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Germany says it will expand military presence in Indo-Pacific as China threat looms

I guess it's official now. China will be put at the same pressure as Russia was in the last years.

Thank you Putin for dragging China under the bus along with you...something that Trump couldn't do.
Germany lost Shandong province in the early 1900s and is still sore about it. When 4th Reich rises Germany will invade China and take back Shandong province.

@Viet @Ich
Sure as their economy is hemorrhaging from their sanctions on Russia and Russia hasn’t even turned off their gas yet. It’s probably the one on the other end of the leash telling them to bark.
Sure as their economy is hemorrhaging from their sanctions on Russia and Russia hasn’t even turned off their gas yet. It’s probably the one on the other end of the leash telling them to bark.
Without Russia gas, they will have to install sail on their warships to get to Asia. :omghaha:
Without Russia gas, they will have to install sail on their warships to get to Asia. :omghaha:
No gas needed
Germany submarines run on hydrogen fuel. They are more silent, more survivable than any US nuclear submarines. German frigates are more modern than US destroyers. They can keep tracked 1,000 targets at 400km distance.
Without restrictions imposed after WW2 Germany would build nuclear submarines, bombers and aircraft carriers.


No gas needed
Germany submarines run on hydrogen fuel. They are more silent, more survivable than any US nuclear submarines. German frigates are more modern than US destroyers. They can keep tracked 1,000 targets at 400km distance.
Without restrictions imposed after WW2 Germany would build nuclear submarines, bombers and aircraft carriers.

View attachment 875359
View attachment 875360
Yeah, cheer for the revival of your version 2 Nazi Germany, you'll be rewarded.
Geez.. these white Europeans simply can't keep their hands off Asia can't they..? 🙄
Always finding excuses to meddle...
Yeah, cheer for the revival of your version 2 Nazi Germany, you'll be rewarded.
I assume as chinese you are promoter of multipolar world. Time to lift up restrictions on Germany, Japan.
Germany should first gather wood for the winter and maybe think abt indo Pacific later.
The western countries are pushing china closer to russia, china will make sure the war drags on and the west is squeezed as much as possible. The west made huge mistake, Russia will be fully dependant on china and when the west creates tension in pacific, china will order Russia to pinch them from behind. They basically gave russia to china and china will use russia wisely.
I assume as chinese you are promoter of multipolar world. Time to lift up restrictions on Germany, Japan.
Not until Germany is truly reformed in jail, right now it's not. Forget about Japan, it should never be released from jail becos it will never accept its heinous war crimes responsibilities and its society will never undergo reformation.

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