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Germany responds to Trump: Huawei has no back door, but Cisco has 10


Sep 28, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Taiwan, Province Of China
May 23, 2019
Germany responds to Trump: Huawei has no back door, but Cisco has 10

Today, the Daily Mirror in Berlin, Germany, published an important article titled "Europeans should not blindly follow Trump". At a special moment, they criticized the Trump administration for its misconduct.

This article reveals a very important fact that no backdoors were found in Huawei's products, and 10 vulnerabilities were discovered on Cisco products in the United States.

When the news came out, the fact that many people doubted was true. Trump is suppressing Huawei not only to prevent Huawei from growing, but more importantly, to better use American equipment to monitor other countries.

Even Germany’s Chancellor Merkel’s phone was intercepted by the United States, and Germany was deeply hurt. Since Germany learned that Prime Minister Merkel’s phone was intercepted by the United States, Germany’s trust in the United States has fallen sharply.

Since the explosion of the Prism Door scandal, the scandal of the United States to monitor the world has been known around the world, but the United States has still not improved. When entering the 5G era, Trump found that American companies could not provide true 5G products.

China's Huawei is the most powerful product supplier and service provider in the 5G era. If the world uses Huawei products, then the United States cannot monitor the people of other countries.

This article from Germany is very interesting. There are several points in the following. It is worth reading and thinking.

1. Europe did not blindly follow Trump.

The Trump administration blocked Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE from outside the United States, but the European countries did not follow blindly, but were very rational.

European political circles in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom have followed good advice and provided a level playing field, but they are relatively cautious.

2, Huawei's products have no back door, but the US Cisco products have found 10 vulnerabilities.

The British government, the German Information Security Agency, and the European Commission have been investigating Huawei's products for several years, but they have not found backdoors in Huawei's equipment. So far, no security problems have been discovered.

During the investigation of Cisco products in the United States, security vulnerabilities were frequently discovered. From 2013 to the present, 10 vulnerabilities have been discovered.

Instead of worrying about Huawei's product security, it is better to speak out about Cisco products in the United States and ask Cisco products to improve their security.

3. Europe should establish its own reliable safety standards and treat them equally.

Countries in Europe should establish their own reliable safety standards for every IT product, and Germany does do so, as does France.

All kinds of IT products are tested according to their own national security standards. They are the same security standards, whether they are Huawei products or American products.

German government official Hohmann also stressed that no matter which company, the same security rules apply, especially in the 5G technical standards, it should be so, can carry out a wide range of professional, expert discussions, but should not become a political tool of abuse.

It can be seen from this that Germany is very rational, has no blind obedience, but rationally proposes solutions and treats them equally. This is tantamount to good news for Huawei.

Moreover, the German government has also revealed the fact that there are a large number of security vulnerabilities in Cisco's communications products, and these vulnerabilities are likely to be intentional.

This also shows that the Trump administration has a ulterior motive for the blockade of Huawei. It is clear that it is a secret to prevent the world from using Huawei products so that the United States can continue to monitor the world.

Today, the Daily Mirror in Berlin, Germany, published an important article titled "Europeans should not blindly follow Trump". At a special moment, they criticized the Trump administration for its misconduct.

The Daily Mirror is UK news site and I don't see the article mentioned.

Canadian News Agency? What? Never heard of it.

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Backdoors Keep Appearing In Cisco's Routers
by Lucian Armasu July 19, 2018 at 10:00 AM - Source: Cisco Tools

Over the past few months, not one, not two, but five different backdoors joined the list of security flaws in Cisco routers.

Way back in 2004, Cisco wrote an IETF proposal for a “lawful intercept” backdoor for routers, which law enforcement could use to remotely log in to routers. Years later, in 2010, an IBM security researcher showed how this protocol could be abused by malicious attackers to take over Cisco IOS routers, which are typically sold to ISPs and other large enterprises.

Attackers could exploit these backdoors and not leave any audit trail. That’s how the lawful intercept protocol was designed so that ISP employees can’t tell when a law enforcement agent logs to the ISP’s routers (even though law enforcement is supposed to gain this access with a court order or other legal access request).

Furthermore, this protocol could be abused by ISP employees because no one else working for the ISP could then tell when someone gained access to the routers via Cisco’s Architecture for Lawful Intercept.

New “Undocumented Backdoors” Appear

In 2013, revelations made by German paper Der Spiegel showed that the NSA was taking advantage of certain backdoors in Cisco’s routers. Cisco denied accusations that it was working with the NSA to implement these backdoors.

In 2014, a new undocumented backdoor was found in Cisco’s routers for small businesses, which could allow attackers to access user credentials and issue arbitrary commands with escalated privileges.

