Prozent. 80 Prozent der Infizierten hätten zwar nur milde Symptome, doch 15 Prozent erkrankten schwer an der Lungenerkrankung Covid-19. "Das ist viel", so Wieler.

15 percent of people that get infected suffer lung infect, in worst case, multiple organ failures. That is extremely high.

People can’t trust data from China.
Germans being Germans

Well , if this spread in The europe , then all european country will get silent ... right now , they start massive propaganda war against China and Iran to scare people and crush both countries from within ...
Well , if this spread in The europe , then all european country will get silent ... right now , they start massive propaganda war against China and Iran to scare people and crush both countries from within ...
It already started. But nobody can crushed China, they need to answer to DF-41 first.

15 percent of people that get infected suffer lung infect, in worst case, multiple organ failures. That is extremely high.

People can’t trust data from China.
How is it different from China? 15% get lung infection and fatality rate is 2-3%. That is reported by China too.
People are going nuts due to politicians and media coverage. Folks, calm down. German politicians need this to brag about their blind actionism. Yeah, and media is happy about the „crisis“. Clickbait is king!


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EU is dead. Italy is dead. NCov will kill all in EU cos u guys dare not lock down the infected cities.
Forget about getting infected, people will simply going to be frightened to death. Virus get you sick, frightened minds get you kill.
Blocking the Cities won't help ....
At least it works well in VN, and also we r lucky that nCov seem less deadly in tropical-hot weather like in VN-Laos-Cambodia

EU failed to control the virus explained why Spanish flu killed abt 50 millions ppl in 1918 and we can expect the disater may happen again in EU.
15 percent of people that get infected suffer lung infect, in worst case, multiple organ failures. That is extremely high.

People can’t trust data from China.
Do you trust Italy, Korea and Japan... ? they all posted lower fatality rate than China's.
Well , if this spread in The europe , then all european country will get silent ... right now , they start massive propaganda war against China and Iran to scare people and crush both countries from within ...
Europe is actually with China.

Virologe rechnet mit 60 bis 70 Prozent infizierten Deutschen

In Deutschland werden sich nach Ansicht eines Experten viele Menschen mit dem neuen Coronavirus anstecken. „Es werden sich wahrscheinlich 60 bis 70 Prozent infizieren, aber wir wissen nicht, in welcher Zeit“, sagte der Virologe Christian Drosten von der Berliner Charité am Freitag. „Das kann durchaus zwei Jahre dauern oder sogar noch länger.“ Problematisch werde das Infektionsgeschehen nur, wenn es in komprimierter, kurzer Zeit auftrete. „Darum sind die Behörden dabei, alles zu tun, um beginnende Ausbrüche zu erkennen und zu verlangsamen.“

Deutschland sei hervorragend auf die Lungenkrankheit Covid-19 vorbereitet. „Wenn das ganze Pandemiegeschehen, bevor das Virus zu einem landläufigen Erkältungsvirus wird und nicht mehr weiter auffällt, sich so in zwei Jahren abspielt, da können wir damit umgehen“, sagte Drosten. „Wenn es ein Jahr ist, wird es deutlich schwerer, weil wir dann in derselben Zeit deutlich mehr Fälle haben.“ Er mahnte dennoch: Die benötigte Zahl der Therapiebetten auf den Intensivstationen könne man schwer vorhersagen, aber, „wenn wir jetzt nichts tun, dann werden die vielleicht nicht ausreichen“.

According to a German "Expert" up to 60 or 70 percent of the german population will get Corona Virus in mid term.
Are they so bad in containing a disease?

My sister in German just fled back to VN to avoid nCov. EU-SK r new dead place now.
First: LOL.
Second: You talked about shut down of cities, restriction of Flights abroad, but Your Sister is fine to travel to "clean" Vietnam? That logic.
Third: She could get infected during the transportation to the airport, the airport itself and the flight.
Fourth: I hope, she doenst carry the Corona already, or else, she will spread it all over Vietnam.
Conclusion: You and your relatives are sharing one single brain right?
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The mortality rate of common flu is less than 0.1%.
The mortality rate of COVID-19 is more than 3.8% for sure, it will certainly continue to rise.
Mortality Rate as of Feb. 20 in China (findings from the Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission)
The Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission published on Feb. 28 by WHO [12] is based on 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases. The report notes that "The Joint Mission acknowledges the known challenges and biases of reporting crude CFR early in an epidemic" (see also our discussion on: How to calculate the mortality rate during an outbreak). Here are its findings on Case Fatality Ratio, or CFR (the mortality rate):

"As of 20 February, 2,114 of the 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases have died (crude fatality ratio [CFR: 3.8%) (note: at least some of whom were identified using a case definition that included pulmonary disease).
China's data.
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