In 2015, a group of state-sponsored attackers started installing a malicious backdoor in Cisco’s routers by taking advantage of many of the routers that kept the default administrative credentials, instead of changing them to something else.

In 2017, Cisco, with help from a Wikileaks data leak, discovered a vulnerability in its own routers that allowed the CIA to remotely command over 300 of Cisco’s switch models via a hardware vulnerability.

Five New Backdoors In Five Months

This year has brought five undocumented backdoors in Cisco’s routers so far, and it isn't over yet. In March, a hardcoded account with the username “cisco” was revealed. The backdoor would have allowed attackers to access over 8.5 million Cisco routers and switches remotely.

That same month, another hardcoded password was found for Cisco's Prime Collaboration Provisioning (PCP) software, which is used for remote installation of Cisco’s video and voice products.

Later this May, Cisco found another undocumented backdoor account in Cisco’s Digital Network Architecture (DNA) Center, used by enterprises for the provisioning of devices across a network.

In June, yet another backdoor account was found in Cisco’s Cisco’s Wide Area Application Services (WAAS), a software tool for Wide Area Network (WAN) traffic optimization.

The most recent backdoor was found in the Cisco Policy Suite, a software suite for ISPs and large companies that can manage a network’s bandwidth policies. The backdoor gives an attacker root access to the network and there are no mitigations against it, other than patching the software with Cisco’s update.

Whether or not the backdoor accounts were created in error, Cisco will need to put an end to them before this lack of care for security starts to affect its business.

Privacy is the most important issue involving telecommunications. And Amerika is ranked last.

This is essentially what Amerika is:


A suburban Philadelphia school district remotely activates the cameras in school-provided laptops to spy on students in their homes, a lawsuit filed in federal court Tuesday alleged.

That is the NSA on any given day. Collecting data, able to breach back doors, spying on your kids. It is the perverse Catholic priest child molesting behaviour in charge of your children's web cams and phone cams.

No wonder Europe does not want the Washington gang's version of Father Slappy of the Parish of Child Molesters in charge of telecommunications in Europe. It is creepy like scary clowns = trump.

Huawei is professional and careful and won't be spying on your kids while they use their phones.
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Privacy is the most important issue involving telecommunications. And Amerika is ranked last.

True. They also have plans to make some of it illegal.

Here We Go Again: Trump Administration Considers Outlawing Encryption
Legal Issues

Fri, Jun 28th 2019 10:45am — Mike Masnick

Well, here we go again. According to Politico, on Wednesday, at Trump's National Security Council meeting, a proposal was floated that the administration should back legislation that would outlaw encryption. Of course, that's not how it'll be framed should they actually decide to go down this path. Instead, they'll be nonsense about "responsible encryption" and "lawful access." But, make no mistake, what's being proposed is outlawing encryption.

Senior officials debated whether to ask Congress to effectively outlaw end-to-end encryption, which scrambles data so that only its sender and recipient can read it, these people told POLITICO. Tech companies like Apple, Google and Facebook have increasingly built end-to-end encryption into their products and software in recent years — billing it as a privacy and security feature but frustrating authorities investigating terrorism, drug trafficking and child pornography.

“The two paths were to either put out a statement or a general position on encryption, and [say] that they would continue to work on a solution, or to ask Congress for legislation,” said one of the people.

True. They also have plans to make some of it illegal.

Here We Go Again: Trump Administration Considers Outlawing Encryption
Legal Issues

Fri, Jun 28th 2019 10:45am — Mike Masnick

Well, here we go again. According to Politico, on Wednesday, at Trump's National Security Council meeting, a proposal was floated that the administration should back legislation that would outlaw encryption. Of course, that's not how it'll be framed should they actually decide to go down this path. Instead, they'll be nonsense about "responsible encryption" and "lawful access." But, make no mistake, what's being proposed is outlawing encryption.


Encryption allows free speech, as it protects what you say from employers, so you can express yourself in an anonymous way. If you believe the zionists did 9/11, best to say so under encryption. The CIA loves jewbook (facebook) because they want to track what every citizen is thinking and what they like and who their friends are. It is one massive spying operation, people offer all the info. Anonymously is much better.

Look how China host privacy servers, while trump wants them banned.

Europe needs to take note and decide where they want to be in the future, in some hellish 1984 of Washington; or freedom, liberty, and democracy with China.
May 23, 2019
Germany responds to Trump: Huawei has no back door, but Cisco has 10

Today, the Daily Mirror in Berlin, Germany, published an important article titled "Europeans should not blindly follow Trump". At a special moment, they criticized the Trump administration for its misconduct.

This article reveals a very important fact that no backdoors were found in Huawei's products, and 10 vulnerabilities were discovered on Cisco products in the United States.

When the news came out, the fact that many people doubted was true. Trump is suppressing Huawei not only to prevent Huawei from growing, but more importantly, to better use American equipment to monitor other countries.

Even Germany’s Chancellor Merkel’s phone was intercepted by the United States, and Germany was deeply hurt. Since Germany learned that Prime Minister Merkel’s phone was intercepted by the United States, Germany’s trust in the United States has fallen sharply.

Since the explosion of the Prism Door scandal, the scandal of the United States to monitor the world has been known around the world, but the United States has still not improved. When entering the 5G era, Trump found that American companies could not provide true 5G products.

China's Huawei is the most powerful product supplier and service provider in the 5G era. If the world uses Huawei products, then the United States cannot monitor the people of other countries.

This article from Germany is very interesting. There are several points in the following. It is worth reading and thinking.

1. Europe did not blindly follow Trump.

The Trump administration blocked Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE from outside the United States, but the European countries did not follow blindly, but were very rational.

European political circles in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom have followed good advice and provided a level playing field, but they are relatively cautious.

2, Huawei's products have no back door, but the US Cisco products have found 10 vulnerabilities.

The British government, the German Information Security Agency, and the European Commission have been investigating Huawei's products for several years, but they have not found backdoors in Huawei's equipment. So far, no security problems have been discovered.

During the investigation of Cisco products in the United States, security vulnerabilities were frequently discovered. From 2013 to the present, 10 vulnerabilities have been discovered.

Instead of worrying about Huawei's product security, it is better to speak out about Cisco products in the United States and ask Cisco products to improve their security.

3. Europe should establish its own reliable safety standards and treat them equally.

Countries in Europe should establish their own reliable safety standards for every IT product, and Germany does do so, as does France.

All kinds of IT products are tested according to their own national security standards. They are the same security standards, whether they are Huawei products or American products.

German government official Hohmann also stressed that no matter which company, the same security rules apply, especially in the 5G technical standards, it should be so, can carry out a wide range of professional, expert discussions, but should not become a political tool of abuse.

It can be seen from this that Germany is very rational, has no blind obedience, but rationally proposes solutions and treats them equally. This is tantamount to good news for Huawei.

Moreover, the German government has also revealed the fact that there are a large number of security vulnerabilities in Cisco's communications products, and these vulnerabilities are likely to be intentional.

This also shows that the Trump administration has a ulterior motive for the blockade of Huawei. It is clear that it is a secret to prevent the world from using Huawei products so that the United States can continue to monitor the world.


wrong link
Should i forget my ccie certification?
Its not like CISCO's fate is settled, but even Europeans are waking up from the delusion of a "Western" alliance with the U.S.A. and starting to cut out the real threat and troublemakers.

"Most of ARM's intellectual property was created in Europe, but some of it, without thinking, we created in the US. Many ARM products have American intellectual property in them (which meant that) ARM had to follow the instructions of the American president," Hauser told the publication.

The US, so far, has not been able to find credible evidence to affirm its allegations that the Chinese government has been spying on the US using Huawei and its presence in the country.

Since this trade ban came into effect without any strong evidence, the ARM co-founder claims that a number of companies are worried about the same happening to them. Hermann says that companies (including ARM) are beginning to limit the use of technology sourced from the US in order to avoid a situation similar to Huawei.

"If America can stop a Chinese company, of course, they can stop any other company in the world," Hauser added.
Cisco is the grandfather of backdoors.

Backdoors Keep Appearing In Cisco's Routers

Over the past few months, not one, not two, but five different backdoors joined the list of security flaws in Cisco routers.


Encryption allows free speech, as it protects what you say from employers, so you can express yourself in an anonymous way. If you believe the zionists did 9/11, best to say so under encryption. The CIA loves jewbook (facebook) because they want to track what every citizen is thinking and what they like and who their friends are. It is one massive spying operation, people offer all the info. Anonymously is much better.

Look how China host privacy servers, while trump wants them banned.

Europe needs to take note and decide where they want to be in the future, in some hellish 1984 of Washington; or freedom, liberty, and democracy with China.

Make no mistake. Many Europeans have seen the true face of the US under Trump. No doubt, the Europeans feel betrayed and insecure under US watch. This was going to happen sooner or later, but Trump has accelerated the process by a factor 10.
Cisco Networking Backdoors on the Rise

NSA Leaks Hacking Tools for Windows 10 to Hacker Groups. Oh no!


How Intel wants to backdoor every computer in the world | Intel Management Engine explained

The NSA and surveillance ... made simple - animation

Again, this MUSIC VID to the rogue state LOVERS: How your master is singing to you 24/7:


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